Anti-Semitic Beliefs Grow Among Evangelicals

Somehow, I doubt that.

Sure, that's why there were so many of Byrd's KKK churchstate fiefdom lynching enforcement thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists who for the Bicentennial wanted to exterminate all the Jews in NYC & Israel by going into business with Muslims to nuke Temple Mount in retribution for the Rosenberg's; only it took until the 21st century.
Back up your claim first, or admit that you were wrong, and then I'll back up any claim you want.

It doesn't work that way. This is your absurd claim: "Some Democrats do, because Democrats tend to value America more than Israel. For Republicans, it's the other way around."

So back it up, or admit that you made it up.
It doesn't work that way. This is your absurd claim: "Some Democrats do, because Democrats tend to value America more than Israel. For Republicans, it's the other way around."

So back it up, or admit that you made it up.

Just look at yourself. You're a Republican and you want us to keep putting Israel first. You even lie about Democrats being against Jews.
And you're not the only one. The only politicians who want to stop funding and fighting wars for Israel are all Democrats. The one exception is Ron Paul.
Just look at yourself. You're a Republican and you want us to keep putting Israel first. You even lie about Democrats being against Jews.
And you're not the only one. The only politicians who want to stop funding and fighting wars for Israel are all Democrats. The one exception is Ron Paul.

I never said that I "value America more than Israel." Do you have any quotes from prominent Republicans saying anything like that? If not, admit that you made it up.
I never said that I "value America more than Israel." Do you have any quotes from prominent Republicans saying anything like that? If not, admit that you made it up.

I'm looking at their actions. Virtually every Republican is in favor of funding and fighting for Israel. We get nothing in return for this, it's a relationship where America gives and Israel takes. If you're for this, then you're Israel First.

Are you ready to admit that you were wrong about Democrats and Jews?
In other words, I or any other Republican never said what you claim, so instead you creatively interpret our actions to suit you agenda. Pitiful.

That's like saying Mao never said he was a murderer, so he wasn't a murderer. I look at actions in addition to words.

So now that we got that out of the way, are you going to admit you were wrong about Democrats being against Jews?
That's like saying Mao never said he was a murderer, so he wasn't a murderer. I look at actions in addition to words.
So now you're comparing us to a mass murderer. Anything to avoid having to admit that you fucked up.

With regards to my statement about 'rats, I'm looking at their actions. Virtually every Democrat is in favor of abandoning Israel in favor for Palestinians. We get nothing in return for this, it's a relationship where America gives and Palestine takes. If you're for this, then you're Palestine First.

So now you're comparing us to a mass murderer. Anything to avoid having to admit that you fucked up.

No, I'm saying that I look at actions, in addition to words. You support policies that hurt America and help Israel. So you believe in Israel First.

With regards to my statement about 'rats, I'm looking at their actions. Virtually every Democrat is in favor of abandoning Israel in favor for Palestinians. We get nothing in return for this, it's a relationship where America gives and Palestine takes. If you're for this, then you're Palestine First.

Sure, but we're not talking about countries, we're talking about the Jewish ethnicity. Not every Jew is an Israeli. Why are American Jews self-loathing if they vote Democrat? Are you just a cuck for Trump?
No, I'm saying that I look at actions, in addition to words. You support policies that hurt America and help Israel. So you believe in Israel First.

Sure, but we're not talking about countries, we're talking about the Jewish ethnicity. Not every Jew is an Israeli. Why are American Jews self-loathing if they vote Democrat? Are you just a cuck for Trump?

I've used your own logic against you. Your response: ad hom. Thus I have destroyed you completely in debate.
I've used your own logic against you. Your response: ad hom. Thus I have destroyed you completely in debate.

How did you use my logic against me?
I'm not using ad hom. I'm saying if you support Israel, despite what it's doing to America, then you're Israel First. I didn't call you stupid or ugly. I'm just saying the truth.

And you're obviously lying when you say Democrats are against Jews. So why is that? If you're not a cuck for Trump, explain why.
How did you use my logic against me?
I'm not using ad hom. I'm saying if you support Israel, despite what it's doing to America, then you're Israel First. I didn't call you stupid or ugly. I'm just saying the truth.

And you're obviously lying when you say Democrats are against Jews. So why is that? If you're not a cuck for Trump, explain why.
