Atheists more Intelligent

Intelligence does not equal wisdom. ;)
Loaded words.

Life experience, and 5,000 years of recorded human history have taught us to be on guard against wisdom's imposters: dogmatic religious fundamentalism and autocratic totalitarianism on the one hand, and skeptical cynicism and moral relativism offering no firm ground on the other.

I do not believe inflexible bible thumpers or cynical militant atheist trolls are really providing that much wisdom. Just my two cents.

I believe wisdom about the meaning of life might be drawn from teachings and philosophical traditions of all types: religious, philosophical, scientific, artistic, political.

This is about as good as advice gets, to me anyway.

I want to urge you as much as I can, dear friend, to be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not seek to have answers, which cannot be given to you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into an answer.

Maria Rilker
the three major religions that believe the universe was created all agree on who created it.......

Do they agree on who created that person? It just goes on and on. The creator needs a creator and that one does too. Saying god created the world solves nothing. It changes your footing on the same question that has no answer.
The problem is religious people think that actually says something. That is because they want to. Again proving atheists can think more logically.
You guys are trained from childhood to believe. Muslims are. Buddhists are. Jews are. Because as kids, you do not know enough to argue that they are forcing religion into immature brains. It is like planting a virus.
Do they agree on who created that person? It just goes on and on. The creator needs a creator and that one does too. Saying god created the world solves nothing. It changes your footing on the same question that has no answer.
The problem is religious people think that actually says something. That is because they want to. Again proving atheists can think more logically.
You guys are trained from childhood to believe. Muslims are. Buddhists are. Jews are. Because as kids, you do not know enough to argue that they are forcing religion into immature brains. It is like planting a virus.

I don't think God wants us to be be stupid.
Loaded words.

Life experience, and 5,000 years of recorded human history have taught us to be on guard against wisdom's imposters: dogmatic religious fundamentalism and autocratic totalitarianism on the one hand, and skeptical cynicism and moral relativism offering no firm ground on the other.

I do not believe inflexible bible thumpers or cynical militant atheist trolls are really providing that much wisdom. Just my two cents.

I believe wisdom about the meaning of life might be drawn from teachings and philosophical traditions of all types: religious, philosophical, scientific, artistic, political.

This is about as good as advice gets, to me anyway.

Loaded with very plain simple facts. Human beings can be intelligent, but not very wise. And, conversely be wise, but not very intelligent.
Faith is not dependent upon worldly head smarts. It's a condition of the heart, belief from your soul and the wisdom given of God.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5
You have no fucking clue what the choices are. Only what your preacher man tells you and what that book of fairytales written by Bronze Age goat fuckers tells you.

it takes someone exceptionally ignorant to deny that everyone knows what their choices certainly qualify......
Do they agree on who created that person? It just goes on and on. The creator needs a creator and that one does too.

they all agree that he doesn't need a do realize that an eternal incorporeal entity would not need one, right?.......if you can't figure out something that basic how can you pretend you think more logically?.........if our thinking is ingrained as children, who taught you to be an idiot?......
It's a ploy to get a desired behavior. It's apt of old testament types which are more God-fearing than compassionate Christ emulator. The Old Testament was the book of the Jews and has little actually to do with Christ. Fear tactics sound more like the devil than anything.

That seems to prove the point that another person made, that religion is often used to control ppl.
That seems to prove the point that another person made, that religion is often used to control ppl.

Some people use it that way but it's not supposed to be that way. For Christianity, it's supposed to be simple emulation of Christ for the betterment of humanity. Once again the God-fearing or just corrupt rulers have used it to evangelize by ill means with inquisitors and crusaders. Evangelism, or just expulsion and eradication, all acts in antithesis to Christ. Those that followed Christ as a person did so by choice. You'll hear Mason say it all the time. Many will come in my name but they are not mine. They will deceive many. The ill-begotten words like bastard or heathen spawn from such antichristian behavior.
Some people use it that way but it's not supposed to be that way. For Christianity, it's supposed to be simple emulation of Christ for the betterment of humanity. Once again the God-fearing or just corrupt rulers have used it to evangelize by ill means with inquisitors and crusaders. Evangelism, or just expulsion and eradication, all acts in antithesis to Christ. Those that followed Christ as a person did so by choice. You'll hear Mason say it all the time. Many will come in my name but they are not mine. They will deceive many. The ill-begotten words like bastard or heathen spawn from such antichristian behavior.

evangelism is not expulsion or eradication, fyi. you're thinking of jihad.







they all agree that he doesn't need a do realize that an eternal incorporeal entity would not need one, right?.......if you can't figure out something that basic how can you pretend you think more logically?.........if our thinking is ingrained as children, who taught you to be an idiot?......

They are wrong. No scientist agrees with that. Religions all have to agree because their phony belief systems are predicated on it. Religions pretend knowledge that they do not have. They lie about afterlife because we all know they have zero knowledge of that. They lie about creation making up such simple-minded myths that they teach you from childhood.
Hawkins said the existence does not need a creator. I prefer his opinion rather than bronze age goat herders. The bible was written a couple of hundred years at least after Jesus, who may or may not have existed, was dead. Then it was compiled by councils including kings and popes along with religious scholars. It was a commission that wrote the bible long after.
It is a political book of myths.
Loaded with very plain simple facts. Human beings can be intelligent, but not very wise. And, conversely be wise, but not very intelligent.
Faith is not dependent upon worldly head smarts. It's a condition of the heart, belief from your soul and the wisdom given of God.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5

Exactly who of you has actually conversed with your god?
They are wrong. No scientist agrees with that. Religions all have to agree because their phony belief systems are predicated on it. Religions pretend knowledge that they do not have. They lie about afterlife because we all know they have zero knowledge of that. They lie about creation making up such simple-minded myths that they teach you from childhood.
Hawkins said the existence does not need a creator. I prefer his opinion rather than bronze age goat herders. The bible was written a couple of hundred years at least after Jesus, who may or may not have existed, was dead. Then it was compiled by councils including kings and popes along with religious scholars. It was a commission that wrote the bible long after.
It is a political book of myths.
That's false. It was written before Jesus. What was already written was meticulously translated and compiled by Constantinian scribes.