Auto-merge Feature...

Keep It or Dump It?

  • Keep it!

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Dump it!

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • I like walnuts!

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Please make it go away! I am already tired of deleting the parts I don't want after it merges!


Please make it go away! I am already tired of editing and deleting the parts I don't want after it merges!

Definitely keep it if Dunces hates it
Should I keep it or dump it?

Again, please vote seriously. I personally don't care if there are seven posts in a row by somebody... but vote for how you, yourself think it should be.

Well this whole ignorant idea was instigated as a way to deal with a woman, who evidently you get a lot of complaints about, on a board that prides itself on never changing anything, or responding to complaints and does absolutely nothing about would-be rapists chasing women around and calling them cunts and whores saying they should be gang raped on the way home from work and racists chasing black people around and using the "n" word regularly here. It is clear that you will be keeping it because by god when a woman steps out of line and starts causing a rumpus something has to be done to hell with precedent and all other considerations but were the woman a victim, you would profess your inability to do anything or to change anything and swear you are not going to take any action.

Here's an idea, why not put all the people who complain about evince on automatic IA instead of subjecting the rest of us who have done absolutely nothing to this ignorant fucking change! I guess that would involve stepping on the toes of some of your the people you like though wouldn't it. Automatic IA is just for liberal swine who complain about the things conservatives do!
Say someone makes 5 posts in a row in a thread within a minute or so - this merges them together as if they made just one post.

It's pretty clear where this idea came from and why Damo accepted it and is trying it. Yes it is! You sure don't need to a fucking doctorate to figure this shit out! This is pretty damn sickening when one gives it any thought at all! But this is exactly how this fucking board works! This moment is a metaphor for JPP! Merge that!
It's pretty clear where this idea came from and why Damo accepted it and is trying it. Yes it is! You sure don't need to a fucking doctorate to figure this shit out! This is pretty damn sickening when one gives it any thought at all! But this is exactly how this fucking board works! This moment is a metaphor for JPP! Merge that!
You're free to leave any time. No one put a gun to your head forced you to log in.
Well this whole ignorant idea was instigated as a way to deal with a woman, who evidently you get a lot of complaints about, on a board that prides itself on never changing anything, or responding to complaints and does absolutely nothing about would-be rapists chasing women around and calling them cunts and whores saying they should be gang raped on the way home from work and racists chasing black people around and using the "n" word regularly here. It is clear that you will be keeping it because by god when a woman steps out of line and starts causing a rumpus something has to be done to hell with precedent and all other considerations but were the woman a victim, you would profess your inability to do anything or to change anything and swear you are not going to take any action.

Here's an idea, why not put all the people who complain about evince on automatic IA instead of subjecting the rest of us who have done absolutely nothing to this ignorant fucking change! I guess that would involve stepping on the toes of some of your the people you like though wouldn't it. Automatic IA is just for liberal swine who complain about the things conservatives do!

Hear, Hear!


You're free to leave any time. No one put a gun to your head forced you to log in.


Guess what? We're all also free to stay and use the FREE SPEECH you claim to be so concerned about to tell you how fucked you are.
Hear, Hear!



Guess what? We're all also free to stay and use the FREE SPEECH you claim to be so concerned about to tell you how fucked you are.

Glad to see you're rational again! "Be careful what you say they'll be calling you a radical!"
Feel free to do so, although I fear that if you put it to his ear the bullet would just go clean through without hitting anything.

This from the man who proudly proclaimed "I checked her profile and saw she wasn't banned, that is why I asked [if she was banned]. And then proceeded to blame the thread he started on the first person to respond to it, Darla, a woman. And even went so far as to say that she made him say this stupid shit I just quoted here. That is how fucked up this moron is. And he is going to give me shit. He's nothing but a fucking fake scientist with a fucking pig farmer for a research assistant who keeps evading her perma-ban to come here and send him PMS under various and asundry names in order to give her favorite puppet something to do.
You're free to leave any time. No one put a gun to your head forced you to log in.

They got no where else to go

And Snarla forced it to come back. She needed a toady and nobody else would do it. If you look at the genesis of a lot of the major BS it can be traced to Dante's presence on JPP.

So let me break down a few "facts" for the factless Dante's who erroneously thinks that rules are created "ONLY" for liberals.

Thread banning was instituted because of lefties like Darla complaining about ME. yes ILA was being mean to the lefties and they didn't want me in their threads that were such great debate. Yeah, Darla that was you and your cronies. Didn't tell Dante's that did you?

Forced ignore? That was done for ole ILA as well because I won't back down from these totalitarian lefties. I don't believe in the "I won't sink to their level". Guess what? I will sink to your level and I am good at it. So Darla had to beg and plead with Grind to have me placed on Forced Ignore from her.

Thanks to me you are no longer to say "I hope you get ass raped".

So let me see, that would be three rules that were directly or indirectly done because of me

So spare me your left wing victim hood.

As for the use of the N word, I defy you to find a time I have used it in the last three months. It isn't "regularly" here. If BAC Panther is gone and I am the reason, then good. He was a phony and I exposed that
could you adjust it so it doesn't trigger after only two posts?.......sometimes we have multiple conversations appearing in a single thread, some of which I am ignoring......if someone's response to my post is merged with a response to someone I am ignoring it causes difficulty......


This from the man who proudly proclaimed "I checked her profile and saw she wasn't banned, that is why I asked [if she was banned]. And then proceeded to blame the thread he started on the first person to respond to it, Darla, a woman. And even went so far as to say that she made him say this stupid shit I just quoted here. That is how fucked up this moron is. And he is going to give me shit. He's nothing but a fucking fake scientist with a fucking pig farmer for a research assistant who keeps evading her perma-ban to come here and send him PMS under various and asundry names in order to give her favorite puppet something to do.

I think we need a feature that automatically merges posts if some idiot posts the same thing in multiple threads......
could you adjust it so it doesn't trigger after only two posts?.......sometimes we have multiple conversations appearing in a single thread, some of which I am ignoring......if someone's response to my post is merged with a response to someone I am ignoring it causes difficulty......


I think we need a feature that automatically merges posts if some idiot posts the same thing in multiple threads......

It's the wife beater defender Mr Chrisitian trying to take a lame swing at the ball after tommy PMed him and said help me out would you?
I think it should be tweaked to engage after 3 posts or more in a row. I can also see where it would be a pain, if someone only wants to quote one of the merged comments. They'll have to delete everything in the reply box, before they can address the specific point they wanted to address.