Atheists more Intelligent

you are such a sad of your choices is believe in the God of Christianity........the other one is to not believe in the God of Christianity.......then there's the possibility of being unable to choose between the two options, but that's not really a different choice......that's just a refusal to make, aren't you embarrassed about how stupid you look?.....
He thinks as many do. They think they have endless time when actually his life may be required of him this night.

"...choose this day whom you will serve..."
Joshua 24:15

Then He told them a parable: “The ground of a certain rich man produced an abundance. So he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, since I have nowhere to store my crops?’ Then he said, ‘This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and will build bigger ones, and there I will store up all my grain and my goods. Then I will say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take it easy. Eat, drink, and be merry!”’
But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be required of you. Then who will own what you have accumulated?’
This is how it will be for anyone who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich toward God.”
Luke 12:16-21

Do you know what else does not believe in a God?

Lower forms of life. Why? It requires that you be on a higher level evolutionary-wise.

You see, baboon, apes, chimps, platypus, deer, and other forms of life don't have the intellect to conceive a higher power or an order to their environment. They just go day to day, destroying and killing to survive.

Show a baboon a Picasso painting and to them, its just a jumble of colors. A Picasso is an indirect means by which a higher intelligence was able to convey a mood, or a feeling, or a place. The same with composers like Bach.

They indirectly prove the existence of their thoughts, emotions and passion.

All this is also attributed to a belief in God. It doesn't have to be a specific religion, just a belief. For those of us who have a higher intellect, we see the indirect evidence of God all around us, each and every day.

But that evidence is just a bunch of noise to you baboons.

Nice try though. Maybe someday the atheist may make a cogent argument, but it wasn't this day.
Do you know what else does not believe in a God?

Lower forms of life. Why? It requires that you be on a higher level evolutionary-wise.

You see, baboon, apes, chimps, platypus, deer, and other forms of life don't have the intellect to conceive a higher power or an order to their environment. They just go day to day, destroying and killing to survive.

Show a baboon a Picasso painting and to them, its just a jumble of colors. A Picasso is an indirect means by which a higher intelligence was able to convey a mood, or a feeling, or a place. The same with composers like Bach.

They indirectly prove the existence of their thoughts, emotions and passion.

All this is also attributed to a belief in God. It doesn't have to be a specific religion, just a belief. For those of us who have a higher intellect, we see the indirect evidence of God all around us, each and every day.

But that evidence is just a bunch of noise to you baboons.

Nice try though. Maybe someday the atheist may make a cogent argument, but it wasn't this day.

You believe in God because you believe. Oldest rationalization in the world.
You believe in God because you believe. Oldest rationalization in the world.

the morality that generally comes in spiritual teachings is an evolutionary advancement. your atheism is a step backwards and is generally promoted mostly by bad people who like to do bad things. genocide is their favorite.
Do you know what else does not believe in a God?

Lower forms of life. Why? It requires that you be on a higher level evolutionary-wise.

You see, baboon, apes, chimps, platypus, deer, and other forms of life don't have the intellect to conceive a higher power or an order to their environment. They just go day to day, destroying and killing to survive.

Show a baboon a Picasso painting and to them, its just a jumble of colors. A Picasso is an indirect means by which a higher intelligence was able to convey a mood, or a feeling, or a place. The same with composers like Bach.

They indirectly prove the existence of their thoughts, emotions and passion.

All this is also attributed to a belief in God. It doesn't have to be a specific religion, just a belief. For those of us who have a higher intellect, we see the indirect evidence of God all around us, each and every day.

But that evidence is just a bunch of noise to you baboons.

Nice try though. Maybe someday the atheist may make a cogent argument, but it wasn't this day.

all you got is ass snot
Dude, I went to Sunday School every week. I studied the Bible and Christian theology. You don't have any tricks I was not taught already.

Well, that's good on you. The problem is, you think it is tricks and I am telling you that religion and belief are a personal journey. Your problem is that you don't want to make that journey, are too afraid of that journey, or personal introspection.

Because of that, you feel a need to denigrate others who do have faith. I'm sure you rail against the religious teaching morals you don't agree with, claiming they are forcing it down your throat; all the while, expressing hatred for those who won't allow YOU to force your morals down our throats.

The issues is, NO ONE is making you go to church. The church is NOT being forced upon you.

However, the same cannot be said about government. It has become so invasive in the lives of the citizenry, that even Hitler would cringe at what the left wants to force on us. Make no mistake, the left is every ounce a fascist there is.

So, if you think faith is a hoax, by all means. Live without it and I'll live never giving you a single thought.
Well, that's good on you. The problem is, you think it is tricks and I am telling you that religion and belief are a personal journey. Your problem is that you don't want to make that journey, are too afraid of that journey, or personal introspection.

The issues is, NO ONE is making you go to church. The church is NOT being forced upon you.

My parents physically forced me to go to church.