Atheists more Intelligent

You claimed to know the choices, you fucking idiot, and then tell us. Quit drinking, dumbfuck. It makes you more stupid than you already are.

you are such a sad of your choices is believe in the God of Christianity........the other one is to not believe in the God of Christianity.......then there's the possibility of being unable to choose between the two options, but that's not really a different choice......that's just a refusal to make, aren't you embarrassed about how stupid you look?.....
Some people use it that way but it's not supposed to be that way. For Christianity, it's supposed to be simple emulation of Christ for the betterment of humanity. Once again the God-fearing or just corrupt rulers have used it to evangelize by ill means with inquisitors and crusaders. Evangelism, or just expulsion and eradication, all acts in antithesis to Christ. Those that followed Christ as a person did so by choice. You'll hear Mason say it all the time. Many will come in my name but they are not mine. They will deceive many. The ill-begotten words like bastard or heathen spawn from such antichristian behavior.

All human institutions involve some measure of control and coercion: organized religion, feudalism, oligarchy, even capitalism (yes, it seeks to enslave us to consumerism and materialism).

The preeminent Christian philosopher Soren Kierkegaard concluded only a direct spiritual connection to God, not one arbitated by an institution, is warranted. Kierkegaard maintained thst institutions falsely hijack the human soul -- they do not elevate or purify it.
you are such a sad of your choices is believe in the God of Christianity........the other one is to not believe in the God of Christianity.......then there's the possibility of being unable to choose between the two options, but that's not really a different choice......that's just a refusal to make, aren't you embarrassed about how stupid you look?.....

Why would anyone be embarrassed about using one’s brain? Dunning and Kruger studied people just like you. Too ignorant to realize how fucking ignorant you are.

you are such a sad of your choices is believe in the God of Christianity........the other one is to not believe in the God of Christianity.......then there's the possibility of being unable to choose between the two options, but that's not really a different choice......that's just a refusal to make, aren't you embarrassed about how stupid you look?.....

What about the God of Islam or Judaism? Why not choose among the Gods of Hinduism?
Simple logic. If causation of the world is necessary then you are depending on the principle of causation. Then God needs to be caused. Otherwise, you're not using any principle.

except it is NOT logical.....God shares no characteristics with "the world", therefore he does not require an identical origin......does the principle of causation apply to things which have no beginning and no end?......
Takes too long for you to reply. No idea what you're talking about.

I expect that's because you just realized you said something stupid and want to distance yourself from it........choosing the god of Hinduism equals not choosing the god of Christianity......therefore, it is not a third choice, it is just one of the alternatives available under the second choice.......