America, Post Bush

*smacks forhead* I'm seriously not doing anymore homework for any of you. Just ask people to do your homework for you and keep failing as a party...

I'm not your entitlement googler, BOOM!

LOL, you can't even answer the question troll.
Nothing is or can ever be Obamas fault. This is hard. He can't end te wars cuz it is hard.

To think democrats will ever blame Obama for anything is wishful thinking

War is easy to end once in it? So what do you suppose would happen if we just jumped out of war when Obama took office?

1) The entire world would know we were a dirtbag nation for starting a war over word of mouth. (Obama is trying to cover that up)
2) All the veterans would come back to the USA jobless. With all of them being young children without education and the greedy corporations outsourcing all the jobs, they will ALL be out of work and collecting welfare.
3) Veterans and their families will be disrespected. PTSD and the death of friends should be for a reason. Pulling out and acknowledging a mistake would expose the lie so many lives and mental health were compromised for.

So. Do you pull out and say, "Oopsie! He was a tool. Sorry bout that guys. Our mistake" Or do you clean it up slowly and trickle out?
*smacks forhead* I'm seriously not doing anymore homework for any of you. Just ask people to do your homework for you and keep failing as a party...

I'm not your entitlement googler, BOOM!

Wow, must suck not to be able to answer your own question huh?
Wow, must suck not to be able to answer your own question huh?

I'm not going to repeat myself and I won't scroll back and copy/paste what I already stated. Do the work yourself. Your as lazy as all the Right Wingers I know in real life.
I'm not going to repeat myself and I won't scroll back and copy/paste what I already stated. Do the work yourself. Your as lazy as all the Right Wingers I know in real life.

A. Don't be a pussy and groan me.

B. The answer you stated was Lyndon Johnson, the same person I stated, a Democrat. So either you don't know which party is which or you can't answer your own question.
A. Don't be a pussy and groan me.

B. The answer you stated was Lyndon Johnson, the same person I stated, a Democrat. So either you don't know which party is which or you can't answer your own question.

I was a puss. I only did a few searches when mostly I do lots and rely on facts.

As it turns out, the beginning of Nam is an entirely different thread. Most sites I visit say it started under a Republican. But a few debate that. Thanks for the input. Ill leave it up to you to start the thread/debate. My guess is it's like everything Right Wing. *Fox News "Romney is going to win landslide victory* and *The 2nd Amendment does not challenge your right to own a tank with no background checks because, background checks are gun regulation*
I was a puss. I only did a few searches when mostly I do lots and rely on facts.

As it turns out, the beginning of Nam is an entirely different thread. Most sites I visit say it started under a Republican. But a few debate that. Thanks for the input. Ill leave it up to you to start the thread/debate. My guess is it's like everything Right Wing. *Fox News "Romney is going to win landslide victory* and *The 2nd Amendment does not challenge your right to own a tank with no background checks because, background checks are gun regulation*

Wait, you were calling us out for something you don't even know the answer to? So you don't know anything about Vietnam do you?

And what's with the strawmen? Your last sentence has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam or anything for that matter.
Wait, you were calling us out for something you don't even know the answer to? So you don't know anything about Vietnam do you?

And what's with the strawmen? Your last sentence has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam or anything for that matter.

As it turns out, lots of people have different opinions about when Vienam actually started.

I'm guessing you are the only one correct. Because I like you.
Oh, I'm fully aware of the Libertardian and Republican perspective. When a Lefty does good it has everything to do with Congress (Clinton). If a Lefty does bad it has nothing to do with Congress (today). Learning and debating the Republicans is easy.

Your debating skills are highly questionable! Equating libertarians with Republicans is only one of your ignorant flaws.

Learning and debating the Left is difficult.

The only thing difficult about debating a loony leftist is the fact that they are all brain-dead hopeless morons.

Learning and debating Libertarian a knuckle dragging monkey could do.

Suuuure it is that’s why you didn’t even bother to attempt to debunk the actual points I made at you in this thread. You’re only response is idiotic babbling and partisan horseshit.

Actually learning what all parties stand for and why is extremely difficult.

I’m sure it is for a babbling idiot leftist PARTISAN DEMOCRAT like you!

Democrats stand for buying/bribing votes with government forced socialist programs paid for by taxpayers and financing their scam campaigns with bribery loot from crony capitalist Wall Street crooks and thieves and any other special interest collective who will submit to their bribery scam.

Republicans stand for buying/bribing votes with government forced socialist programs paid for by taxpayers and financing their scam campaigns with bribery loot from crony capitalist Wall Street crooks and thieves and any other special interest collective who will submit to their bribery scam.

Libertarians stand for Constitutionally Limited Government & Freedom as intended by our founders. Libertarians simply don’t have any of the bribery loot because Libertarians don’t participate in political bribery. Libertarians are the principled folks.

Guess who wins political power.

You will tell me you know what the Left stands for but I know your wackjob media brainwashes you telling you not to listen to anything the President or any other media has to say. One of the most basic forms of brainwashing, convincing the person that the only information is correct is yours.

Oh! But this libertarian, (small l), listens intently to every President and pays attention to the utterings of both Fox News rightist propaganda and leftist MSNBC propaganda. This libertarian, (small l), is a totally independent non-partisan thinker. This libertarian, (small l), is despised by both the right and left because he’s an ”equal opportunity pisser offer” who bashes both the left and right with truths neither can handle.
Wow, a Bush discussion with no mention of our current President?!? THIS IS PROGRESS! (I know you hate that term, it's why I used it)

And what term might that be that you think most displeases me? What babblings are you attempting to display?

I already covered the excuse policy of the Right. Lefties never do good because there is always a different reason.

Leftist never “do good” because the vast majority of them are either bribing scam artist or fucking idiots that accept the bribery in exchange for their ignorant vote.

The THE BLAME GAME you say?? Fucking Obama is still blaming Bush!!!

I personally think Lefties do good because they don't start long unnecessary wars and with that money they can afford to take care of their fellow Americans. The money isn't meant for the lazy dirtbags pulling off government fraud today, but that is a different discussion.

You mean like Korea & Vietnam? WTF, there was a TV series that lasted for years about Korea, M*A*S*H, thanks to ol leftist Harry Truman. Of course the neo-communist leftist Obama also totally enjoys prolonging and continuing the undeclared, unconstitutional BUSH WARS

Congress made their decision based on the information Bush presented to them. Even Americans were convinced we had to go to war. You were probably convinced, I was.

Oh! But Bush claimed his decisions were based on so-called intelligence, the very same intelligence that particular members of Congress are privileged to obtain.

For your information, libertarians aren’t opposed to righteous wars, we are opposed to Congressionally undeclared wars & phony Congressional “resolutions” that give Congressional proxy of the duty and sole authority of the Congress to DECLARE all wars to sitting Presidents. This libertarian never supported any war with Iraq and Afghanistan and stands totally opposed to our government’s unconstitutional nation building process in both Iraq and Afghanistan. This libertarian only supported issuing of Presidential and Congressional “Letters Of Marque And Reprisal” against all Al-Queda members.

Just because you are so easily duped by BIG government doesn’t mean libertarians are, or should be. Most wars are just a BIG GOVERNMENT RACKET!
*smacks forhead* I'm seriously not doing anymore homework for any of you. Just ask people to do your homework for you and keep failing as a party...

I'm not your entitlement googler, BOOM!

Why don’t you try finding some new sources of evidence for your “homework?” MSNBC, Obama Talking Points and the Communist Manifesto ain’t workin out too good for ya Mr. Anti-Every-Party-Except –The-Democrat-Party. Your as “Anti-Party” as dog shit is ice cream!
So what do you suppose would happen if we just jumped out of war when Obama took office?

Duh! Hey maybe hundreds of young American lives would have been saved, hundreds of our youth would still have all their limbs and mental wellness and we’d have saved billions of tax dollars. How’s that just for starters?

1) The entire world would know we were a dirtbag nation for starting a war over word of mouth. (Obama is trying to cover that up)

“Cover Up” is Obama’s only talent, for sure!
2) All the veterans would come back to the USA jobless. With all of them being young children without education and the greedy corporations outsourcing all the jobs, they will ALL be out of work and collecting welfare.

Duh! Most would still be in the military, we haven’t had an unconstitutional “draft” for years and Wal-Mart is offering jobs to thousands of honorably discharged lower educated vets and Democrats wouldn’t be able to kill off as many of our youth that vote in majority against them.
3) Veterans and their families will be disrespected. PTSD and the death of friends should be for a reason. Pulling out and acknowledging a mistake would expose the lie so many lives and mental health were compromised for.

But “intelligent” folk don’t “disrespect” the kids in the military and the idiots that do aren’t worth the time of day and they’re all moron Democrats and other leftist assholes anyhow. Intelligent folk know where the blame belongs with G. W. Bush and now the other idiot Obama.

So. Do you pull out and say, "Oopsie! He was a tool. Sorry bout that guys. Our mistake"
In the words of one of the very few intelligent and principled politicians, Ron Paul,
“We just walked in, so we can just walk out.” “There’s plenty enough money in the government war pipeline now to finance a speedy and safe withdrawal.”

Or do you clean it up slowly and trickle out?

The Ron Paul way saves hundreds of young American lives, limbs and mental wellness and billions of dollars.

“Trickling out” kills hundreds more young Americans, maims and mentally destroys hundreds more, cost billions more taxpayers dollars and the end result is still idiot radical Islamic governments in both countries either way.

The Paul option is a no-brainer!!!!
I doubt I'll be on this forum too long due to the lack of challenge from the Right. I debate to be proven wrong and these kids aren't even close. Know that if I am around until next election I plan to vote Republican. I will have a hard time debating Lefties.

I won't have a hard time debating the cave men on here. (libertarians)

Well don't let the door hit you on your way out.
Duh! Hey maybe hundreds of young American lives would have been saved, hundreds of our youth would still have all their limbs and mental wellness and we’d have saved billions of tax dollars. How’s that just for starters?

“Cover Up” is Obama’s only talent, for sure!

Duh! Most would still be in the military, we haven’t had an unconstitutional “draft” for years and Wal-Mart is offering jobs to thousands of honorably discharged lower educated vets and Democrats wouldn’t be able to kill off as many of our youth that vote in majority against them.

But “intelligent” folk don’t “disrespect” the kids in the military and the idiots that do aren’t worth the time of day and they’re all moron Democrats and other leftist assholes anyhow. Intelligent folk know where the blame belongs with G. W. Bush and now the other idiot Obama.

In the words of one of the very few intelligent and principled politicians, Ron Paul,
“We just walked in, so we can just walk out.” “There’s plenty enough money in the government war pipeline now to finance a speedy and safe withdrawal.”

The Ron Paul way saves hundreds of young American lives, limbs and mental wellness and billions of dollars.

“Trickling out” kills hundreds more young Americans, maims and mentally destroys hundreds more, cost billions more taxpayers dollars and the end result is still idiot radical Islamic governments in both countries either way.

The Paul option is a no-brainer!!!!

You are capitolizing on your parties only strong argument. The only part your party has strength in. But what happens when the rest of the world doesn't see us as #1 or #2 but see's us as a Country that plays world police. What happens when our country thinks that. Most of OUR country doesn't even know these were unconstitutional wars.

Our Country would have went from the USA to Lance Armstrong. The rest of the world would have seen us as Lance. Everyone hates Lance now. Don't you think if he showed his face today in the cycling world they would gang up on him? Same with the US. The rest of the world would hate us and gang up on us, but luckily they don't follow politics just like Americans and Obama played damage control. *yet for far too long, mostly because he is getting paid now by the same military weapons manufacturers the Right wing use to be exclusive to...*
You are capitolizing on your parties only strong argument.

And what party do you imagine that might be?

For your information I don’t belong to a political party and consider the Libertarian party a contradiction in terms. Libertarianism is all about individualism not collectivism in any political sense and only about collectivism in a voluntary sense otherwise. Political parties aren’t really voluntary institutions, they’re brainwashing institutions for the brain-dead. My political alliances are connected solely to constitutionalism and thereby only support those who I deem to be constitutionalist.

But what happens when the rest of the world doesn't see us as #1 or #2 but see's us as a Country that plays world police. What happens when our country thinks that. Most of OUR country doesn't even know these were unconstitutional wars.

That’s only because MOST of our country either don’t know squat about the Constitution or choose to ignore it because their brain-dead brains have been brainwashed by political parties and bribed for their votes therewith. What happens is what you see occurring today. 16 trillion $ worth of debt, diminishing freedom and a nation operated Of The Bribery, By The Bribery and For The Bribed.

America will only remain #1 in anything as long as the rest of the world’s idiots are even more stupid than America’s governing body or OUR bankruptcy is actually recognized. That of course will end the World Police Force and likely generate the next GREAT war.

Our Country would have went from the USA to Lance Armstrong. The rest of the world would have seen us as Lance. Everyone hates Lance now. Don't you think if he showed his face today in the cycling world they would gang up on him? Same with the US. The rest of the world would hate us and gang up on us, but luckily they don't follow politics just like Americans and Obama played damage control. *yet for far too long, mostly because he is getting paid now by the same military weapons manufacturers the Right wing use to be exclusive to...*

In case you haven’t noticed the rest of the world either hates America now or believes America is the world’s PATSY. When America goes bankrupt those who think we’re the WORLD PATSY will join the HATE MOB.
Yeah - and you also called him an "ass clown."

Denial, baby. It ain't just a river in Egypt. Your personal - not political - feelings about Obama are obvious to anyone who reads your posts.

Yes, I call many politicians ass clowns. You and those on the left like you, simply want to pretend that it is hate/racism anytime someone is critical. It is a pathetic trend of the left as I stated. You want to project 'feelings' on to me because it is a very convenient way to deflect criticism from your messiah.
Yes, I call many politicians ass clowns. You and those on the left like you, simply want to pretend that it is hate/racism anytime someone is critical. It is a pathetic trend of the left as I stated. You want to project 'feelings' on to me because it is a very convenient way to deflect criticism from your messiah.

Notice the other guy actually looked it up and stopped debating. You clearly didn't look it up.

Republicans started that war. Republicans started 7 of the last 8 wars, Clinton bombed Iraq. Libya is debateable. But no matter what level of interference we call war, the % stays the same. Up until Obama you could see a significant difference in the amount military weapon manufacturers gave the Republican party. Today, they are paying Obama nearly as much, and all as a total some claim Obama is getting even more money.

It's why we need money out of politics. Read about the WolfPAC, end money corrution on political parties. Next, the NRA.

LMAO... you failed to back up your blatantly false assertion, told others to look it up... guess what troll... we proved you incorrect. Johnson is the one that escalated that war. Not Ike.