Auto industry: to bail or not to bail

I just read that they estimate that 1 out of every 10 jobs is connected to the auto industry in some way. That's just scary.

I know people are pissed about all of the bailouts and have little tolerance for more, but it's definitely a "cut off your nose to spite your face" kind of situation...

I think you have hit it here. None of us like rewarding people who have screwed up. But none of us wants to see the massive hit our, already failing, economy will take.
damo i'm just not going to get behind putting an entire industry out on the streets just to spite a few ceo's.
I don't expect you to.

My basic objection to such a bailout would be the reward to failure and the expectation that those who failed so miserably before would somehow be magically capable of success because they got funding from us. Fire the CEOs, no parachutes, no "bonus" for their retarded leadership. Retool and remake with new leadership with a capacity to understand that there is a future and I could imagine it becoming something good, even if it is something I dislike.
However they didn't do what I stated and you suggested. And it was called socialism and fascism by people on this board. Only in your imagination do you find some sort of happy-happy thoughts about it from the right that we have heard from.

While the government took control of two government backed companies, they did not exert full ownership or simply devalue the stock in the company. So, if they did as they did with FM & FM you would likely make money on the bailout, as I stated the first time.

If they do as you suggest and seize entirely the means of production, then you would lose everything. If they don't do anything it is likely the companies will fail and be parted out to smaller and more energetic companies with leadership not so full of fail. By investing in such sleeker and better run companies I think we'd get a better return on our tax dollar.

They completely took over WM, then sold it minutes later for pennies on the dollar.
One of the problems with letting them fail is the amount of time it will take for a better auto manufacturer to gear up and start producing.

Yes, the current mgmt has totally screwed the pooch. But, as Darla said, we already produce so little, can we afford to let another big chunk of our production go under?

Its a tough call. I was totally aganst the bank bailout, but this one seems to me to be a different animal.
I think making it available to purchase might be the way to go rather than suggesting that they have to start from scratch.

Take bids and business plans and sell to the best and the brightest. I don't even mind supporting them with an investment towards their retooling and remaking the plants. I dislike the idea of throwing good money after bad, I always will. They are already proven failures, yet we propose to keep them going because their total collapse will hurt all of us. I understand that, but it is not the only option.
I don't expect you to.

My basic objection to such a bailout would be the reward to failure and the expectation that those who failed so miserably before would somehow be magically capable of success because they got funding from us. Fire the CEOs, no parachutes, no "bonus" for their retarded leadership. Retool and remake with new leadership with a capacity to understand that there is a future and I could imagine it becoming something good, even if it is something I dislike.

i have no problem getting rid of the guys who engineered this debacle. let's start with this genius:

"Nothing typified this more than statements like those of Bob Lutz, G.M.’s vice chairman. He has been quoted as saying that hybrids like the Toyota Prius “make no economic sense.” And, in February, D Magazine of Dallas quoted him as saying that global warming “is a total crock of [expletive].”
True, and it sucked. As I said, if they seize the means of production you will lose all your money.

Yep, its just a possibility, though I think with GM it's doubtful, that they take over and sell to a 'better run' company. There really isn't too many options with auto-makers in the states. If that happens though, look for stockholders to get wiped out.
i have no problem getting rid of the guys who engineered this debacle. let's start with this genius:

"Nothing typified this more than statements like those of Bob Lutz, G.M.’s vice chairman. He has been quoted as saying that hybrids like the Toyota Prius “make no economic sense.” And, in February, D Magazine of Dallas quoted him as saying that global warming “is a total crock of [expletive].”

Not sure if they can fire this guy soon enough. It's a bad idea to let your politics influence your decision-making in business.
i have no problem getting rid of the guys who engineered this debacle. let's start with this genius:

"Nothing typified this more than statements like those of Bob Lutz, G.M.’s vice chairman. He has been quoted as saying that hybrids like the Toyota Prius “make no economic sense.” And, in February, D Magazine of Dallas quoted him as saying that global warming “is a total crock of [expletive].”
I still would prefer that we simply auction them to companies without such a track record of total and abject failure and incapacity to understand that there will be a future.

Just as we should have done with the mortgage companies that were "too big to fail".
Try. Try explaining how letting the big 3 die will be good for Americans.

It will create an environment, for smaller auto-makers looking to sell next-gen cars, where they can survive. That's just one off the top of my head. The immediate impact would be devestating but long-term progress needs to be taken into account.
"What I mind is purchasing failure with our tax money. Even when we do the right thing and fire the current leadership we reward their failure with millions as we send them merrily on their way. Mediocrity and failure should not be rewarded in this fashion."

i don't think so sf.

That is what you get for thinking.... Read his quote again...

He doesn't want to 'purchase failure'... ie... don't give tax money to the same idiots who caused this failure in the first place.

'we reward their failure with millions as we send them merrily on their way".... again referring to giving tax dollars to the idiots that ran these companies into the ground. Another reference to the fact that if we do this we cannot allow current managment to stay on as it simply invites future failure.
Try. Try explaining how letting the big 3 die will be good for Americans.

Because failure is just as important as success in a Capitalistic system. It's called Creative Destruction. Bailouts are such a moral hazard and all you'll get is more distortions in the price system, more poor decisions and more bailouts until the economic system is so distorted we have a total collapse of the dollar and confidence. Filthy Fucking Socialist you deserve the poverty you'll end up getting.
That sounds like the right plan. I don't know the business part of it at all; one thing I have never understood is why America lags behind so noticeably in some of these areas. Why does Japan always have a leg up on us in something like auto manufacturing, and new technology?

That's gotta change if we're going to get back on track...

In cahoots with the oil companies.
Because failure is just as important as success in a Capitalistic system. It's called Creative Destruction. Bailouts are such a moral hazard and all you'll get is more distortions in the price system, more poor decisions and more bailouts until the economic system is so distorted we have a total collapse of the dollar and confidence. Filthy Fucking Socialist you deserve the poverty you'll end up getting.

Do the thousands, and probably millions of workers, who have done the right thing & worked hard & who will lose their jobs because of mismanagement deserve their poverty?
Just a year ago, I can recall some dems asking for tax increases on gasoline. Look at the shit GM is in now, and think how that would have impacted this situation today. With gas prices coming down again, with the assistance of a bailout, GM will survive another day, and keep making the same old gas-guzzlers, because people will buy them again soon. So now, the question is, which consequence is worse? Loss of immediate jobs, or long term stability/security continueing to be jeopordized. I'm all for progress, I say let 'em fail.
Because failure is just as important as success in a Capitalistic system. It's called Creative Destruction. Bailouts are such a moral hazard and all you'll get is more distortions in the price system, more poor decisions and more bailouts until the economic system is so distorted we have a total collapse of the dollar and confidence. Filthy Fucking Socialist you deserve the poverty you'll end up getting.

putting aside the question of whether the US is on its way to more of a social democracy or not...i have never seen such, i'd call it, unhinged, hatred of socialists. this is a milton friedman thing. i have always said - that's a religion, and it's a religion populated by fanatics. be careful they may very well start a holy war and "purify" the country of heretics.
Just a year ago, I can recall some dems asking for tax increases on gasoline. Look at the shit GM is in now, and think how that would have impacted this situation today. With gas prices coming down again, with the assistance of a bailout, GM will survive another day, and keep making the same old gas-guzzlers, because people will buy them again soon. So now, the question is, which consequence is worse? Loss of immediate jobs, or long term stability/security continueing to be jeopordized. I'm all for progress, I say let 'em fail.

if it were to go the way you lay out - bailing them out and back into the same old same old, making gas guzzlers, then i'd say let them fail.

that is not obama's plan, and until i see good reason to do otherwise, i'm going to believe he means what he says.