American exceptionalism....

There is no doubt about Germany losing the this particular just don't understand the reason why....and the why is that their resources were being spent fighting other battles,....battles against the US and numerous other allies throughout Europe......and in spite of those battles, the Brits were barely holding on

Ermmm. Your history is all over the place.

The US wasn't even involved in WWII when the Battle of Britain occurred, at the time they had conquered mainland Europe and were at peace with Russia.

Nazi Germany threw all its resources at cracking us, and were beaten back.

As for the debt, yeah, classy. Making a massive profit over the fight for the world's future. You should be proud.

You are so fucking full of shit!
This argument will never be won. We will never know what would have happened had the Americans not come to support the Brits because they did.

We can speculate until the cows come home and arm chair general it to death. It won't answer the question and I would think your chest(s) would be battered and bruised with all the beatings each side has inflicted on themselves.

Aye Carumba!

Just arguing against the nauseating statements that the US 'saved' us....
No it isn't the first. Democracy began in Rome.And look what happened there.

LOL... Well first of all, democracy first happened in Greece, if I am not mistaken. But you mention Rome, and it's funny, we see some of the same exact things threatening our nation, which caused the Roman empire to crumble.

Our nation is not a Democracy. One thing we learned through history, democracies are sometimes very dangerous. It's mob rule, basically. Our founders appreciated the principles of democracy, but the form of government they chose, had never been tried before. It was indeed unique.

Up until then, the idea of our fundamental rights coming from a power other than a king or a religious faith, was unheard of. Our founders established that our fundamental rights come from our Creator, whatever or whoever that may be, they are most certainly not bestowed by man. It is on that basis that we declared ourselves independent from the King of England, our ruler. We still had to fight and win a war, but that was the basis for our founding.
LOL... Well first of all, democracy first happened in Greece, if I am not mistaken. But you mention Rome, and it's funny, we see some of the same exact things threatening our nation, which caused the Roman empire to crumble.

Our nation is not a Democracy. One thing we learned through history, democracies are sometimes very dangerous. It's mob rule, basically. Our founders appreciated the principles of democracy, but the form of government they chose, had never been tried before. It was indeed unique.

Up until then, the idea of our fundamental rights coming from a power other than a king or a religious faith, was unheard of. Our founders established that our fundamental rights come from our Creator, whatever or whoever that may be, they are most certainly not bestowed by man. It is on that basis that we declared ourselves independent from the King of England, our ruler. We still had to fight and win a war, but that was the basis for our founding.

Our freedoms do come from men, men who died procuring them and those who died defending them.

God is really not reliable, and basically a lie.
Up until then, the idea of our fundamental rights coming from a power other than a king or a religious faith, was unheard of.

Magna Carta

[ame=""]Magna Carta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Really, Dixie, you aren't unique. You took ideas extant at the time of independence and ran with them.
One thing we learned through history, democracies are sometimes very dangerous. It's mob rule, basically.

Dixie, please, take a class in the classics.

How can, for example, Greek democracy be 'mob-rule', with such tight sufferage?

And in Rome, why were demagogues such as the Gracchi, Lucius Appuleius Saturninus or Gaius Servilius Glaucia hounded so much?
Here's the Global top 20. How many are British?
Royal Dutch Shell 458,361 26,277
2 Exxon Mobil 442,851 45,220
3 Wal-Mart Stores 405,607 13,400
4 BP 367,053 21,157
5 Chevron 263,159 23,931
6 Total 234,674 15,500
7 ConocoPhillips 230,764 -16,998
8 ING Group 226,577 -1,067
9 Sinopec 207,814 1,961
10 Toyota Motor 204,352 -4,349
11 Japan Post Holdings 198,700 4,208
12 General Electric 183,207 17,410
13 China National Petroleum 181,123 10,271
14 Volkswagen 166,579 6,957
15 State Grid 164,136 664
16 Dexia Group 161,269 -4,868
17 ENI 159,348 12,917
18 General Motors 148,979 -30,860
19 Ford Motor 146,277 -14,672
20 Allianz 142,395 -3,577
One thing we learned through history, democracies are sometimes very dangerous. It's mob rule, basically.

Dixie, please, take a class in the classics.

How can, for example, Greek democracy be 'mob-rule', with such tight sufferage?

And in Rome, why were demagogues such as the Gracchi, Lucius Appuleius Saturninus or Gaius Servilius Glaucia hounded so much?
We were unique in the fact that we did apply them. Now we are becoming less unique and working off the incorrect assumption that rights "given" from government are valuable...
Up until then, the idea of our fundamental rights coming from a power other than a king or a religious faith, was unheard of.

Magna Carta

Magna Carta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Really, Dixie, you aren't unique. You took ideas extant at the time of independence and ran with them.

Magna Carta required King John of England to proclaim certain rights (pertaining to freemen), respect certain legal procedures, and accept that his will could be bound by the law.

As I said, previous forms of government established the power with the throne... note: the king proclaimed certain rights... not the people... not the Creator. The Magna Carta "required" him to make the proclamation, but the power rested with the King, and the Magna Carta was also an establishment of man, not the Creator.

Yes, we did take the best ideas from the most robust civilizations, and we perfected them by constructing a system where our liberty and rights come from the Creator, and not from a man (or men). Now Arnold, I don't care if you want to argue with that, you asked why we thought we had "exceptionalism" and I've explained it. The Founding Fathers had enormous respect for the concept of the Magna Carta, because it did attempt to wrench power from the king and return it to the people, but the Magna Carta was an instrument devised by man, not endowed by our Creator.
Just arguing against the nauseating statements that the US 'saved' us....

Well either you have to get over it or agree to disagree, but this argument has been trotted out so many times it's beyond pathetic.

Who give a rat's arse (that's for you). It's ancient history and the fact of the matter is we got WAY bigger fish to fry than to constantly revisit this tired and worn out topic.

If you don't want us to be an ally, so be it! That's more American lives saved if we just pull out of everywhere and mind the p's and q's of our country.

Why don't you call on France the next time you need assistance, or how about Germany or Venezuela? Canada will be itching for a chance too...

We can't win for losing. Have history be the way you want it to be and put a lid on it, will ya?
Our freedoms do come from men, men who died procuring them and those who died defending them.

God is really not reliable, and basically a lie.

No one said anything about "God" here, but it's nice to know you believe in God as the Creator.... Amen, hallelujah, praise the Lord!

You are totally wrong according to the declaration of independence... you know, that official document which outlined our separation from England? It sates, unequivocally, that our rights are endowed by our Creator and are inalienable. Now, in America, you do have the "freedom" to believe whatever you like, and to keep arguing even though you are wrong. In the past, when civilizations were established with power given to a body or king, you might be executed for what you had to say, men would determine if what you said was worthy of your head, because MEN controlled your freedoms, but here in America, your freedom to be a moron is endowed by the Creator, and man can't take them away, so you can continue being the idiot we know and love, without fear of reprisal from the king.
Here's the Global top 20. How many are British?
Royal Dutch Shell 458,361 26,277
2 Exxon Mobil 442,851 45,220
3 Wal-Mart Stores 405,607 13,400
4 BP 367,053 21,157
5 Chevron 263,159 23,931
6 Total 234,674 15,500
7 ConocoPhillips 230,764 -16,998
8 ING Group 226,577 -1,067
9 Sinopec 207,814 1,961
10 Toyota Motor 204,352 -4,349
11 Japan Post Holdings 198,700 4,208
12 General Electric 183,207 17,410
13 China National Petroleum 181,123 10,271
14 Volkswagen 166,579 6,957
15 State Grid 164,136 664
16 Dexia Group 161,269 -4,868
17 ENI 159,348 12,917
18 General Motors 148,979 -30,860
19 Ford Motor 146,277 -14,672
20 Allianz 142,395 -3,577

God, you are really dopey, Shell is a an Anglo-Dutch company and BP aka British Petroleum is wholly British.