America, Post Bush

LMAO... you failed to back up your blatantly false assertion, told others to look it up... guess what troll... we proved you incorrect. Johnson is the one that escalated that war. Not Ike.

The memorial still gives credit of starting the war to Einsenhower. Johnson escalated the war, but Eisenhower was the first to send in advisors and troops.
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The memorial still gives credit of starting the war to Einsenhower. Johnson escalated the war, but Insnhower was the first to send in advisors and troops.

Had you followed the other thread, you would know that his assertion was the first major military actions took place under a Republican. That is blatantly false. Yes, Ike and Kennedy sent advisers to Vietnam when the war started. As I stated on the other thread, the total number of US military in Vietnam when Kennedy left office was under 1000.
Had you followed the other thread, you would know that his assertion was the first major military actions took place under a Republican. That is blatantly false. Yes, Ike and Kennedy sent advisers to Vietnam when the war started. As I stated on the other thread, the total number of US military in Vietnam when Kennedy left office was under 1000.

If you read any real history on the war in Vietnam you learn that there was a lot going on which was never reported. The US and the CIA first encounters were against South Vietnam!!!!! I laugh because just like Camboda, we never get the real scoop! You have to dig for it. Our government likes us misinformed soi t can use the same evil policies, over and over, again.
If you read any real history on the war in Vietnam you learn that there was a lot going on which was never reported. The US and the CIA first encounters were against South Vietnam!!!!! I laugh because just like Camboda, we never get the real scoop! You have to dig for it. Our government likes us misinformed soi t can use the same evil policies, over and over, again.

Yes, I am aware the CIA was active prior to that. Again Rana, he was referring to military actions. Not CIA. Military. He also said large scale. Not covert CIA actions.

If you would like to have a discussion on other aspects, I am all for it. Provide links to what you reference and we can discuss.
Yes, I am aware the CIA was active prior to that. Again Rana, he was referring to military actions. Not CIA. Military. He also said large scale. Not covert CIA actions.

If you would like to have a discussion on other aspects, I am all for it. Provide links to what you reference and we can discuss.

There aren't links, these are books I have read.
I found this gif of Anti-Party as a kid. Poor guy.

And what party do you imagine that might be?

For your information I don’t belong to a political party and consider the Libertarian party a contradiction in terms. Libertarianism is all about individualism not collectivism in any political sense and only about collectivism in a voluntary sense otherwise. Political parties aren’t really voluntary institutions, they’re brainwashing institutions for the brain-dead. My political alliances are connected solely to constitutionalism and thereby only support those who I deem to be constitutionalist.

That’s only because MOST of our country either don’t know squat about the Constitution or choose to ignore it because their brain-dead brains have been brainwashed by political parties and bribed for their votes therewith. What happens is what you see occurring today. 16 trillion $ worth of debt, diminishing freedom and a nation operated Of The Bribery, By The Bribery and For The Bribed.

America will only remain #1 in anything as long as the rest of the world’s idiots are even more stupid than America’s governing body or OUR bankruptcy is actually recognized. That of course will end the World Police Force and likely generate the next GREAT war.

In case you haven’t noticed the rest of the world either hates America now or believes America is the world’s PATSY. When America goes bankrupt those who think we’re the WORLD PATSY will join the HATE MOB.

I'm impressed. This is the smartest post you have ever written. I really like Political parties aren’t really voluntary institutions, they’re brainwashing institutions for the brain-dead.. That should be in your signature if you came up with that. I assumed you were a Libertarian because you make posts about being proud to vote Libertarian and have a Libertarian signature. MY BAD. lol
When you have no brains, troll.

Take a step back though. You are trolling me on a thread I made about Bush being a bad president. Who is the clown now?