American Psych Association smacks down anti-Trump quacks!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reiterates its continued and unwavering commitment to the ethical principle known as "The Goldwater Rule." We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books, or in social media. Armchair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.


That had to hurt.

They were all in overt violation of both the American Psychological and American Psychiatric Association's codes of ethics they should have their licenses revoked.
Admittedly, I have not read through every single response on the thread thoroughly.

Would it be possible for you to just answer the question? Have you ever thought or stated that someone is unstable without professional consultation prior?

Yet you immediately attacked me.

Strange, given you claim I am obsessed with you.

I will answer your question to Vader: I have done so, however I learned after that I am not an expert and thus it is just my opinion. Unlike you, I don't pass my opinion off as fact.

See how easy it is to talk about the thread topic and not make it about me... :hug:
Admittedly, I have not read through every single response on the thread thoroughly.

Would it be possible for you to just answer the question? Have you ever thought or stated that someone is unstable without professional consultation prior?


I’ve said Kim may be unstable. But I don’t really know, do I? It’s not a diagnosis and it’s just a guess based on his actions.

What *actions* would I base a similar conclusion about Trump on? His economic policies? The fact he won an election? Is Trump unstable because he got us out of Syria?

You tell me.
Yet you immediately attacked me.

Strange, given you claim I am obsessed with you.

I will answer your question to Vader: I have done so, however I learned after that I am not an expert and thus it is just my opinion. Unlike you, I don't pass my opinion off as fact.

See how easy it is to talk about the thread topic and not make it about me... :hug:

This is weird. Your very first post on this thread inexplicably and unnecessarily went after me. And it's not the 1st thread you've done that on.

Self-awareness is so important.

As for your explanation, it just sounds like spin to cover yourself. Of course you have called people nuts, or crazy or insane - without professional help or diagnosis. You have called Trump a pathological liar. I don't know what you mean by "passing off opinion as fact." When you say it, you say it. You're just trying to cover yourself now, and it's incredibly transparent.

This entire thread is amazing in its hypocrisy.
Don't have to be a Doctor to see Drumpf is a Lying, Racist, Bigoted Sack of Shit

Nah you're thinking of the fascist pig Obama who backed the new black panther party when they engaged in voter intimidation, backed the overtly anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood, supported the racist BLM terrorist organization even inviting members to the whitehouse, and went to the black equivalent of a white nationalist Christian Identity church for years:

I’ve said Kim may be unstable. But I don’t really know, do I? It’s not a diagnosis and it’s just a guess based on his actions.

What *actions* would I base a similar conclusion about Trump on? His economic policies? The fact he won an election? Is Trump unstable because he got us out of Syria?

You tell me.

You guys are completely spinning to try to cover yourselves. I'd bet pretty good money that you have called quite a few people crazy or unstable over the years, without professional corroborating diagnosis. And I'd also bet that you did in many cases where it was rhetoric and not necessarily "actions" exclusively. And I'd further bet that at those times, you didn't say anything about it being a "guess."
Nah you're thinking of the fascist pig Obama who backed the new black panther party when they engaged in voter intimidation, backed the overtly anti-Semitic Muslim Brotherhood, supported the racist BLM terrorist organization even inviting members to the whitehouse, and went to the black equivalent of a white nationalist Christian Identity church for years:

Yea I sat in the front row of church once also ... :rofl2:
The stupid is strong in this one.
every time I think you've bottomed out in your stupidity, you prove it wrong.

The very OP TOPIC addresses this! and yet you chime right in with you blather.
reading is fundamental -try it some time
You guys are completely spinning to try to cover yourselves. I'd bet pretty good money that you have called quite a few people crazy or unstable over the years, without professional corroborating diagnosis. And I'd also bet that you did in many cases where it was rhetoric and not necessarily "actions" exclusively. And I'd further bet that at those times, you didn't say anything about it being a "guess."
but i've never issued a formal statement, or posed for TV cameras with a "diagnosis"
like the Dems and fake psychiatrists have done here
Are there some people in the world who you would feel comfortable classifying as unstable without any "official" diagnosis?

Yes or no on that one.
absolutely not. sitting around and saying "he's crazy" in an informal conversation is one thing.
Issuing a formal statement, or having fake psychiatrists give their "opinion" is quite something else.
This is weird. Your very first post on this thread inexplicably and unnecessarily went after me. And it's not the 1st thread you've done that on.

Self-awareness is so important.

As for your explanation, it just sounds like spin to cover yourself. Of course you have called people nuts, or crazy or insane - without professional help or diagnosis. You have called Trump a pathological liar. I don't know what you mean by "passing off opinion as fact." When you say it, you say it. You're just trying to cover yourself now, and it's incredibly transparent.

This entire thread is amazing in its hypocrisy.

Inexplicably and unnecessarily.......

How so - - given we just talked about this very issue a couple of days ago?

You and the rest of your post is insane. Seek immediate psychiatric help. I'm sure Yurt would want you too.

Your credibility takes a hit when you try to minimize Trump's obsessive dishonesty w/ "most people," or make it sound like a common thing.

Literally, I have never seen anyone on the public stage or in private life lie like Trump does. It is an art form w/ him. He lies when he doesn't need to; he lies for no reason. He almost seems to prefer lying.

He is easily the most dishonest man to ever occupy the oval office. Easily.
you never saw Dick Nixon lie, or LBJ - and their lying about "peace with honor" got people killed.

also what is a lie? WaPo uses ANY shift in position as a "lie".

When you start seeing diametrically opposed statements / Tweets by Trump in a short timeline
let me know
You guys are completely spinning to try to cover yourselves. I'd bet pretty good money that you have called quite a few people crazy or unstable over the years, without professional corroborating diagnosis. And I'd also bet that you did in many cases where it was rhetoric and not necessarily "actions" exclusively. And I'd further bet that at those times, you didn't say anything about it being a "guess."

And you have yet to answer my questions. If you missed them, click on the back button.

To whatever extent I’ve labeled someone unstable it’s just a lay persons guess and not a diagnosis that should be taken seriously. Can we be clear on that much?

Also, Trump was recently given a clean bill of health by an actual physician and not a partisan quack with an agenda.

Don’t you think a doctor who actually examined Trump could pick up an ‘mental instability’ and refer him to a shrink? Don’t you think we’d know about it if that happened.

Or is it all a big conspiracy?
absolutely not. sitting around and saying "he's crazy" in an informal conversation is one thing.
Issuing a formal statement, or having fake psychiatrists give their "opinion" is quite something else.

Onceler will never get it and if he does he will never admit it
you never saw Dick Nixon lie, or LBJ - and their lying about "peace with honor" got people killed.

also what is a lie? WaPo uses ANY shift in position as a "lie".

When you start seeing diametrically opposed statements / Tweets by Trump in a short timeline
let me know

Are you saying you ha e never seen Trump lie?
every time I think you've bottomed out in your stupidity, you prove it wrong.

The very OP TOPIC addresses this! and yet you chime right in with you blather.
reading is fundamental -try it some time

Seriously go fuck yourself.