Are pensions a burden on the former employer?

You miss the point. Duh. Johns are prostitute's clients, regardless of gender. It's an idiom...

Women can be Johns....

Women who get mixed up with con men can be Marks.

You seem to be an expert at this. But you're spinning wildly. It's getting rather silly.
No spin at all. A john is a john whatever plumbing the john has.

On the other hand, the talmud is not the same thing as the torah, regardless of how fast you run away from either of them.
Perhaps you could articulate your opinion so that I might understand it.
i will be glad to... And then we'll see if you have any balls and are willing to do likewise on the thread where you got that sentence.

Burden as a word has many synonyms, the vast majority of which are negative in connotation. Given our long and unpleasant history, I had little doubt that your use of the word burden was specifically and precisely chosen to irritate me. And, as I am sure you know, you were successful in doing so. However, it was my belief that your characterization of military retirements as a burden on our country would not sit well with most folks who recognized the negative connotation of that word. It is interesting to see that folks from a relatively broad spectrum of political philosophy agreed with me, and only one or two folks seemed to take your side. I think your earlier stated reluctance to advance your theory of military retirements being a burden on our country at your local American Legion hall is proof that you knew that the connotation of "burden" was onerous regardless of the Mirriam-Webster definition you presented.

Now... Show some stones, you chickenshit little pussy, and go back and explain how the Talmud was given word for word from God to Moses on Mt. Sinai. I'd put money on my prediction that you will not do so.... Simply because you really ARE a cowardly piece of shit. Prove me wrong. I dare ya.
i will be glad to... And then we'll see if you have any balls and are willing to do likewise on the thread where you got that sentence.

Burden as a word has many synonyms, the vast majority of which are negative in connotation. Given our long and unpleasant history, I had little doubt that your use of the word burden was specifically and precisely chosen to irritate me. And, as I am sure you know, you were successful in doing so. However, it was my belief that your characterization of military retirements as a burden on our country would not sit well with most folks who recognized the negative connotation of that word. It is interesting to see that folks from a relatively broad spectrum of political philosophy agreed with me, and only one or two folks seemed to take your side. I think your earlier stated reluctance to advance your theory of military retirements being a burden on our country at your local American Legion hall is proof that you knew that the connotation of "burden" was onerous regardless of the Mirriam-Webster definition you presented.

Now... Show some stones, you chickenshit little pussy, and go back and explain how the Talmud was given word for word from God to Moses on Mt. Sinai. I'd put money on my prediction that you will not do so.... Simply because you really ARE a cowardly piece of shit. Prove me wrong. I dare ya.
Ooooohhhh hark at old captain Queeg!
They want you!
They want you!
They want you on the QE2!!!
Slow night at the liquor store... So the clerk begins to sample a bit of the product...

Who knows what pops up after that, eh Paulie?

Slow night at the liquor store... So the clerk begins to sample a bit of the product...

Who knows what pops up after that, eh Paulie?


My staff are allowed to open something on an evening.
But I don't have "clerks".
I have Cashiers, Stockers and managers.

What I don't have is the yellowstain blues, those old yellowstain blues!
Neither do I. My biggest quandary at this point is: reposado with a few ice cubes or añejo neat.
Tonight's choice is a wee dram from Glen Grant.
The Diamond Jubilee commemorative.
Not the worst.

But if its Tequilla, and you are in Mexico.
The iced Reposado is no good.
Ice is water!
Don't drink the water in Mexico.
Don't ask me why, I know!
When I was in Maine, I drank scotch exclusively. Now that I have moved, I have developed a taste for tequila. And given the fact that I have reverse osmosis AND ultraviolet filtration on city water that already passes every international test for water purity, I am not worried about my ice. Really good reposado on ice can be quite refreshing on an otherwise sultry night. That is what I went with, and I have no regrets. But thank you both for your input.
And tequila is very much like single malt .... It is so dependent on individual taste. When I lived in Maine, I drank Springbanke as my single malt and The Famous Grouse as my everyday blend. Today, I drink tequila that, in all probability, doesn't even make it north of the border: Arette añejo and Corallejo reposado are my current faves, but I am always sampling new ones.
Christ on a stick, WB. As much as I like you as a conservative who's supportive of social causes, would you take a look at the fucking OP?

I read the OP. I also looked up the actual definition of the word "burden". A military retirement fits that description. It is the responsibility of the nation to pay them their retirement. It is a duty to pay them. It is a load that is carried by our population.

The problem is the idea that a burden is automatically a bad thing. It is not.

My kids could not support themselves. They were a burden during their childhood. It was a burden I happily bore. If I am happy to bear it, does that make it not a burden?
Do you really want to stick with your position that "burden" does not have a generally negative connotation? Really??
I read the OP. I also looked up the actual definition of the word "burden". A military retirement fits that description. It is the responsibility of the nation to pay them their retirement. It is a duty to pay them. It is a load that is carried by our population.

The problem is the idea that a burden is automatically a bad thing. It is not.

My kids could not support themselves. They were a burden during their childhood. It was a burden I happily bore. If I am happy to bear it, does that make it not a burden?

I think of burden as a word that holds a negative connotation, I generally view a burden as unwanted.

My children were a responsibility, but I never viewed them as a burden, just my 2 cents.
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I think burden as a word that holds a negative connotation, I generally view a burden as unwanted.

My children were a responsibility, but I never viewed them as a burden, just my 2 cents.

How an individual sees the word is only part of it. The actual definition of the word is about duty and responsibility.