Are Republicans embarrased?

The only one's I'm embarrassed for are limbaghhhh and idiots like glen beck, apparently Hillery's biggest supporters.
Yes you twit....that is the freedom OF religion... which is covered. YOU are trying to twist it into saying freedom FROM religion. Do you comprehend the difference in the two?

Wages are only garnished when someone owes money on a debt they previously agreed to pay.

They have never been garnished for not paying for something that they do not want nor agreed to have.

Semantics on the garnishment issue, They are "garnished" for social secutity also.

So you belive the governement should be allowed to pass a law requireing all citizins join a religen, just so long as the governemtn does not get to choose which one?
How are all of you (supposedly adults with families and jobs) such atrocious spellers? I try to ignore as much as I can, but I find myself having trouble swallowing that Jarod isn't an illiterate middle-schooler.

I am a bad speller, but when I am tired, its MUCH worse.
nice to have a nanny thats for sure. This dad does morning duity weekend duity.. and still works over 40hours per week.

I do morning, weekend duty. My wife is on maternity leave so she does the middle of the nights. When the nanny is not on vacation my wife has a lot of help.

When my wife goes back to work is the hard part.
Yep I lost a fellow worker to aids several years ago. They got it from a blood transfusion before the screening started.

You are just trying to get more stupit than me now I think Gonzo.

That is a useless goal as everyone know I am the mostest stupit one.

Yes a friend from Highschool died, he got it from blood tranfusions. Died a virgin. He never told anyone about his disease. We found out after he died.
That is the number one place that jewish zombie worshippers want to get back into. They want their kids to pray to Jeebus and the rest of the kids sit there quietly and let them do it. Nothing stops them out on the playground.

AND just for your information, while our firm does represent people in PI and Med Mal claims I don't chase the ambulances, I don't talk to their passengers and I don't sue their doctors. I prefer criminal work and divorce work cause it keeps me in the court room more.

dude... I was kidding about the ambulance chasing.... extending the joke from our last conversation where you said we were simpatico and that ambulance chasing would soon become a symptom.... damn lawyers can't keep up.

Again, did I mention school prayer?????? No, I simply corrected the OTHER friggin lawyer Jarod.
Semantics on the garnishment issue, They are "garnished" for social secutity also.

So you belive the governement should be allowed to pass a law requireing all citizins join a religen, just so long as the governemtn does not get to choose which one?

No, it is not semantics. When you go to work, you sign a W4.... that is your agreement to pay taxes.

NO, I would not support the government requiring people to join a religion any more than I would support Hitlary requiring people to get insurance.
No, it is not semantics. When you go to work, you sign a W4.... that is your agreement to pay taxes.

NO, I would not support the government requiring people to join a religion any more than I would support Hitlary requiring people to get insurance.

Well that is the type of thing I mean when I say freedom from religen. I belive to truely be free a government must agree the people should be free to choose any religen or NO RELIGEN.
No, the way I see it, there is all the more reason to live, your one shot.!

Depends on your life, I guess. To be honest, I am done with this conversation. It is a stupid argument, no one is going to change his mind, and I really hate US.
Why do you hate the US Gonzo ?
Does the US cause you to think on things you would rather not think about ?
The only one's I'm embarrassed for are limbaghhhh and idiots like glen beck, apparently Hillery's biggest supporters.

Idiots like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and Glen Beck will not support Hillary. These pundits are simply trying to get the conservative base riled up to go out and vote for someone other than McCain. Telling people they'll vote for Hillary over McCain scares the shit out of the Conservative base, but it hasn't done shit to keep McCain from winning the Republican nomination. It's all political games.

They just simply won't vote in the General. McCain is not going to win because he can't get the party behind him.
I think the Republicans will get behind McCain once the general election rolls around. They don't want the Democrats more than McCain, and they know it.
Well that is the type of thing I mean when I say freedom from religen. I belive to truely be free a government must agree the people should be free to choose any religen or NO RELIGEN.

That is freedom OF religion. It is something we all possess.

Freedom FROM religion means that you only want people to be able to say prayers in their homes or at church and never have to see someone praying in public or seeing a sign in public places that may have some religious connotation. Freedom FROM religion essentially means you are never exposed to it.
Idiots like Limbaugh, Coulter, Hannity, and Glen Beck will not support Hillary. These pundits are simply trying to get the conservative base riled up to go out and vote for someone other than McCain. Telling people they'll vote for Hillary over McCain scares the shit out of the Conservative base, but it hasn't done shit to keep McCain from winning the Republican nomination. It's all political games.

They just simply won't vote in the General. McCain is not going to win because he can't get the party behind him.

That depends on who the dems put up. They put up Hillary and I guarantee the right shows up to vote. If it is Obama, then I think more will likely stay home as he will not rally the right against him as the possibility of another Clinton term would.
That is freedom OF religion. It is something we all possess.

Freedom FROM religion means that you only want people to be able to say prayers in their homes or at church and never have to see someone praying in public or seeing a sign in public places that may have some religious connotation. Freedom FROM religion essentially means you are never exposed to it.

Thats not what it means in english. It means you are not required to live by the rules of a religen for the sake of following religen. For example, you would not be required to say, as part of a pledg, that you belive in God.

I have no problem with individuals or groups praying in public, as long as they are not doing it in a way that unreasonably interrupts daily life. I do have a problem with government funding religous simbols or promoting prayer. Kids are allowed to pray in School, and should be, the teachers however are not allowed to promote it, and should not be.