Are pensions a burden on the former employer?

I think burden as a word that holds a negative connotation, I generally view a burden as unwanted.

My children were a responsibility, but I never viewed them as a burden, just my 2 cents.

Of course it is negative... and both WB and DY are well aware of it. Again... If it did NOT have a negative connotation, why wouldn't DY be perfectly happy to waltz into his neighborhood Legion Hall and tell any retired member sitting at the bar that they were a burden on their government and on their nation? Both of those assholes know why. Neither one of them has the balls to say that to a retired military man OR woman, because they know full well that any retired service member would be profoundly insulted by such a statement regardless of the definition in Mirriam-Webster.
Of course it is negative... and both WB and DY are well aware of it. Again... If it did NOT have a negative connotation, why wouldn't DY be perfectly happy to waltz into his neighborhood Legion Hall and tell any retired member sitting at the bar that they were a burden on their government and on their nation? Both of those assholes know why. Neither one of them has the balls to say that to a retired military man OR woman, because they know full well that any retired service member would be profoundly insulted by such a statement regardless of the definition in Mirriam-Webster.

Look, if you want to argue about what DY was trying to say or about whether people see the word "burden" in a negative way, then start a thread asking THAT question.

But that is not the question you asked.

You asked whether or not pensions are a burden on the former employer. By the definition of "burden", they definitely are a burden.

Now, you could have asked whether it was bad or good. You could have asked what people thought DY meant. And you could have not asked me to comment on this thread.

But at least now you know, when you ask me a question, I will give you the honest truth. But no, you can't accept what I say. You have to go with the "Take DY's dick out of your mouth" bullshit.
I certainly know where, and with whom, you stand.

You know shit! I don't stand with anyone. I answered a question honestly. It is obvious that you would prefer that I lie. It is obvious that you deny the actual definition of the word "burden". It is obvious that you started this thread with the sole intention of smearing DY.

But if you think I answered the way I did because I stand with anyone, you are sadly mistaken and a complete fool.
You know shit! I don't stand with anyone. I answered a question honestly. It is obvious that you would prefer that I lie. It is obvious that you deny the actual definition of the word "burden". It is obvious that you started this thread with the sole intention of smearing DY.

But if you think I answered the way I did because I stand with anyone, you are sadly mistaken and a complete fool.
I didn't start this thread.

and it's good to know that your use of your native tongue is as dry and lifeless as it is. I will take that, along with everything else I have learned about you this evening, into consideration going forward.

I didn't start this thread.

and it's good to know that your use of your native tongue is as dry and lifeless as it is. I will take that, along with everything else I have learned about you this evening, into consideration going forward.


At least you know where to go to get an honest answer.

And you did not start this thread, but you did start the other one on the same topic and ban the person singularly involved in the issue. That thread was created, imo, purely as a smear against DY. Which is silly, because DY smears himself well enough if you will leave him alone.

But noooooo, you and the other whiners have to keep pushing and pushing. If your goal is to ruin this board, you are making progress.
i will be glad to... And then we'll see if you have any balls and are willing to do likewise on the thread where you got that sentence.

Burden as a word has many synonyms, the vast majority of which are negative in connotation. Given our long and unpleasant history, I had little doubt that your use of the word burden was specifically and precisely chosen to irritate me. And, as I am sure you know, you were successful in doing so. However, it was my belief that your characterization of military retirements as a burden on our country would not sit well with most folks who recognized the negative connotation of that word. It is interesting to see that folks from a relatively broad spectrum of political philosophy agreed with me, and only one or two folks seemed to take your side. I think your earlier stated reluctance to advance your theory of military retirements being a burden on our country at your local American Legion hall is proof that you knew that the connotation of "burden" was onerous regardless of the Mirriam-Webster definition you presented.

First of all, it's "Merriam-Webster". Perhaps you have had too much of that rot-gut, Tequila.

So basically it is your opinion that "burden" has a negative connotation. Nothing more.
I think of burden as a word that holds a negative connotation, I generally view a burden as unwanted.

My children were a responsibility, but I never viewed them as a burden, just my 2 cents.

This sheds light on maineman's objection, since you're both libs. Libs hate personal responsibility, so they see a burden as negative...
And tequila is very much like single malt .... It is so dependent on individual taste. When I lived in Maine, I drank Springbanke as my single malt and The Famous Grouse as my everyday blend. Today, I drink tequila that, in all probability, doesn't even make it north of the border: Arette añejo and Corallejo reposado are my current faves, but I am always sampling new ones.

I agree on that; tequila can be amazingly good. There was a restaurant we used to go to that must have had 50 or so tequilas... some wonderful ones! Alas, moved away from it. did not start this thread, but you did start the other one on the same topic and ban the person singularly involved in the issue. That thread was created, imo, purely as a smear against DY.

But noooooo, you and the other whiners have to keep pushing and pushing. If your goal is to ruin this board, you are making progress.
Perhaps now you see some inkling why I find maineman to be so detestable.
First of all, it's "Merriam-Webster". Perhaps you have had too much of that rot-gut, Tequila.

So basically it is your opinion that "burden" has a negative connotation. Nothing more.

at the risk of dragging this on, that does seem to be the opinion of most people on the board.
Of course. And that's exactly how it was meant. I have no idea wtf winter is talking about.

Darla, I don't doubt for a second that was how it was meant. And DY baited MM with carefully chosen words.

What sent me on this tear was that I received a PM asking me to post on the other thread on this same topic. Since I am not a close friend of who sent the PM, I can only guess I was not the only one invited to post there. It was a smear thread from the beginning, I find those despicable. Yes, DY is scum of the earth. But the idea that a crowd of people should have a thread to slam him (and not allow him to participate) is simply childish and low. So I participated in the thread. Not in the way the person who invited expected, I'm sure.
Actually, I think there is a section of the Talmud that discusses this very point.

Of course burden has a negative connotation. Of course damnedstinky meant it in a negative way. Of course he was baiting me. Of course I foolishly rose to the bait... Silly me. Of course damnedstinky was perfectly willing to throw all retired military personnel under the bus along with me because he, himself, was too cowardly to put himself in harm's way. Of course he is scared shitless of ever having to tell a retired military person what a burden they were on our country because he only has the cojones to "virtually" throw people under the bus, not actually confront them face to face.

I understand the game here. So does Moses...God told him all about on Mt. Sinai!
Actually, I would never "throw all retired military personnel under the bus", just you. LOL
and yet, that's exactly what you did. If that were not the case, you would jump at the chance to prove me wrong by going to the Legion Hall as I suggested where you would prove your theory that calling a military pension a burden had no negative pejorative connotation whatsoever. You'd tell a retired gunny that his pension was a burden on this nation, and, according to you, he'd heartily agree with you and he'd buy you a drink!
In your opinion that's what I did. In reality I tossed some bait and you gobbled it up like hot bacon. Wouldn't you agree?