Are Republicans embarrased?

I think the Republicans will get behind McCain once the general election rolls around. They don't want the Democrats more than McCain, and they know it.

If it's a battle between Hillary and McCain, I can see it being 50/50, a close race.

McCain and Hillary are the two worst possible candidates from either party but, just like always, the worst get nominated. But they got 'experience'. What they've accomplished with that experience, well, ain't so pretty.

McCain, the 'Maverick', trys to play his war experience to make it seem like he woul dbe the best thing for Iraq. McCain's experience in the Military was as a naval aviator. He was no Patton or Ike. This is his strongest card, and he's just basically going to have to rely on advisors. McCain is basically milking it for political advantage. He's ignorant on the economy, had McCain-Feingold, and McCain-Kennedy for immigration. He sucks!

Clinton's experience brought us a lot of political games as well. They did a bunch of shit just to benefit the Clintons. If she wants to link herself to her husband and talk about experience, then we gotta point out Whitewater, the firing of all those attourneys, including those investigating him for corruption as governor of Arkansas.

Presidents with 'experience' at playing political games have done lasting damage to this country.
Ohh, and it demonstrates a lack of understanding about basic FREEDOM for a presidental canidate, one who won 5 states, to propose changing the Constitution to reflect Gods laws, no doubt his version of Gods laws. The laws of his God.

I am upset by the amount of states that have a majority of Republicans willing to get rid of this basic tenate of American freedom.
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Republicans tend to be fraidy cats eager to give up their freedoms for security.
Unfortunately many dems do too. but it is not a party plank for the dems.
If it's a battle between Hillary and McCain, I can see it being 50/50, a close race.

McCain and Hillary are the two worst possible candidates from either party but, just like always, the worst get nominated. But they got 'experience'. What they've accomplished with that experience, well, ain't so pretty.

McCain, the 'Maverick', trys to play his war experience to make it seem like he woul dbe the best thing for Iraq. McCain's experience in the Military was as a naval aviator. He was no Patton or Ike. This is his strongest card, and he's just basically going to have to rely on advisors. McCain is basically milking it for political advantage. He's ignorant on the economy, had McCain-Feingold, and McCain-Kennedy for immigration. He sucks!

Clinton's experience brought us a lot of political games as well. They did a bunch of shit just to benefit the Clintons. If she wants to link herself to her husband and talk about experience, then we gotta point out Whitewater, the firing of all those attourneys, including those investigating him for corruption as governor of Arkansas.

Presidents with 'experience' at playing political games have done lasting damage to this country.

McCain did manage to achieve the rank of Captain, however (which I think is like a Colonel if he had been in the Army) and has had command experience. This sets him apart (as a possible future commander in chief) from both his opponents in this election and from the past two Presidents.

So no, he isn't a Patton, but he did give several years of his life and he has had command experience. Not to mention that Patton was batshit crazy.
I would be embarrased if a member of my party won 5 Primaries advocating that the Constitution should be changed to comform with "Gods Law"!

In fact I am embarrased, as an American and a Southerner, that he won 5 state primaries/caucausus...

The absolute idiocy of religion is on the world stage.

Mormon candidate drops out because evangelicals won't vote for him ... and the ignorance of the American south never ceases to amaze.
Haha.......I wasn't embarrassed, I was tickled pink. Sorry Jarod but those are my kind of people. I have said for a while that out of all the politicians out there Huckabee was only one I could get energized to vote for. So I went out Tuesday and voted for Bill Richardson.
Haha.......I wasn't embarrassed, I was tickled pink. Sorry Jarod but those are my kind of people. I have said for a while that out of all the politicians out there Huckabee was only one I could get energized to vote for. So I went out Tuesday and voted for Bill Richardson.

So, talk with me about this. Dont avoid it. Do you belive that people should change the constitution to reflect your version of Gods law?
No no no, people who believe in something and won't change it at the drop of the Leftist "racist"-cry hat are obviously stupid; it can't be that they have conviction.

I admire Leaning for his faith and convictions. He also seems to not be one that tries to force his beilefs down the throat of others. I sometimes envy those who can take comfort in their beliefs.

We are on totally on opposite sides of the fence on religion, but that is ok as far as I am concerned and I fully support the rights of those like leaning to believe.
Just as I support my right to not believe.