Are small towns "better" than big cities?

The Rs court the small town vote because small town people live in a world where if you lie and cheat the whole town will know in short order.

I have met many small town people who I really like and admire. They are very often more trusting and honest to a fault.

In the national races the truth often does not come out for years when you lie and stick to the lie to the end.

I have also met large to medium city people who are honest, kind, helpful.

I have also met small town people who were Gossips who could not feel good about themselves unless they were stomping on peoples heads behind their backs.

People are people no matter where you go.

Rs like the gullibility that comes with a small time up bringing.

Pointing this gulibility out is a large part of why small town people think us big city folk are elitists.

When we look at you small town people a certain way its often out of concern for your safety and not because we think you are stupid.

There are so many aspects of life you many of you dont often get exposed to.

The momment your town grows big enough your kids will give you that look too.
Haha. A lot of suburbanites are moving back into the city and we in the city are sending our trash out to the burbs. :)
Not in my burbs. Seattle is emptying out, and the Olympia suburb I am currently residing in sprawling like it thinks its San Jose.

On the other hand, anyone dumb enough to leave the burbs and go to the city is just helping to perpetuate the disparity of intellect and classiness. :pke:
The Rs court the small town vote because small town people live in a world where if you lie and cheat the whole town will know in short order.

I have met many small town people who I really like and admire. They are very often more trusting and honest to a fault.

In the national races the truth often does not come out for years when you lie and stick to the lie to the end.

I have also met large to medium city people who are honest, kind, helpful.

I have also met small town people who were Gossips who could not feel good about themselves unless they were stomping on peoples heads behind their backs.

People are people no matter where you go.

Rs like the gullibility that comes with a small time up bringing.

Pointing this gulibility out is a large part of why small town people think us big city folk are elitists.

When we look at you small town people a certain way its often out of concern for your safety and not because we think you are stupid.

There are so many aspects of life you many of you dont often get exposed to.

The momment your town grows big enough your kids will give you that look too.

Paternalistic. And anyways, it generally comes off as hate and a desire to leave small towns out of the electoral process.
Paternalistic. And anyways, it generally comes off as hate and a desire to leave small towns out of the electoral process.


People in small towns meet fewer people in their lives and dont end up knowing as much about man kind because of it.

People in small towns meet fewer people in their lives and dont end up knowing as much about man kind because of it.

I've gotta disagree with that.

I've lived fairly extensively in both, and they're just different learning environments. I wouldn't say one is better, or that you learn "more" in one. Yes, there is greater diversity among a city populace, but you also have different kinds of relationships in a small town setting.

People aren't really that different from place to place. There are idiots, and really smart people; people who are kind of heartless, and people who would do just about anything for you. I wouldn't say that there is a dropoff in "values" going from a small town to a city, or a dropoff in education going the opposite way.

That's why it all sounds so absurd when people keep harping on it in a thematic way.
Oh yes. You have drunk deeply of the nihilist meme, perpetuated by the illuminati.
You are an idiot. I just don't like people to be around me when I don't choose it myself. They can be happy being all on top of each other if they wish, I'll live as I like.
I've gotta disagree with that.

I've lived fairly extensively in both, and they're just different learning environments. I wouldn't say one is better, or that you learn "more" in one. Yes, there is greater diversity among a city populace, but you also have different kinds of relationships in a small town setting.

People aren't really that different from place to place. There are idiots, and really smart people; people who are kind of heartless, and people who would do just about anything for you. I wouldn't say that there is a dropoff in "values" going from a small town to a city, or a dropoff in education going the opposite way.

That's why it all sounds so absurd when people keep harping on it in a thematic way.

Again, you get the very best in the suburbs. :cool:
Nope. city folk really have an elitist "fuck you" attitude which is much more rare in more rural locations.
You said it. Tell them dumb sumbitches from the city how it really is. Thems that lives in small towns are the real americans with real american values. Not all them elitist big city folks that live in much more diverse areas with as much middle and lower income people trying to just get by and find a job to replace their jobs that was moved to Mexico or India or China.
That was outstanding; it actually made me think about this (that, and Palin's constant repitition of 'we know how to grow 'em in small towns').

That was one of those segments that was so unintentionally hilarious (for the people being interviewed), that you just kept thinking it HAD to be a set up. Of course, I'm sure it wasn't.
Seems like they grow them to have premarital sex and get pregnant while a senior in highschool just like they do in LA and NYC and Miami.
Desh...When I go to downtown Memphis...Your saying all those people looking at my rims and hanging close until I locked my truck are just there for my safety? I'll be dogged...

I guess when someone pulls up in front of your house and sits there that it's no big deal. When it happens here...since I'm miles from anyone...I use a night scope...Works great.
Umm abut 15% of america is employed by agribusiness in one way or another.
Supplying stuff to agribusiness, transporting products, processing products or selling products, etc...

USC it's absolutely retarded to count a Wal-Mart grocer in your ridiculously expanded figures.
I'd like to thank the Republicans for adopting my small-town values. Soon, there will be universal healthcare, daycare, and college in the US, tariffs will be unilaterally abolished, we shall adopt an open immigration policy, abortion will be incorporated as an unamendable individual right in the constitution, gay marriage will be legal, pot will be legal, the death penalty will be abolished, our legislature will be elected by proportional representation, and we shall never engage in another war of aggression. I'm glad they've finally seen the light.
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