American Psych Association smacks down anti-Trump quacks!

you never saw Dick Nixon lie, or LBJ - and their lying about "peace with honor" got people killed.

also what is a lie? WaPo uses ANY shift in position as a "lie".

When you start seeing diametrically opposed statements / Tweets by Trump in a short timeline
let me know

How can you compare Nixon to Trump?

Nixon lied; most politicians do. Trump is on such a different level. You've watched him closely for close to 2 years now...are you really of the opinion that his is your standard garden-variety, politician-type lying?

I don't see how someone could really compare him to other politicians on that level. Trump almost personifies dishonesty. I've really never seen its like.
The reason I didn't address the point directly has quite a bit to do w/ the fact that another poster who seems obsessed w/ me brought me up immediately on the thread. Should I ask your permission next time before responding when I'm brought up? What's the protocol, Tom - I can ask you first going forward. Just let me know.

I think Trump is a nut. I don't really care what the media does.
Trump has a cognitive health check as part of his medical, he passed with flying colours.

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Are you saying you ha e never seen Trump lie?
of course not. I am saying the systemic lies of Nixon and LBJ whereby they completely ignored intelligence that
we couldn't bleed N.Vietnam to negotiations are real lies of consequences..

I wish i could find the WaPo article that showed "3000 lies" or something...that would take a dedicated liar to accomplish that in a year..WaPo took ANY minor shift of position and classified it as a liar
of course not. I am saying the systemic lies of Nixon and LBJ whereby they completely ignored intelligence that
we couldn't bleed N.Vietnam to negotiations are real lies of consequences..

I wish i could find the WaPo article that showed "3000 lies" or something...that would take a dedicated liar to accomplish that in a year..WaPo took ANY minor shift of position and classified it as a liar
what's that honey chile?
So Nixon and LBJ weren't lying when they used body counts as a metric to "winning" in Vietnam?

I think even McNamara warned LBJ that we couldn't substain our losses like the NVA/VC could
even at a 10:1 ratio
what's that honey chile?
So Nixon and LBJ weren't lying when they used body counts as a metric to "winning" in Vietnam?

I think even McNamara warned LBJ that we couldn't substain our losses like the NVA/VC could
even at a 10:1 ratio

I was referring to the second paragraph doofus
You guys are completely spinning to try to cover yourselves. I'd bet pretty good money that you have called quite a few people crazy or unstable over the years, without professional corroborating diagnosis. And I'd also bet that you did in many cases where it was rhetoric and not necessarily "actions" exclusively. And I'd further bet that at those times, you didn't say anything about it being a "guess."

Of course we have, but we're not licensed professionals with a code of ethics or procedures to follow, they're just opinions.
Let me ask you a hypothetical question;
If you fell and your ankle turned purple, swelled up like a balloon and you couldn't walk on it, then went to the emergency room and the Dr. looked at it, said it's just a sprain, take some Tylenol and get some rest and wanted to send you home, would you just go home and not ask for an x-ray to see if it's broken? Would you accept his "diagnosis" without any further examination? Don't you think it's his responsibility to make an evaluation after all the possibilities are examined?
Just askin'
Of course we have, but we're not licensed professionals with a code of ethics or procedures to follow, they're just opinions.
Let me ask you a hypothetical question;
If you fell and your ankle turned purple, swelled up like a balloon and you couldn't walk on it, then went to the emergency room and the Dr. looked at it, said it's just a sprain, take some Tylenol and get some rest and wanted to send you home, would you just go home and not ask for an x-ray to see if it's broken? Would you accept his "diagnosis" without any further examination? Don't you think it's his responsibility to make an evaluation after all the possibilities are examined?
Just askin'

They have their narrative and they’re sticking to it lol.

My lay diagnosis of Trump is that he really is a kind of genius—and a world class troll. The ‘stable genius’ bit was a perfect example. I think Trump knew exactly how the media would take it and I’m pretty confident he laughs at them, literally. The talking heads froth at the mouth over it, seemingly oblivious to the fact they are helping Trump to brand himself by going on and on about Trump being ‘a stable genius’.

Beats anything I’ve ever seen in politics. I think many Never Trumpers secretly wish they would have supported him.