awesome debate

It's AN objective; not the objective.

I don't think they look at it like "if we don't link the two well in the debate, we've lost." I have a hunch they're probably pretty happy tonight. I'm sure McCain's camp is too, but he needed a game changer that he didn't get.
I think it is one of their most effective objectives and I think it was missed tonight. That was only a portion of what I stated as well. And the post you quoted from me made it clear that it was "a" clear objective.
Obama won...... no big surprise!

Especially on where they stood at cutting back to reduce the deficit.

Obama = Country first
McCain = Another Warmonger
After watching two competent and knowledgeable individuals talk for an hour and a half about a bunch of different topics with relative ease (even if McCain was just plain wrong on some things) I cannot wait to watch the trainwreck that will be Sarah Palin.

And Damo, please bookmark this thread to throw this post back in my face if I try to play the expectations game with you next week.
After watching two competent and knowledgeable individuals talk for an hour and a half about a bunch of different topics with relative ease (even if McCain was just plain wrong on some things) I cannot wait to watch the trainwreck that will be Sarah Palin.

And Damo, please bookmark this thread to throw this post back in my face if I try to play the expectations game with you next week.
I'm definitely looking forward to that debate as well.

And the expectation game will likely be the only game in town. This is one of those times where one is expected to be "horrible", your team has set a low bar indeed.

I would have preferred to see a Romney/Biden debate though. Even a Romney/Obama debate...
Surely you have me confused with someone else. I just despise Republicans more than demoncrats.
Yea, you keep coming up with that bogus claim.

However, I worked as a volunteer in democratic campaign offices every two years starting in 1974 through 2002. I have met my share of utterly blind democratic partisans, and your attitudes and rhetoric fit them to a T.

In short, when you walk like a donkey, buck like a donkey and bray like a donkey, don't be surprised when people call you a donkey.
Yea, you keep coming up with that bogus claim.

However, I worked as a volunteer in democratic campaign offices every two years starting in 1974 through 2002. I have met my share of utterly blind democratic partisans, and your attitudes and rhetoric fit them to a T.

In short, when you walk like a donkey, buck like a donkey and bray like a donkey, don't be surprised when people call you a donkey.

I am not suprised when former bush worshippers call me that.
I'm not surprised when Democrats call you that.

democrats do not tend to think of me in that way during political discussions. I am a conservative demoncrat.

I am against the bailout.
I am against unrestricted welfare.
I am against banning guns. Pro reasonable restrictions, pretty much what we have now.
I am for states rights on most issues.
I am for offshore drilling
I am for a paygo budget.
I am for a balanced budget.

I am definately more conservative that Guv Ahnuld :D
But then conservatives are no longer hard coded into republicanism are they ?
democrats do not tend to think of me in that way during political discussions. I am a conservative demoncrat.

I am against the bailout.
I am against unrestricted welfare.
I am against banning guns. Pro reasonable restrictions, pretty much what we have now.
I am for states rights on most issues.
I am for offshore drilling

I am definately more conservative that Guv Ahnuld :D
But then conservatives are no longer hard coded into republicanism are they ?
Clearly not.
Look at all you turd sniffers calling a winner to a debate.. lol. You know who won, the person closest to my views, he really wiped the floor with that other guy. Ron Paul won that debate hands down! I even heard a guy on C-Span call in and say we need to write him in. Ron Paul wins!
I am not suprised when former bush worshippers call me that.
Another sign of a donkey. If one does not like donkey shit for supper, they are a Bushite.

Sorry, but you can search this entire sight from the day I started posting, and not once will you find me doing anything but giving Bush what he has due: utter and complete contempt.

Try again, partisan hack. Like admit to the truth.
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I am against the bailout.
Umm, so are most of the democratic congress. And I also agree that a bail out is wrong.

I am against unrestricted welfare.
Most democrats make that claim also, including the DNC official platform. The trick is, how much welfare do we allow before it approaches "unrestricted"?

I am against banning guns. Pro reasonable restrictions, pretty much what we have now.
Right. Again, straight out of the DNC playbook. Of course, what is "reasonable"? It gets more restrictive every decade.

I am for states rights on most issues.
Okay, assuming you're not prevaricating (I just depise republicans more...) I'll give you that point.

I am for offshore drilling
And a second point.

I am for a balanced budget.
DNC has been talking about a balanced budget ever since they were able to hit the Reagan administration for excessive spending.

I am for a paygo budget.
Can't do PayGo without a balanced budget. PayGo IS a balanced budget.

I am definately more conservative that Guv Ahnuld :D
Arnold may have labeled himself republican, but he has been liberal on most issues from the get go. Everybody knows that.

But then conservatives are no longer hard coded into republicanism are they ?
Neither republicans nor democrats truly represent the political philosophies with which they are traditionally associated. In truth they never really have.
Ohh and I am also for supplemental spending to be automatically added onto the budget so as not to bypass paygo and balanced budget rules.

and I do not like Kennedy.

Welfare should be a temporary measure and be coupled with technical education benefits to help the recipients climb out.

Welfare moms should also be required to identify the father and he should pay child support.

I am also against corporate welfare.

Oh and I hate Rap, purple and green spikey hiar, tatooes and lip rings and tongue studs. Traditional conservative. Parents need to "beat" their children more often. And teach them responsibility.
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Look at all you turd sniffers calling a winner to a debate.. lol. You know who won, the person closest to my views, he really wiped the floor with that other guy. Ron Paul won that debate hands down! I even heard a guy on C-Span call in and say we need to write him in. Ron Paul wins!

Secrectly, I'm doing just that. Ron Paul is getting my vote... for real.
Ohh and I am also for supplemental spending to be automatically added onto the budget so as not to bypass paygo and balanced budget rules.

and I do not like Kennedy.

Welfare should be a temporary measure and be coupled with technical education benefits to help the recipients climb out.

Welfare moms should also be required to identify the father and he should pay child support.

I am also against corporate welfare.

Oh and I hate Rap, purple and green spikey hiar, tatooes and lip rings and tongue studs. Traditional conservative. Parents need to "beat" their children more often. And teach them responsibility.

Holy crap, that was awesome! We agree on a few things it seems