An article on the CT tragedy that actually makes sense.

Aren't so-called "assault weapons" in citizen's hands all that stands between 'we the people' and government tyranny?
Not always, but it's generally the way to go - yeah. I know there are "tyranny of the majority arguments," but I think you'd be hard-pressed to make that case w/ assault weapons.

The majority wants voter ID. Should they get their way?

My guess is you only support majority rule when it is something you want or support
I never like the reasoning that criminals will always get certain guns, so why ban them? First, I don't really think it's pervasively true. And second, it comes down to what our priorities are as a country. If the majority of citizens don't want assault weapons to be readily available, then they shouldn't be readily available.
Ok, so Mexico bans ALL GUNS. Yet the cartels have all manner of automatic weapons. Granted, Operation Gun Runner is responsible for many of weapons being there, the truth is the ban in Mexico has not worked at all. Beginning in 1920, the US banned ALL ALCOHOL, yet criminals had all the alcohol you could want. For the last 4 decades we have made possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth etc. Whataya know? It is almost as easy to get any of those as it is to get a six pack of beer. Tell me one time that a ban has succeeded in curing the perceived evil and also had no serious unintended consequences? The American mafia only because the power it is now through prohibition. Before that they were a small time numbers and protection racket. The mexican cartels are wealthy because we make drugs illegal. Bans fail, they always have and always will.
Ok, so Mexico bans ALL GUNS. Yet the cartels have all manner of automatic weapons. Granted, Operation Gun Runner is responsible for many of weapons being there, the truth is the ban in Mexico has not worked at all. Beginning in 1920, the US banned ALL ALCOHOL, yet criminals had all the alcohol you could want. For the last 4 decades we have made possession of marijuana, cocaine, heroin, meth etc. Whataya know? It is almost as easy to get any of those as it is to get a six pack of beer. Tell me one time that a ban has succeeded in curing the perceived evil and also had no serious unintended consequences? The American mafia only because the power it is now through prohibition. Before that they were a small time numbers and protection racket. The mexican cartels are wealthy because we make drugs illegal. Bans fail, they always have and always will.

The Mexico example isn't a great one. If our gov't ever breaks down like it has in Mexico, we have far bigger problems than gun control.

I'm sorry; I just don't think the answer here is "more guns." And I'm not a knee-jerk "gun control" guy when stuff like this happens. I respect the 2nd amendment.

But I hate the American gun culture. I know rights aren't tied to what I like & dislike, but I really can't stand the gun worshipping nature of large segments of our society.
The majority wants voter ID. Should they get their way?

My guess is you only support majority rule when it is something you want or support

And you? The same.

The majority of Americans want stricter gun controls.

The majority of Americans want the right to vote without disenfranchisement.

The majority of Americans favor gay marriage.

The majority of Americans think tax hikes for the rich.

The majority of Americans blame republicans for the financial meltdown.

The majority of Americans SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT.

So kindly fuck off.
It is kept in check by the 2nd.

By unregulated state militias? Many of which can't even carry a gun? By wannabe racist militias too scared to have their pictures published? By teabaggers in tri-cornered hats?


What keeps our nation free is common sense, not the 2nd Amendment.
By unregulated state militias? Many of which can't even carry a gun? By wannabe racist militias too scared to have their pictures published? By teabaggers in tri-cornered hats?


What keeps our nation free is common sense, not the 2nd Amendment.
Name the totalitarian nations where citizens own firearms.
Name the totalitarian nation whose citizens claim their access to guns prevents tyranny.
I will take your non-answer as the answer.

There is no dictatorship, now or in history, where the citizens were armed. They were all DISARMED first, just as the tyranny-craving leftards are shilling to do now.
I will take your non-answer as the answer. There is no dictatorship, now or in history, where the citizens were armed. They were all DISARMED first, just as the tyranny-craving leftards are shilling to do now.


Who are these "tyranny-craving leftards"?

Make a list.