Attempt to rekindle Domestic Oil Drilling...

"What you need to do, is understand you are not the Gestapo, and the American public doesn't bow to your will. Stop trying to punish people you disagree with, and find a way to compromise and get along. Realize, you are not the only one who has ideas, and some of them are actually much better than yours. Or, you can just keep on being the fascist little bastard you are."

LMAO! Much different tune when you're in the minority.

"You're getting Bolton, Dammit!"
You had him. How did it taste?
It made me think of this -

Little Sister: "Mommy, Mommy! I hate Johnny's guts!"

Mom: "Shut up and keep eating!"

I will always be in the minority because I believe in responsible people and government.

If by. "responsible people" you mean, people who are in lockstep with your particular ideas and philosophies, and if by, "government" you mean your fascist viewpoint in power and control of things, then yes... we all hope you will always be in the minority.
I mean people resopnsible for their own actions and politicians responsible to their country not their lobbiests and such.

Try and spin it however you want, there it is.

The Republicans are not the party of personal responsibility, they and you have repeatedly proven that in recent years.
I mean people resopnsible for their own actions and politicians responsible to their country not their lobbiests and such.

Try and spin it however you want, there it is.

The Republicans are not the party of personal responsibility, they and you have repeatedly proven that in recent years.

I want people to be responsible for their own actions as well, but I understand they often are not responsible, and we must deal with it. You can encourage personal responsibility, but you can't force people to act responsibly. That is what Fascist try to do, and it doesn't work. The people have to be compelled to act responsibly by their own choice, not by your mandates.

I also want politicians who are responsible to their country and not their lobby's, but again, I have full control of this with my vote. I can encourage others to vote like me, but I can't force them to. And it's also a matter of perception. What I see as "responsible to their country" or "personal responsibility" is not the same thing you see. Our viewpoints differ, sometimes to a great degree, and when they do, we can't just pound our fist on the table and demand to punish the ones who we disagree with, until they see things our way. That is what Fascists do, and it doesn't work.
Umm laws are to force people to act responsibly.

Please post responsibly Dixie, do not post and drink.
Laws do nothing to "force" people to act responsibly or otherwise. If they did, a law against burglery would mean no more burglaries, or a law against murder would effectively end murder.

What laws do is outline the circumstances under which society can penalize, or if necessary separate through incarceration, a person from society for not acting responsibly - where "responsibly" is defined by the powers of said society.
What did "Dixie, dixie....sigh...." have to do with GL anyway ?

You trying to group someone with some brains in with Dixie ?
they both responded to your statement.

And pretty much with the same opinion, that laws do not "force" responsibility.

uscitizen just can't find anything to say, which is often the case with him. He throws out some ridiculous argument and has it shot down, only to be left stammering and stuttering. It's actually a better response than when he continues to post an argument, because sometimes he can get some aerial support from Waterhead or Oncie, if he doesn't make himself look too stupid.
Dixie, Goodluck.. et al. the neocon shitstainers as may know them, think that by repeating definitions of what laws are that that somehow means their totalitarian fascism is justifiable.

Laws are just arbitary codes for conduct issued and enforced by a totalitarian enitity know as a state( all of which are illegitimate, by the way) which may or may not be in accordance with any give moral principles.
Dixie, Goodluck.. et al. the neocon shitstainers as may know them, think that by repeating definitions of what laws are that that somehow means their totalitarian fascism is justifiable.

Laws are just arbitary codes for conduct issued and enforced by a totalitarian enitity know as a state( all of which are illegitimate, by the way) which may or may not be in accordance with any give moral principles.

We are a nation of laws, and not of men. Been that way since the beginning, and if you have a problem with that, you are unAmerican.
We are a nation of laws, and not of men. Been that way since the beginning, and if you have a problem with that, you are unAmerican.

But the laws are created by men. That's the truth of it. That being the case, laws are prone to be as flawed and corrupt as men themselves.

I'm Billy Jack, bitch.

And pretty much with the same opinion, that laws do not "force" responsibility.

uscitizen just can't find anything to say, which is often the case with him. He throws out some ridiculous argument and has it shot down, only to be left stammering and stuttering. It's actually a better response than when he continues to post an argument, because sometimes he can get some aerial support from Waterhead or Oncie, if he doesn't make himself look too stupid.
