Atheism and pedophilia

Your definition of homosexuality is one of behavior which certainly makes all of it a choice.

My definition is physiological/neurological which is "born that way" / "not a choice."

If you look at it from the perspective of those things that are not choices, e.g. a man who falls in love with men (not a choice) and who finds women sexually repulsive (not a choice), the elephant in the room is the question of how such things that are not choices are somehow choices.

There is no question that acting on those non-choices is a choice ... but what about the direct question of the non-choices?

The difference between alcoholism and homosexuality is nil. Both are choices of behavior. Both are weaknesses towards that behavior governed by genes. There is simply no difference between the two.

Peace n Safety didn't want to answer my question. Why does "Adam's Sin" result in different random "punishments" for each individual? Is there anything in the Bible that touches on that? Some people are weak in one way, others have different weaknesses, some live a long time, some receive very little time on this earth, etc...
He is unable to answer the question, since he is operating from a place of ignorance, but I can.

Adam's sin does not result in deciding who gets what random 'punishment'. All Adam's sin does is bring death into the world, and to remove us from the presence of God. God's influence is still here, of course, but his presence among men is not.

The different handicaps we each start with are many and varied. Some are because of our genes. Some occur to events in our life beyond our control (such as contracting leprosy or polio, or finding ourselves trapped under a dictatorship and unable to escape).

Each of these are things for use to overcome. We are not the same. We are each unique, facing our own unique set of challenges in life. Are they 'punishments'? No. They are those things that we are challenged to overcome. In this way we advance through our lives, making them better and better, providing we make choices accordingly.

It is always about choice. We are literally free to choose. We are not free of the consequences of that choice.
Some are born rich. Some are born poor. Some are born blind. Some are born with Down's Syndrome. Some are born with tendencies to alcohol. Some are born with tendencies to homosexuality. We are each given our own set of challenges we must face.

Not because of Adam, but because of the imperfect world we live in. Because of the variances in that imperfect world. Because these are not punishments, but challenges to overcome.

In this way we grow.

Adam brought death into the world and removed us from the presence of God. Through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, that debt has been paid for us. A debt we could never pay ourselves. Why this plan, you may ask? Why should be experience misery and death?

It is so that we may learn to overcome them all, even death, through the love and sacrifice of Christ, our one and only advocate with God. It is about choice, learning to choose well, and living forever through the sacrifice of Christ with that knowledge we've each gained.
The claim anybody is 'born homosexual' is just fake bunk put out by activists, and has zero cred. The scum peddling this rubbish have now got people pumping 6 year old children full of hormones and grooming them for sex changes; they're menace and should be locked up, along with the quacks and con artists in the medical fields who encourage this criminal child abuse.

This site has pdfs for download on most of the topics and the alleged 'science'; you can buy a printed version of the main book, but downloading the individual chapters is free, as is one on the myths under that heading.

Not quite. There are genes involved, just as there are genes involved to produce a tendency towards alcoholism. They don't force anyone to be a homosexual or an alcoholic, but they certain produce a weakness towards those tendencies. The actual decision to become a homosexual or an alcoholic is a choice.
^ Not a rebuttal. They've also had rapists, murderers, pedophiles, and assorted sociopaths. those were usually handled as bad problems, as should neurotic mentally ill behavior and public health menaces.

Quite right. His statement is what is known as a divisional error. It's essentially a special pleading fallacy, but one used in a generic manner.
But homosexuality never caused problems like those other things you listed. So if homosexuality has always been around and wasn't an issue, why care about it now?

It is political now. It is being used by some to gain advantage or preferred treatment over others. It's about whining for political favors.
It is political now. It is being used by some to gain advantage or preferred treatment over others. It's about whining for political favors.

It's only political because homophobes have made it political. Stop discriminating, stop fear-mongering, and it won't be political anymore.
It's only political because homophobes have made it political. Stop discriminating, stop fear-mongering, and it won't be political anymore.

Rubbish. It's 'political' now because homosexuals have made it 'political', and use fake 'science' to justify it. Homosexuals make all the noise, and when it is responded to people like you lie and yell 'homophobia', a made up nonsense word, and babble nonsense about 'fear mongering'. You probably don't even know you're just a sucker for propaganda memes and tactics laid out by Antonio Gramsci back in the 1920's.

Your false claims are tactics #2 and #5. You will probably work in all the rest while playing 'I Touched You Last!!!"
But homosexuality never caused problems like those other things you listed. So if homosexuality has always been around and wasn't an issue, why care about it now?

There are many associated mental illnesses related to homosexuality, all of them harmful. the only real unknown is whether homosexuality is the cause of the pathology or is an associative disorder itself of something else. We know the 'Rights Movement' leadership were or are pedophiles themselves or are very friendly to and okay with pedophiles, see Harry Hay and others for their NAMBLA affiliations, the high percentages of hazardous S&M fans in the homosexual 'community, and of course they've always been a public health menace, almost single-handedly keeping syphilis alive and still lead the pack on new HIV infections, the spread of drug resistant staph infections, etc., etc.

And, it was pagans who burned them at the stake or tossed them into bogs, and few societies in the past didn't restrict their behaviors; trying to blame Da Evul Xians is just another Big lie as well.
Not quite. There are genes involved, just as there are genes involved to produce a tendency towards alcoholism.

There might be, but most likely it will be found to be related to a birth defect relating to a sense of smell, and in only a few cases; only about 10% of those claiming to be homosexuals are exclusively homosexual, and most of those claim it's because of smell, i.e. pheromones or something.
Rubbish. It's 'political' now because homosexuals have made it 'political', and use fake 'science' to justify it. Homosexuals make all the noise, and when it is responded to people like you lie and yell 'homophobia', a made up nonsense word, and babble nonsense about 'fear mongering'. You probably don't even know you're just a sucker for propaganda memes and tactics laid out by Antonio Gramsci back in the 1920's.

Homosexuality wasn't political until people started making laws against it. That was the politicization of homosexuality, which homosexuals have been forced to fight against. If you want LGBT politics to stop existing, do your part by supporting LGBT rights.

Here's a fun fact. A lot of gay bars in the West have been going out of business because gay people no longer need to meet in the shadows. The more acceptable homosexuality becomes, the less places gay people need that cater specifically to them. Same goes for politics. As homophobia dies out, so will the need for gay rights. Gay rights will simply be rights.

There are many associated mental illnesses related to homosexuality, all of them harmful. the only real unknown is whether homosexuality is the cause of the pathology or is an associative disorder itself of something else. We know the 'Rights Movement' leadership were or are pedophiles themselves or are very friendly to and okay with pedophiles, see Harry Hay and others for their NAMBLA affiliations, the high percentages of hazardous S&M fans in the homosexual 'community, and of course they've always been a public health menace, almost single-handedly keeping syphilis alive and still lead the pack on new HIV infections, the spread of drug resistant staph infections, etc., etc.

No shit. A lot of gay people still face violent homophobia. Of course they're more likely to suffer traumatic events that lead to mental illness. The most common mental issues that LGBT people are more likely to have are suicidality, anxiety, and major depression. All three of those are a result of trauma.

No, the LGBT community is not ok with child molesters like NAMBLA. This is a common claim that has never been backed up with any real study.

Gay people enjoy S&M? So what? You're hating on them for having a fun sex life?

The reason they have higher STD rates is because sex education is heterocentric. Of course if gay kids grow up knowing less about how to have safe sex, they're going to get more diseases than straight kids.

And, it was pagans who burned them at the stake or tossed them into bogs, and few societies in the past didn't restrict their behaviors; trying to blame Da Evul Xians is just another Big lie as well.

Which Pagan societies killed people for being gay or bi?
BTW, alcoholism is red herring.

It's a fallacy in case you didn't know that.
Alcoholism is not a fallacy. It is not a red herring either. No red herring fallacy was committed either.

A lot of people love drinking.
Yup... and others don't. ITN does not like drinking. I, while I DO like the taste of beer/vodka/etc, do not drink very often at all (maybe a few times a year nowadays).

That doesn't mean they are addicted to drinking or are alcoholics.
No one said any of that though.
Alcoholism is not a fallacy. It is not a red herring either. No red herring fallacy was committed either.

You compared alcoholism to homosexuality. That is a red herring.

Yup... and others don't. ITN does not like drinking. I, while I DO like the taste of beer/vodka/etc, do not drink very often at all (maybe a few times a year nowadays).

You just proved my point. There is a difference between liking alcohol/being a moderate drinker and alcoholism.

No one said any of that though.

You did.