America the shoot-iful

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Another post in this thread dedicated with love to chronicling the accomplishments of America's armed citizenry.


Maine authorities say two men have been shot to death in the Hancock County community of Lamoine...
This is a thread dedicated to honoring the marksmanship of America's law enforcement professionals.


St. Paul police fatally shot a man after attempting to stop him as he drove in St. Paul's Payne-Phalen neighborhood Tuesday, Oct. 23.
This is a thread honoring the marksmanship of america's law enforcement professionals

A Southern California police officer looking for an armed ATM robber may have shot and killed the wrong man, investigators said Monday.

A Downey officer responding to the Saturday night robbery call spotted Michael Nida, a 31-year-old unarmed father of four who matched the description of the suspect, said Lt. Dave Dolson of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, which has taken over the shooting investigation

"It very well looks like it could be a matter of perception," Dolson told KNX radio. "This individual somewhat matches the description of an armed robber who robbed people at the ATM."

no charges for cop who killed unarmed and innocent man in the back

Prosecutor Stephanie Sparagna, however, wrote that Nida repeatedly resisted arrest and ran from police three times. He also ignored warnings from police, including one from the officer that he would "blow his head off" if Nida did not show his hands.

Sparagna found that Gilley reasonably feared Nida and was armed and dangerous, even though he eventually was determined not to be the robbery suspect and was unarmed. Sparagna said Gilley was required to make a split-second decision.

"Given the rapidly evolving, dangerous situation that confronted Officer Gilley, we conclude that Officer Steven Gilley was justified in using deadly force to prevent Nida's escape," she wrote in the report released Tuesday.

now, one of you fucktard anti self defense morons explain to us why you wish to imprison zimmerman who apparently acted with much better judgement and way less cowardice than this cop did?
now, one of you fucktard anti self defense morons explain to us why you wish to imprison zimmerman who apparently acted with much better judgement and way less cowardice than this cop did?

Who wishes to imprison Zimmerman?

Where's your evidence that he "acted with much better judgement (sic) and way less cowardice"?

Speaking of cowardice, have you shared your thoughts on law enforcement personnel with any police face-to-face?
Who wishes to imprison Zimmerman?
zappa, desh, darla, and a host of other liberals.[/QUOTE]

Where's your evidence that he "acted with much better judgement (sic) and way less cowardice"?
martin wasn't shot in the back. martin wasn't shot until he actually attacked zimmerman. compare that with the cop who shot Nida in the back, with a machine gun, while he was running away from the cop.

Speaking of cowardice, have you shared your thoughts on law enforcement personnel with any police face-to-face?
you still haven't taken me up on it, pussy.
zappa, desh, darla, and a host of other liberals.

Link up.

martin wasn't shot in the back. martin wasn't shot until he actually attacked zimmerman. compare that with the cop who shot Nida in the back, with a machine gun, while he was running away from the cop.

So you can prove that?

you still haven't taken me up on it, pussy.

I haven't moved.

But if you're scared of me, any police officer will do.
Fuck you. you've seen the posts, you KNOW they have. Fuck off.
the police investigators already have, and no link for you on this either. remember the dozens of posts on it or stfu. you haven't answered either, have you, pussy?

LOL, more big talk, but no action.

As they say, all hat, no cattle.