Are you better off today then you were 4 years ago?

Or you have a 401k and other investments that are doing nicely.

You dimwit. Ever check the value of the dollar.

Stocks do well when the gov't spends a lot of money. That's why the returns are normally better under Democrats, they spend more money. Only problem is we are 34 Trillion in debt. When the debt bubble bursts, it won't matter who the president is, look out below!

The market is up 23% under Joe but was up 54% under Trump. The real difference is we are now supporting 9M intruders, Gas is 48% higher, Food is 27% higher and Housing 20% higher in the last 3 years. Turns out Citizens need shelter, gas to get to work and food even if they weren't now supporting 9M more people. Closing the border and becoming energy independent alone will make the market much better.

You dimwit.
Gas is 48% higher, Food is 27% higher and Housing 20% higher in the last 3 years.

Closing the border and becoming energy independent alone will make the market much better.


Food, gas and housing are higher thanks to the greed of PRIVATE CORPORATIONS and HOMEOWNERS.

Say it with me...

Biden can't control how much private oil companies and grocery chains charge for their product.

Proving that the Democrats are insane.

Food, gas and housing are higher thanks to the greed of PRIVATE CORPORATIONS and HOMEOWNERS.

Say it with me...

Biden can't control how much private oil companies and grocery chains charge for their product.

Jesus, to use the words of QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you people are stupid. Brandon fucked America in the ass on day one of his presidency. 90+ executive orders all overturning a really solid base put in place by Trump. When you go after the oil companies, you are screwing with literally every aspect in nearly every produced produced and sold. I don't have the time to educate you rummies so let's say, you have no clue about basic economics and how stupid decisions made in Washington DC affect the entire globe.

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Jesus to use the words of QPeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you people are stupid. Brandon fucked America in the ass on day one of his presidency. 90+ executive orders all overturning a really solid base put in place by Trump. When you go after the oil companies, you are screwing with literally every aspect in nearly every produced produced and sold. I don't have the time to educate you rummies so let's say, you have no clue about basic economics and how stupid decisions made in Washington DC affect the entire globe.


Biden's exec orders massively accelerated the distribution & administration of the vaccines, which in turn opened up the economy much more quickly. Which is why so many jobs have been added under his admin, and why the unemployment rate is ridiculously low. If Trump had this economy, it would be the greatest EVAH.

The idea that Trump had some sort of "really solid base" going is preposterous, and pure fantasy. Trump left office w/ the economy and this country in shambles. He was a truly terrible President. And that ain't TDS - he is already being rated as the worst in history.
Trump totally blew the COVID-19 epidemic. He stupidly pulled out of the Iran nuke deal. Iran has been slowly working toward one since. Trump worked on destroying NATO. He offended our long, long-term allies while gravitating toward dictators. He gave a huge PERMANENT tax cut to the wealthy and corporations while giving a tiny one to the middle class that sunsetted.
Trump lied over 30,000 times while he was in office. He is utterly dishonest without a trace of values or a conscience.
You dimwit. Ever check the value of the dollar.

Stocks do well when the gov't spends a lot of money. That's why the returns are normally better under Democrats, they spend more money. Only problem is we are 34 Trillion in debt. When the debt bubble bursts, it won't matter who the president is, look out below!

The market is up 23% under Joe but was up 54% under Trump. The real difference is we are now supporting 9M intruders, Gas is 48% higher, Food is 27% higher and Housing 20% higher in the last 3 years. Turns out Citizens need shelter, gas to get to work and food even if they weren't now supporting 9M more people. Closing the border and becoming energy independent alone will make the market much better.


Trump added more debt than Biden and bragged about the stock market more, you dimwit.

You had nothing negative to say about Trump on that. Biden at least is spending money on things that provide the country greater returns for decades (infrastructure/Manufacturing) and trigger GDP growth to outgrow the debt he added. Trump just gave the money away to the uber rich.
My family absolutely is better off and we most definitely are NOT Billionaires.

WHOOPS, there goes you claim.


Most people have lost a third of their retirement savings;

{Millions of Americans trying to retire today feel like Bob Cratchit, toiling away in Scrooge & Marley’s counting house, but unable to get ahead.New research explains why: The modern-day Scrooge of Bidenomics has reduced the real value of the average 401(k) by a quarter in the last two and a half years.
The study, published with the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, examined individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and pension plans and found shocking losses under the Biden administration, enough to delay many Americans’ retirement plans for years.}

If you personally are on welfare this will have no impact on you.

Families have seen food costs rise 25% under Quid Pro

Even if you are on welfare, that one is going to sting you.
Housing prices and rents have risen exponentially under Bought and Paid for's Regime.

Crime, particularly violent crime has exploded under the Biden travesty.

Then there is the invasion - 12 million illegal aliens marching across Biden's open border.
Half are Chinese - think Joe's boss Xi is sending people who will make America better? But the other half includes many who are Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Al Qaeda.

Americans are FAR worse off today than they were 4 years ago.
