Atheists more Intelligent

In a pig's eye, you fucknugget. You got the wrong cracker, bitch!

There it is: Proof you're as big a dumbass as the Cocksucker Twins, Grokmaster and the other RWNJs. Congrats!

It's also a sad example of a typical American high school education. Have you ever considered going to college, son? Maybe a couple of night classes to help you out of your rut? Reach for that brass ring, son. A few classes and you can move up in the world. Please consider it.

"What did Americans tell Donald J. Trump the night of November 3rd, 2020, Alex."
Christianity: the belief that a Jewish zombie floated into the clouds 2,000 years ago to atone for the crime of a woman fooled by a talking snake into eating a forbidden magical fruit.

There it is: Proof you're as big a dumbass as the Cocksucker Twins, Grokmaster and the other RWNJs. Congrats!

It's also a sad example of a typical American high school education. Have you ever considered going to college, son? Maybe a couple of night classes to help you out of your rut? Reach for that brass ring, son. A few classes and you can move up in the world. Please consider it.

Please consider not inspecting your colon 24 hours a day, asshat.

Why would your god punish a thinking person who leads an admirable life? What kind of insecure and spiteful god is that

The very question that I asked my mom (Sunday school teacher and devout Xtian) circa age 9 or so. Never did get a satisfactory answer, no matter how many times I asked it of various Xtian ministers/priests/pastors.
Yeah, sure. Scientists and doctors are largely not believers in any gods.
Many engineers are conservatives. They are Trumpies too. That must mean something profound, but it eludes me.

You are correct. My oldest son and my husband are engineers. They are both atheist. They are also somewhat more conservative than I am. I think it's because they see politics are an emotional sport, and value facts, data, figures, mathematics over turmoil, feelings, and chaos. They are both staunch capitalists. Neither vote (R) though so by today's Reichwing criteria, they're both flaming libs. lol
Christianity: the belief that a Jewish zombie floated into the clouds 2,000 years ago to atone for the crime of a woman fooled by a talking snake into eating a forbidden magical fruit.


I imagine that is pretty insulting even to liberal Christians and civilized agnostics.

I have a book recommendation for you.

It is about the Soviet Union's League of Militant Atheists. A state sanctioned organization dedicated to promoting the official State Atheism, eradicating religion, harassing priests, and trolling the devout.

Well, the article he posted isn't exactly a rare occurrence. It's an often echoed topic. I'm liberal but I'm also Christian through and through. While it doesn't reach war on Christmas levels or other rightist bs you do get an earful being on the left. Normally it's brushed off because it's often deserved thanks to fundies and fakes dragging the brand. Still, you run across some stuff that is Trump level douchey. It's odd to me why someone believing in God would bug some. As far as I'm concerned you could worship a toaster that never burns for all I care. As long as it doesn't harm anyone that is.

Ra-men. And that is exactly how most on the left, whether they are religious or not, feel about the whole thing. "And it harm none, do as thou wilt" isn't just a Wiccan Rede slogan. It's how we feel about this religious stuff. The old-fashioned Libertarians believe(d) the same way.
Please consider not inspecting your colon 24 hours a day, asshat.


Posted with all the intelligence and wit of a high school dropout. Congrats Matt for at least being able to both post a picture and for spelling colon correctly!

Tell your mom, I'm sure she would be proud of your advanced computing skills.
I imagine that is pretty insulting even to liberal Christians and civilized agnostics.

I have a book recommendation for you.

It is about the Soviet Union's League of Militant Atheists. A state sanctioned organizations dedicated to promoting the official State Atheism, eradicating religion, harassing priests" and trolling the devout.


Meh. I have no interest in that book. And my post may be insulting and politically incorrect, but it's hella funny!
You just happen to know 8 "genius engineers"? ROFL Sorry, kid, but unless they were all attending a conference at MIT and you were the janitor, I strongly doubt it. You're not the bright.

Hey now. Maybe they are domestic, sanitation, athletics, and landscaping engineers, eh?
Hey now. Maybe they are domestic, sanitation, athletics, and landscaping engineers, eh?

Ah! <smacks forehead> I forgot about that. Of course, now Matt's claim all makes sense. He knew genius maintenance engineers from work. Of course!
We are a fundamentalist [meaning we believe the Bible to be the word of God and do our best to rightly divide it (II Tim 3:16), and follow it as closely as we can] congregation of about 50 in rural America. We are a mixed group ranging from high school drop outs, like my parents (only dad is left now) and those who graduated Secondary school but never went to college to those with multiple degrees. We probably have 15-20 with at least an Associates degree, several of us have Masters degrees and one has a PhD in Nuclear Physics.

I don’t know but I suspect our numbers are probably close to the norm. At any rate, it matters not to me. Earthly knowledge might help one through this life but the knowledge that comes from God through His word is forever. I don’t care how many try to paint believers as knuckle-dragging morons. It has been that way all my life but is more recently being highlighted. What does bother me is that, at least in the eyes of some it seems, we should never consider our beliefs when we go to the polls.

Can't speak for others but nothing wrong with considering your beliefs when you go to vote... we all do it. What we secular types object to is the appointment of overtly-Xtian (or Muslim or any other faith) judges *solely* because of their personal choice of religion. We object to laws being passed that favor one religion over no religions -- i.e., teaching Creationism in public schools.
The very question that I asked my mom (Sunday school teacher and devout Xtian) circa age 9 or so. Never did get a satisfactory answer, no matter how many times I asked it of various Xtian ministers/priests/pastors.

It's a ploy to get a desired behavior. It's apt of old testament types which are more God-fearing than compassionate Christ emulator. The Old Testament was the book of the Jews and has little actually to do with Christ. Fear tactics sound more like the devil than anything.