Are small towns "better" than big cities?

It's not about being defensive, it's about the fact that these idiots are winning elections on "the big city elitists look down on you" when once again, it's all con projection. They look down on us as something not even quite human! but that's ok.

It's really grating on me, I've had it up to here with it.

Get bent, elitist cu next tuesday. Small towns are better because the people are NOT elitist. You can say that preferring non-elitism is itself a form of elitism, but that's pushing it, and retarded to boot.
I believe we are seeing some of that my place is best attitude that has been feeding our arrogant nationalistic attitude for years.

It is a basic human thing that we have not overcome yet.

Some people outgrow the my dog is bigger than your dog childishness, but not many.
I believe we are seeing some of that my place is best attitude that has been feeding our arrogant nationalistic attitude for years.

It is a basic human thing that we have not overcome yet.

Some people outgrow the my dog is bigger than your dog childishness, but not many.

Nope. city folk really have an elitist "fuck you" attitude which is much more rare in more rural locations.
Nope. city folk really have an elitist "fuck you" attitude which is much more rare in more rural locations.

How much time have you spent in a real city? You're going off stereotypes. Have you ever visited Seattle, Portland, San Fran? Nicest people in the world.

No this is an excellent point though, this has really been grating on me. Did everyone see Jon Stewart's segment, when he sent his crack team down to the RNC convention to find out just what "small town values" were? That was so funny.

That was outstanding; it actually made me think about this (that, and Palin's constant repitition of 'we know how to grow 'em in small towns').

That was one of those segments that was so unintentionally hilarious (for the people being interviewed), that you just kept thinking it HAD to be a set up. Of course, I'm sure it wasn't.
Nope. city folk really have an elitist "fuck you" attitude which is much more rare in more rural locations.

I agree with that and I live in a city and lived in one most of my life. I personally have no desire to live in small town America. I like the city the life. But I do agree there is kind of elitist better than thou attitude that resonates in the city. Part of that attitude of course is what makes city life fun.

As with everything there are good and bad people in cities and good and bad people in small towns. And it really is like two different worlds. Different strokes for different folks.
Don't even want to live in anything as big as a small town....
I like my neighbors and they are only 5 miles down the road...
I like the city. City dwellers tend to think they are smarter and the small towns think they are more moral. Both are full of shit.

The little fruit got the shit kicked out of him by those big farm boys, that's why he loves San Francisco.

Jesus, someone tell me why all the hard-core Republicans/conservatives on here are dumbasses. Please. It can't be a coincidence.
My ole bull in the pasture next to me makes a mighty fine neighbor. He don't fetch sticks but he keeps the riff-raff off my property.
Big cities are ok if that's your thing. Somebody likes them or there wouldn't be anyone there.