Are small towns "better" than big cities?

Answer: No. Are we talking "small towns" or suburbs though? The burbs tend to get more money and therefore have higher quality public services. The whole "values" argument is really stupid though, every time I hear someone talk about how we need to get back to some sort of previous set of values I picture a whites only fountain.
Answer: No. Are we talking "small towns" or suburbs though? The burbs tend to get more money and therefore have higher quality public services. The whole "values" argument is really stupid though, every time I hear someone talk about how we need to get back to some sort of previous set of values I picture a whites only fountain.

My referencing the suburbs was meant to poke fun at the argument. Since I was raised in the burbs, I naturally have a cultural favoritism towards them, but I can't "proove" that they are better. I do like their parks, shopping centers, housing, neighborhoods, traffic systems (well, the Seattle burbs I'm from have excellent roads, but the Olympia one I'm in has criminally horrible roads), etc.
My referencing the suburbs was meant to poke fun at the argument. Since I was raised in the burbs, I naturally have a cultural favoritism towards them, but I can't "proove" that they are better. I do like their parks, shopping centers, housing, neighborhoods, traffic systems (well, the Seattle burbs I'm from have excellent roads, but the Olympia one I'm in has criminally horrible roads), etc.

Which burb in Seattle?

We're from the same place, you and I.
Which burb in Seattle?

We're from the same place, you and I.
Not quite in Seattle, I was raised outside city limits in Lake Forest Park (unincorporated King County until 1997) and attended Shoreline Schools. I have spent a lot of time in the Lake City and Northgate districts of Seattle, of course, since they are so close.
I was living in Kirkland with my girlfriend until just a month ago. Now I'm out of state to finish school. I have very good friends in Olympia, and grew up not far from there. I'm surprised you're as much of a fascist prick as you are. Living where you are, you should be exposed to more culture and diversity than you seem to be aware of.
It's been said that "they know how to grow 'em" in the small towns, and that America needs a return to "small town values" (a phrase that came up again & again at the GOP convention).

Why isn't that elitist? What is it about small town people or small town values that trumps big city people & their values?

There less educated, less worldly and they vote for Republicans.
it's code for less welfare, hard working, less crime ie 'WHITE'

It rallies their base but they still lose by a few million, too many college educated city folk voting in this one for Barack to lose.
There less educated, less worldly and they vote for Republicans.

I think that was the case several years ago, but much less now.

Between the media, the internet, and the way we travel, people are more worldly no matter where they live.

And I think you can be less worldly, even if you live in the biggest cities.

A lot of the former urbanites have moved out to the smaller towns.

But the "small town values" thing is just a schtick they use to make it sound like they will bring back an Ozzie & Harriet time that never really existed.
But worldly = stupid, especially when you believe it's SMART to empower sworn military enemies with billions in trade dollars.

This is why I call globalization an unbalanced worldview, it refuses to put trade inside a context of other considerations.
But worldly = stupid, especially when you believe it's SMART to empower sworn military enemies with billions in trade dollars.

This is why I call globalization an unbalanced worldview, it refuses to put trade inside a context of other considerations.

Yeah it sucks to give all our money to the muslims for oil.
I was living in Kirkland with my girlfriend until just a month ago. Now I'm out of state to finish school. I have very good friends in Olympia, and grew up not far from there. I'm surprised you're as much of a fascist prick as you are. Living where you are, you should be exposed to more culture and diversity than you seem to be aware of.
Cool, thanks. I'm going to go grab Starbucks now... :cof1:
I've gotta disagree with that.

I've lived fairly extensively in both, and they're just different learning environments. I wouldn't say one is better, or that you learn "more" in one. Yes, there is greater diversity among a city populace, but you also have different kinds of relationships in a small town setting.

People aren't really that different from place to place. There are idiots, and really smart people; people who are kind of heartless, and people who would do just about anything for you. I wouldn't say that there is a dropoff in "values" going from a small town to a city, or a dropoff in education going the opposite way.

That's why it all sounds so absurd when people keep harping on it in a thematic way.

In an earlier post I basically said the same.

There is an underlying basic trend though that people from small towns have delt with far fewer people in their lives. That is just a fact. Some of the small town people I have met tend to not fully understand the scope of the types of people there are. If you have never met a someone who has different life experiences than you its harder to understand the rest of the world. Many in small towns have met few people who have had completely different life experiences. Its just logic.
In an earlier post I basically said the same.

There is an underlying basic trend though that people from small towns have delt with far fewer people in their lives. That is just a fact. Some of the small town people I have met tend to not fully understand the scope of the types of people there are. If you have never met a someone who has different life experiences than you its harder to understand the rest of the world. Many in small towns have met few people who have had completely different life experiences. Its just logic.

And big city people deal with so many they learn to dehumanize many so they can justify abusing them.
I think that was the case several years ago, but much less now.

Between the media, the internet, and the way we travel, people are more worldly no matter where they live.

And I think you can be less worldly, even if you live in the biggest cities.

A lot of the former urbanites have moved out to the smaller towns.

But the "small town values" thing is just a schtick they use to make it sound like they will bring back an Ozzie & Harriet time that never really existed.

You pegged it solitary. That time never really exsisted and the internet is and will change this all.
Yeah it sucks to give all our money to the muslims for oil.

Agreed. It sucks worse with no oil. Drill here, drill now--and we will.

Back to subject. I have lived in both the city and country area. Pretty much raised in a rural farm area. There are good people, and bad people no mater where you go IMO, but I think the people from rural areas have more wisdom with less higher education. (wisdom comes from actually living your own life) They are not easily talked into things that smell fishy with a salesman at the top of the Dem ticket. These are the people who will vote for Palin, along with half of the city dwellers.

I think cities just mess people up a bit--to many people to close together. They seem to live their lives in more grey area of right and wrong IMO.
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And big city people deal with so many they learn to dehumanize many so they can justify abusing them.

That happens whenever you force too many people together. You just cant adress the needs of that many people in one day. Every time there is a big city disastor though you see the humanity come rolling out. Not all people are good and when you pack then together its harder to spot the bad ones. This becomes an art for people in big cities. People in small towns know only a couple of truely bad people and the whole town knows who they are.

This is why schools should be smaller. Kids need to see that their good deeds dont get lost in the fray. Big schools treat all kids like criminals ,espeacially boys.