Atheism and pedophilia

It's only political because homophobes have made it political.
First off, "homophobes" is not the correct terminology. This is not about one being intensely and irrationally afraid of homosexuals. You are just labeling as a "homophobe" anyone who happens to disagree with your views/politics regarding homosexuality. You just wish to end rational discussion about the topic. You just wish to shame people into "agreeing" with you. Use of such buzzwords/insults will get you nowhere with me.

Additionally, I would say that the political left (liberals) are who made this into a political issue. They simply saw (and continue to see) another "oppressed minority" to pander towards... Many people within these so called "oppressed minorities" are starting to see through the liberal lies, the Democrat "smoke and mirrors", and are starting to vote Republican. The political left is now attempting a large scale nationwide election fraud effort, since they know that they are going to lose come November.

Stop discriminating, stop fear-mongering, and it won't be political anymore.
You should take your own advice.
You compared alcoholism to homosexuality. That is a red herring.

You just proved my point. There is a difference between liking alcohol/being a moderate drinker and alcoholism.

You did.

You're in a completely different world than I am (mentally) and are confusing me with ITN, and don't understand what a red herring is, and are fixated on a point (drinking alcohol vs alcoholism) that no one was making nor discussing...
You're in a completely different world than I am (mentally) and are confusing me with ITN, and don't understand what a red herring is, and are fixated on a point (drinking alcohol vs alcoholism) that no one was making nor discussing...

Ah I see. You talk like ITN. You even use the same lines/fallacies.

Anyway, the valid comparison would be sex addiction and alcoholism.

Sexual orientation is just that, an orientation, not a behavior.
First off, "homophobes" is not the correct terminology. This is not about one being intensely and irrationally afraid of homosexuals.

Yes it is.

You are just labeling as a "homophobe" anyone who happens to disagree with your views/politics regarding homosexuality. You just wish to end rational discussion about the topic. You just wish to shame people into "agreeing" with you. Use of such buzzwords/insults will get you nowhere with me.

You're just saying that because you don't want to admit that opposition to gay rights comes from irrational fear. If you're homophobic, then you should be shamed.
No, I'm not trying to end rational discussion. You can defend your stupid ideas if you want and I'll debunk them. But I'm not going to pretend that your ideas should be taken seriously.

Additionally, I would say that the political left (liberals) are who made this into a political issue. They simply saw (and continue to see) another "oppressed minority" to pander towards... Many people within these so called "oppressed minorities" are starting to see through the liberal lies, the Democrat "smoke and mirrors", and are starting to vote Republican. The political left is now attempting a large scale nationwide election fraud effort, since they know that they are going to lose come November.

No, people like Mike Pence have made homosexuality into a political issue. It's funny how Conservatives will try to limit rights for gay people, they'll say homophobic things, then when gay people fight back, Conservatives will claim they're not homophobic, they just wish gay people and Liberals weren't always trying to shove homosexuality in everyone's face.
Either stop being a pussy and admit that you just don't want LGBT people to have the same civil liberties the rest of us have, or stop defending such policies, and LGBT issues won't be political.

You should take your own advice.[/QUOTE]
I don't recall her saying that she gives it away for free, do you? Maybe she's so good that she can get away with charging a premium even to her boyfriend, although I think she might be more offended at the insinuation that she is a capitalist.

If she's charging him, he's not her boyfriend.
there is morality outside of religion.

The opening post included this:

(Even if they believe it is wrong, they can and only do so by stealing and culturally-apporpriating religious or moral values based on faith, not "science", "emperical evidence", or any other silly and ubiquitously misued notion, lol).

What is morality outside of religion based on?

Yes it is.
No, there is no fear of homosexuals involved here. Disagreeing with homosexuality is not the same as fearing homosexuals.

You're just saying that because you don't want to admit that opposition to gay rights comes from irrational fear.
Opposition to homosexuality does not come from fear of homosexuals. It comes, in part, from opposition to sex acts that in principle do not produce anything (iow, are "unproductive"). This includes homosexuality, but it also includes things such as lesbianism and masturbation.

If you're homophobic, then you should be shamed.
Shaming homophobes does not in any way help them to overcome their phobia. Shaming alcoholics and homosexuals does not in any way help them to overcome their genetic predispositions.

No, I'm not trying to end rational discussion.
Yes, you are. You've already based your position on a strawman that people such as myself supposedly oppose homosexuality due to an irrational fear/paranoia of homosexuals. I am not afraid of homosexuals; I treat them as I treat any other person (as I would want to be treated).

You've also proceeded to tell me that you would choose to shame me for my supposed phobia of homosexuals rather than stand by my side and help me to overcome such a phobia. You have been anything BUT rational, and that same sentiment continues below...

You can defend your stupid ideas if you want and I'll debunk them. But I'm not going to pretend that your ideas should be taken seriously.
See above.

You've already tipped your hand. You are not participating in this discussion to "debunk" anything that I've said; you are simply here to hurl buzzwords/insults at me and to shame me for not "being on your team". That is anything BUT rational behavior. Peace N Safety (and others) are doing the same thing, but are just members of the "other team".

No, people like Mike Pence have made homosexuality into a political issue. It's funny how Conservatives will try to limit rights for gay people,
Homosexuals have always had the right to marry.

they'll say homophobic things,
HOW DARE THEY!!!! If you ever run into such people (people who have a phobia of homosexuals, NOT people who simply happen to disagree with your views on homosexuality), maybe you should help them to overcome their phobia rather than shame them for having a phobia.

then when gay people fight back, Conservatives will claim they're not homophobic,
I'm not. I don't have a phobia of gay people. I treat them as I treat anybody else. I have a couple of gay coworkers (that I am aware of, anyway). I converse with them as I do my other coworkers. They don't parade their "gayness" and "gay pride" around everywhere either, as LGBTQLMNOP+ annoyingly does. They just go about living their lives as they see fit. I REALLYYYYYYY wish that LGBTQLMNOP+ would do the same...

they just wish gay people and Liberals weren't always trying to shove homosexuality in everyone's face.
That sounds good to me. I'm sick of hearing constant bitching and moaning and whining from LGBTQLMNOP+, supposed "oppressed minorities", and etc. Bitching, moaning, and whining are all completely unproductive behaviors.

Either stop being a pussy and admit that you just don't want LGBT people to have the same civil liberties the rest of us have,
LGBT people have always had the right to marry.

or stop defending such policies, and LGBT issues won't be political.
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I'll add in a little story about myself that loosely ties into the discussions that have occurred here, but turning it a little more into the direction of the whole "nature vs nurture" debate.

For most of my short just under 30 years of life, I have struggled with the quite rare issue of being an extremely picky eater. I'm not talking about the common childhood picky eating that goes away over time; I'm talking about a legit phobia of trying new foods that severely limited my palate to basically plain hamburgers and french fries. I would not eat a bun, I would not eat cheese, I would not eat any condiments, I would not eat hash browns, I would not eat mashed potatoes, I would not eat thick cut french fries, and etc...

I had my handful of "safe foods" and anything beyond that was a complete no-go, no matter how hard my parents tried to get me to eat other things. I am told by my family that I was not like that in my first very few years of life (of which I have no memories of), but for as long as I can remember (since 1st grade), I had been like that and being like that is all that I ever knew.

My phobia of trying new foods naturally led to intense "dinner table battles" between me and my parents, of which I do not have very fond memories of, and of which only made my new-food-phobia situation much worse rather than better. I always felt that I was just "made that way", that I had no control over it, and that no one understood me. I felt like a complete outcast from everyone else throughout much of my lifetime to date. Any sort of social gatherings with anyone (and even family holiday gatherings) were Hell-on-Earth for me, since social gatherings almost always involved food, and as an extremely picky eater due to my phobia of trying new foods, I was a complete misfit in that regard compared to everyone else. I've lived most of my almost 30 year life having to endure very negative and "put-me-down" comments from others regarding my phobia, but worst of all was when those comments would come from family members. There was nowhere I could turn to get away from it. I remember fervently praying to God as a child, asking why I was made like this, to please take away the pain, to make me "normal" like "everyone else", etc...

These sorts of negative experiences surrounding my phobia eventually led me down a path of depression and loneliness (throughout most of my 20s), which led into a path of self-harm (in my case, purposely inflicting knife-cuts into my left upper-arm as an attempt to alleviate the mental/emotional pain by causing physical pain), and when that stopped working, it eventually led me down a path to planning out my suicide. Thankfully, I did not follow through with the plan. After the wish to commit suicide fled my mind, it scared the living hell out of me, and I knew that I needed to make some drastic changes to flee from the road that my choices were taking me down.

Long story short, I made changes, which slowly helped, but the real help came just a few years ago when it finally clicked in my mind that I was not actually opposed to all of those foods themselves (some foods I was, but other foods I actually wasn't), but rather I was opposed to the horrific "dinner table battle" experiences that I endured as a young child and subsequently throughout my childhood. In other words, I finally recognized the irrationality of my phobia, and recognized that I was misapplying my repulsion of those "dinner table battles" to a supposed "repulsion of" the foods themselves.

Ever since that particular self-realization, my palate expanded multi-fold. I eat buns now, I eat cheese now, I eat some condiments now, I eat potatoes in any form now, I eat apples now (whole or dehydrated), I eat various other fruits now (watermelon, peaches, pears, grapes, etc.), I eat various other types of meat now (pork, chicken, ham, steak, turkey, hotdogs, etc.), I eat pizza and various types of pizzas now, and so on... These are all things that I never ate throughout most of my lifetime. I still basically only eat corn, peas, and lima beans for vegetables, but I'm just not a big vegetable fan and I think that's more due to my genetics than my nurturing.

So, when ITN made his comments about people overcoming their genetic weaknesses, the weaknesses of this world, and etc, I can personally attest for those comments as I've "lived it". Even though my particular story is more due to "nurture" than to "nature" (even though some "nature" is involved, as there are genetic predispositions to liking/hating certain foods), it shows that "nurture", especially concerning infants and young children, cannot be forgotten in these types of discussions either.

Even though my experiences with that phobia were very rough to say the least, I've come out of it with knowledge and strength. I know that making the dinner table into a battlefield is a very bad thing to do to a child. I know that shaming people due to their phobias does NOT help them to overcome said phobias. I know that praying to God should be about HIS will for me and the world, rather than MY will for me and the world.

I have progressed. I have made some progress in my short life, to date. I am still in the process of progressing, and I still have some unproductive behaviors in my life that I need to address and make productive. I still have behaviors in my life that are not bearing any spiritual fruit. This phobia of mine, however, has since been overcome, and is now productively bearing fruit for God via providing knowledge and help to others who suffer with similar issues/phobias/etc.

Shaming people for their phobias does nothing to help them; it does nothing productive; it does nothing to bear spiritual fruit.
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That's not what gfm7175 wrote.

I quoted what he said - sorry you struggle to keep up

To believe "there is no God" is to likewise hold a religious belief.

Yes - that is a belief - and it even requires faith but it does not require religion - hence it is not a religious belief

any more sophomorics you want to throw my way?
I quoted what he said - sorry you struggle to keep up

To believe "there is no God" is to likewise hold a religious belief.

Yes - that is a belief - and it even requires faith = but it does not require religion - hence it is not a religious belief

any more sophomorics you want to throw my way?

Lack of belief is not belief. It would be like saying since I don't live in France my beliefs are based on not living there.
Lack of belief is not belief. It would be like saying since I don't believe I live in France my beliefs are based on not living there.

if you lack a belief in religion - you have a belief that some other explanation does exist

so yeah - a lack of belief in religion means you believe something else

I think this is a little deep for you though - offense meant