Atheists more Intelligent

Maybe it's because engineers have to produce tangible results so they're far more likely to pray to God that things work because their job and their ass is on the line...



You might be onto something..
This "entire thread" is not a microcosm of America. It's a minor subset of political junkies and nutjobs....except for. I'm just here for the science. :D

Well, the article he posted isn't exactly a rare occurrence. It's an often echoed topic. I'm liberal but I'm also Christian through and through. While it doesn't reach war on Christmas levels or other rightist bs you do get an earful being on the left. Normally it's brushed off because it's often deserved thanks to fundies and fakes dragging the brand. Still, you run across some stuff that is Trump level douchey. It's odd to me why someone believing in God would bug some. As far as I'm concerned you could worship a toaster that never burns for all I care. As long as it doesn't harm anyone that is.
I think you're being baited. "Every genius engineer I know". Dude, how many fucking "genius engineers" do you think he knows? My guess?: FUCKING ZERO.

He's trolling you. Which seems more likely; that he's fucking with everyone or he actually knows at least one "genius engineer"?

Actually, it's around 8. Three are related. One I went to school with..others are friends.
Simplicity applies in some instances. Religion is about control, spirituality is about the deeper meaning of life. The various books of the Bible were written for different purposes, the compilation of the books was about control.

The religions of the Book (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) are authoritarian because they conceive God as the author of the world. Thus we are supposed to worship authority and power.
Well, the article he posted isn't exactly a rare occurrence. It's an often echoed topic. I'm liberal but I'm also Christian through and through. While it doesn't reach war on Christmas levels or other rightist bs you do get an earful being on the left. Normally it's brushed off because it's often deserved thanks to fundies and fakes dragging the brand. Still, you run across some stuff that is Trump level douchey. It's odd to me why someone believing in God would bug some. As far as I'm concerned you could worship a toaster that never burns for all I care. As long as it doesn't harm anyone that is.
Sure it is just like a lot of the "bait threads" be it abortion, gay rights, guns, etc. The same arguments, the same division the same "no resolution". IMO, it's done out of boredom.

Summers are labeled "the Silly Season" and election year summers are, by far, the silliest.
LOL. I doubt it, but thanks for the laugh. Just to play along, where are all of these "genius engineers" gathered?

Da fuq you mean "gathered"? I know 2 from church (they are like family), 2 are customers, 1 I grew up with, and 3 I'm related to, (Also grew up with them)

Sorry to disappoint, but your gotcha moment is not going to arrive here.
Da fuq you mean "gathered"? I know 2 from church (they are like family), 2 are customers, 1 I grew up with, and 3 I'm related to, (Also grew up with them)

Sorry to disappoint, but your gotcha moment is not going to arrive here.

You just happen to know 8 "genius engineers"? ROFL Sorry, kid, but unless they were all attending a conference at MIT and you were the janitor, I strongly doubt it. You're not the bright.
You just happen to know 8 "genius engineers"? ROFL Sorry, kid, but unless they were all attending a conference at MIT and you were the janitor, I strongly doubt it. You're not the bright.

Who are you to judge, boy? PS: I think you you MEANT "that", Mr. smarts-judger.

Congratulations on the "Now you're a viable target for me" promotion.

It's not my problem you can't think outside of a box.

Now that I know you are bitchslap material, this makes things moar fun!
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Exactly what Christ did. He knew the Pharisees were coming at him, trying to just stir up strife with gotcha questions........Jesus simply walked away.
He told believers to not engage "in endless arguments" with those who really aren't asking sincere questions regarding faith and salvation. They're only
posturing and scheming for their own selfish and prideful agendas.

I have no agenda, moron. Merely observations of your blind acceptance of an AWOL deity
Who are you to judge, boy? PS: I think you you MEANT "that", Mr. smarts-judger.

Congratulations on the "Now you're a viable target for me" promotion.

It's not my problem you can't think outside of a box.

Now that I know you are bitchslap material, this makes things moar fun!

Me judging you. Jesus, you think idiots who post here can avoid others from picking up they are fucking morons? Even the TD twins and Grokmaster post better than you and they are complete nutjobs who shouldn't be allowed to own firearms...and may already be restricted from doing so.
Me judging you. Jesus, you think idiots who post here can avoid others from picking up they are fucking morons? Even the TD twins and Grokmaster post better than you and they are complete nutjobs who shouldn't be allowed to own firearms...and may already be restricted from doing so.

In a pig's eye, you fucknugget. You got the wrong cracker, bitch!
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We are a fundamentalist [meaning we believe the Bible to be the word of God and do our best to rightly divide it (II Tim 3:16), and follow it as closely as we can] congregation of about 50 in rural America. We are a mixed group ranging from high school drop outs, like my parents (only dad is left now) and those who graduated Secondary school but never went to college to those with multiple degrees. We probably have 15-20 with at least an Associates degree, several of us have Masters degrees and one has a PhD in Nuclear Physics.

I don’t know but I suspect our numbers are probably close to the norm. At any rate, it matters not to me. Earthly knowledge might help one through this life but the knowledge that comes from God through His word is forever. I don’t care how many try to paint believers as knuckle-dragging morons. It has been that way all my life but is more recently being highlighted. What does bother me is that, at least in the eyes of some it seems, we should never consider our beliefs when we go to the polls.
QED. You don't even know who the President of the United States is this year. Hint: He, too, is a fucking moron. :D

You're incapable of answering the question, oh ye with the short-circuiting brain.

If you are capable, provide the answer to the question. If you do, you'll be the 1st to win out of thousands that have failed. The indoctrination is real, y0?

If you fail, you're just another Patty Hearst zombie.
We are a fundamentalist [meaning we believe the Bible to be the word of God and do our best to rightly divide it (II Tim 3:16), and follow it as closely as we can] congregation of about 50 in rural America. We are a mixed group ranging from high school drop outs, like my parents (only dad is left now) and those who graduated Secondary school but never went to college to those with multiple degrees. We probably have 15-20 with at least an Associates degree, several of us have Masters degrees and one has a PhD in Nuclear Physics.

I don’t know but I suspect our numbers are probably close to the norm. At any rate, it matters not to me. Earthly knowledge might help one through this life but the knowledge that comes from God through His word is forever. I don’t care how many try to paint believers as knuckle-dragging morons. It has been that way all my life but is more recently being highlighted. What does bother me is that, at least in the eyes of some it seems, we should never consider our beliefs when we go to the polls.

Why should you not consider your beliefs when you go to the polls? That's kinda crazy.