Anti-Semitic Beliefs Grow Among Evangelicals

Mission accomplished.

Another degenerate anti-semitic post by a Trump-lover is added to the greatest hits list.

Take your antisemitism bullshit, roll it in a cone and shove it so far up your ass that you obtain a point in your forehead.
Take your antisemitism bullshit, roll it in a cone and shove it so far up your ass that you obtain a point in your forehead!
^^^ Triggered

JPP dot Com's Conservative Anti-Semites Greatest Hits >>>
Trump-loving, Rightwing posters on this message board are trafficking in overt and degenerate anti-Semitism

Self-described Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans across the country

Jewish-Americans are among the most reliably liberal and Democratic voters in the United States

“He's making your triggered head explode….I'm sorry, Jew boy. – as stated by a Trump supporter to a Jewish poster

“Blame the God-damned Jews for the death of Jesus!” – A Trump-lover explains why we should hate and blame the Jews for the death of Jesus.

Yes, the Gospels are antisemitic (a nonsense term used by anti-Christian fcktards and bigots), as is the whole Bible!” – a Trump-lover explains why the Bible is, and should be, anti-Semitic

“Most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing.” – A Trump voter explains why Jewish people vote for Democrats
We Jews always knew and talked about that phony christer shit of Evangelicals saying and claiming they loved the Jews, It was only a matter of time that the cover was ripped off these goyim

Anti-Semitic beliefs are growing among evangelical Christians, the Washington Post reported. The shifting attitudes of such groups comes at a moment when Donald Trump is making the anti-Semitic claim that Jews have equal or greater loyalty to Israel than to America. Trump has also made it clear that he is taking cues from evangelical figures and groups, recently tweeting a quote from an evangelical radio host who said that Trump is the “King of Israel.”

One evangelical woman who spoke to the Post, Luba Yanko, said that Trump “is surrounded by a Zionist environment with completely different values from Christians. It’s kabbalist. It’s Talmudic values. Not the word of God.” Yanko suggested that Jews, overall, control the government.

But pastors with people who hold such beliefs in their communities do not always believe it is their job to dissuade their flock from anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

“I’m not in government. It would be like me trying to understand the insurance business,” the pastor of Luba Yanko’s Bensalem, Pennsylvania, church, Mark English, said of Yanko’s belief that Jews control the government. “The government is so complex — I don’t think that any one group controls everything.”

In one instance, the Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman shared a video of a Florida pastor calling her a “God-hating whore of Zionism,” writing that the pastor was going to get her killed.

The 1st amendment is a "grand thing" :bigthink: I fail to see any point as to what religion one has or does not have......even Anti-Semitism is protected speech and the government is forbidden from adhering to any ONE religion as a state sanctioned philosophy. (I see you have no concern about Anti-Christian philosophy, such as Islam, etc., as the left has 4 of the biggest Christian/Jewish hating individuals on the planet serving as left wing representatives). Why is the left continually attempting to limit speech? Anti-Semitism is a debatable philosophy....if you have a better argument present it, your argument of saying OTHERS should be silenced is simply unconstitutional and no argument at all. To hear the left concerning speech......there is no valid reason to HATE anything. Hell Even God hates and finds certain things to be an Abomination.

"These six things the LORD hates...……….Yes, seven are an abomination to Him; A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood (such as abortion), a heart that devises wicked plans (Russia, Russia, Russia), feet that are swift in running toward evil, a false witness who speaks lies (such as charging a POTUS who has a Jewish daughter, Grandchild, and Son-n-Law, as being an anti-Semite) to sow discord among brethren." -- Proverbs 6:16-19
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You really think opposing the actions of a government is the same as hating the people of that government's country? So when Obama was president, did you hate all Americans?

When Obama was Prez I hated those who voted for the POS.

Israel was formed after WW2 as a Jewish State, as an answer to the Holocaust. If you hate Israel, you hate Jews. It's really that simple.
When Obama was Prez I hated those who voted for the POS.

Israel was formed after WW2 as a Jewish State, as an answer to the Holocaust. If you hate Israel, you hate Jews. It's really that simple.

What if you just don't think any country should be an ethnostate?
And there aren't any mainstream Leftists that hate Israel as a Jewish state. They just disagree with the government.
Sure it does. The Jewish establishment uses people like you as Useful Idiots to spread this idea that they're persecuted in America, which keeps people from seeing that they're actually running the establishment.

Based on your post, apparently they are. But of course you are changing the subject, which is Israel. Again, it has no effect on you. Yet you feel this need to hate, and control...
Sure it does. The Jewish establishment uses people like you as Useful Idiots to spread this idea that they're persecuted in America, which keeps people from seeing that they're actually running the establishment.

Since it's a Christian Nation running the current Islamophobia pedophilia establishment for Evangelicals benefit claiming persecution after decades of Christian illegal alien drug wars only to be surpassed with Christian illegal immigration crusade invasion wars propaganda; have to wonder whom in survival of the fittest fascists is trying to fool who.
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Based on your post, apparently they are.

I'm one person. Most people are Useful Idiots who defend the Jews no matter what.

But of course you are changing the subject, which is Israel. Again, it has no effect on you. Yet you feel this need to hate, and control...

I support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. I do not support America funding or fighting wars for Israel. And that's what people like Ilhan Omar believe. There are no mainstream anti-semitic Liberals. Most of them are cucked by Jews, some support Jews having Israel but don't want America to keep being Israel's bitch.
I'm one person. Most people are Useful Idiots who defend the Jews no matter what.

I support the existence of Israel as a Jewish state. I do not support America funding or fighting wars for Israel. And that's what people like Ilhan Omar believe. There are no mainstream anti-semitic Liberals. Most of them are cucked by Jews, some support Jews having Israel but don't want America to keep being Israel's bitch.

Israel is our ally. You would abandon a friend who is encircled by enemies?
Israel is our ally. You would abandon a friend who is encircled by enemies?

Israel shouldn't be our ally, but that's different issue. You claimed that most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing. What do you base this on? Do you have evidence that the Democrats are against Jews? Which of them have Anti-Jewish policies? Remember, we're talking about Jews, not the country of Israel.
Israel shouldn't be our ally, but that's different issue. You claimed that most Jews vote Democrat because they are self-loathing. What do you base this on? Do you have evidence that the Democrats are against Jews? Which of them have Anti-Jewish policies? Remember, we're talking about Jews, not the country of Israel.

I understand your desire to change the subject, but I'm not willing to entertain that. Israel is out ally, and we, along with the other Allied powers, created it so Jews would have a homeland that they deserve. You can't change history.
I understand your desire to change the subject, but I'm not willing to entertain that. Israel is out ally, and we, along with the other Allied powers, created it so Jews would have a homeland that they deserve. You can't change history.

Actually, you're trying to change the subject. Which Democrats are against Jews? How come you can't answer that question?