awesome debate

McCain did turn back into McNasty again last night. I was watching w/ some people who are more indie than I am, and they kept commenting on how he wouldn't look at Obama. He seemed petty, and condescending.

Obama kind of came across as more of a statesman, which is no small thing in a foreign policy debate. "Points-wise," perhaps they tied, but I think Obama left the better overall impression. I would be surprised if we didn't see a small uptick in the polls Obama's way later this week.

I think this debate meant exactly squat and will have little impact on the election.

I think the Democrats will win along the same electoral calculus that put Bush into office (and I hate to see that) only difference being that the Democrats are now more motivated and (this is really rare) better funded and they have been doing a much better job of recruiting new Democrats and increasing the size of the party then the republicans have. Obama will win, by a slim margin by picking up a couple of red states like Ohio, Indiana or Colorado.
I'm sorry Darla. I've seen a lot of debates and if you want to throw in likeability, charm, media savy as well as the technical merits of the responses Obama would have been handed his ass by Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan.

Obama did well last night. B+. He didn't do great. Neither did McCain. The Insider Advantage poll was probably the more accurate poll that shows OBama 42%, McCain 41% and undecided 17%. Essentially a draw, which is pretty much how I saw it.

What dissapointed me is that Obama didn't live up to my expectations in the debate. I thought he was and is capable of doing better. Where was the Obama we saw at the Democratic convention?

Last night was the first debate I've seen. But I think that giving a speech and debating are two very different things? But you may be right, I didn't see the Clinton or Gore debates. I can only guess as a first time debate watcher, I might be hopelessly naive?

I haven't seen that poll, three others show what the CNN poll reflected, but maybe the one that reflects what you thought will end up to be more accurate, I can't guarantee it won't.
I think y'all are right. Watching that debate, it seemed kind of like a tie. Both of them fundamentally knew world affairs and foreign policy with a level of competence and expertise. Although, McCain's foreign policy is horrific, Bush on steroids.

But it does seem like, in retrospect, Obama passed the commander in chief threshold. He totally seemed presidential, and likeable as Darla and Onceler indicate. That's a pretty big deal - people are looking for a reason to vote for Obama after being exposed to a summer long campaign to paint him as a radical muslim, or radical black racist christian. Obama totally looked like a president.

McCain looked like an angry troll, hunkered down behind the podium.

I laughed my ass off, when I clicked over to Fox News, and they were interviewing a panel of undecided voters. They were asked what the first thing that jumped out at them was, and one woman said she was shocked at how old McCain looked, and then this other dude said he was surprised at how angry McCain seemed and that all the waving his arms around reminded the dude of bush.
I think this debate meant exactly squat and will have little impact on the election.

I think the Democrats will win along the same electoral calculus that put Bush into office (and I hate to see that) only difference being that the Democrats are now more motivated and (this is really rare) better funded and they have been doing a much better job of recruiting new Democrats and increasing the size of the party then the republicans have. Obama will win, by a slim margin by picking up a couple of red states like Ohio, Indiana or Colorado.

No. This debate will prove highly impactful to the race. It marks the beginning of the end for Johnny John.
That's pretty much what I saw.

I'm watching from a position that I am not going to vote for either of these two, so I really don't have any dog in the fight. The attempts to link Bush to McCain were too weak and didn't stick. The central theme of the Obama campaign didn't have many legs in this debate. I suspect they'll be more direct.

I'm not voting for either of them as well .. but in my opinion the "winner" was clearly Obambi .. given that he is in the lead, McCain is dropping like a rock, and it was McCain who needed to hit a homerun .. which he didn't.

That being said, I think McCain came off less dangerous than he's been made out to be, and he did himself a favor by speaking of the times when he has disagreed with war .. and he effectively used Obambi's own words ("The surge has exceeded my wildest dreams") against him.

Overall though, it was a snoozer and neither of them spoke honestly to the American people.
I'm sorry Darla. I've seen a lot of debates and if you want to throw in likeability, charm, media savy as well as the technical merits of the responses Obama would have been handed his ass by Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan.

Obama did well last night. B+. He didn't do great. Neither did McCain. The Insider Advantage poll was probably the more accurate poll that shows OBama 42%, McCain 41% and undecided 17%. Essentially a draw, which is pretty much how I saw it.

What dissapointed me is that Obama didn't live up to my expectations in the debate. I thought he was and is capable of doing better. Where was the Obama we saw at the Democratic convention?

I agree. Obama could have scored much better if he hadn't kept agreeing with McCain and he let McCain off the hook on Iraq when McCain said we'll leave an ally in Iraq and we won't have to go back.

Iraq will not be an ally.

Thye obama of the primary has turned into Obambi.
The debate proved one thing: Obama and McCain differ on hardly anything of substance.

They both:

Would not hesitate to use military force in virtually any situation

Would definitely attack Iran for Israel's sake, but are not sure if they would talk to Iran before the attack would begin

Support the biggest robbery/economic folly in American History, the $700 billion corporate welfare bailout without reservation

Both essentially support the sustained expansion of executive power

Hail to the glory of the unchecked power of the Federal Reserve

Neither would say what programs they would cut in order to "pay" (laugh!) for the $700 billion bailout

Yet, both put "Country first"
The debate proved one thing: Obama and McCain differ on hardly anything of substance.

They both:

Would not hesitate to use military force in virtually any situation

Would definitely attack Iran for Israel's sake, but are not sure if they would talk to Iran before the attack would begin

Support the biggest robbery/economic folly in American History, the $700 billion corporate welfare bailout without reservation

Both essentially support the sustained expansion of executive power

Hail to the glory of the unchecked power of the Federal Reserve

Neither would say what programs they would cut in order to "pay" (laugh!) for the $700 billion bailout

Yet, both put "Country first"


Down with the internationalist fascist regime.

Our country does not exist to be a slave force for their blind amibition insane plans of world domination...

Change through peaceful resistance.

Love not bombs.


Word to your mother.
No. This debate will prove highly impactful to the race. It marks the beginning of the end for Johnny John.

No. That would be the Wall Street bail out. Just as his campaign was gaining momentum he got nailed by the Bush administration being asleep at the wheel again. No the bail out and Bush's subsequent speech sunk his ship.
How the lamebrains decide how to vote.....

McCain looked old, mean and nitpicky

Obama looked likable....or maybe its lickable....

No contest....
The debate proved one thing: Obama and McCain differ on hardly anything of substance.

They both:

Would not hesitate to use military force in virtually any situation

Would definitely attack Iran for Israel's sake, but are not sure if they would talk to Iran before the attack would begin

Support the biggest robbery/economic folly in American History, the $700 billion corporate welfare bailout without reservation

Both essentially support the sustained expansion of executive power

Hail to the glory of the unchecked power of the Federal Reserve

Neither would say what programs they would cut in order to "pay" (laugh!) for the $700 billion bailout

Yet, both put "Country first"

Best analysis yet.
No. That would be the Wall Street bail out. Just as his campaign was gaining momentum he got nailed by the Bush administration being asleep at the wheel again. No the bail out and Bush's subsequent speech sunk his ship.

When was his campaign gaining momentum Mott? This is my first national election that I've really been paying attention to. I hate to admit that I've spent a lot of years reading women's magazines and getting a lot of hair-curling tips, so I am trying to follow all of this on this thread, please be patient with me? And if you need a good risotto recipe Mott, I can return the favor for you! :)

When did you see McCain gaining momentum?

I have this instinctive feeling that we have all, these past 18 months, been morning after quarterbacks. Obama should have done this, Obama should have said that. We always seem to feel he's not angry enough, he didn't tell them hard enough!

And yet...if you wanted to be the next President of the United States, whose shoes would you rather be in right now? Obama, or McCain's?

I think that it had taken me some time to understand that who I am, is not who Obama is. He just isn't that guy who is going to hit you over the head with a shovel. But...he's winning.
I had to wonder if that persistent smirk on McCain's face was part of his disability or simply his arrogance.
Fact#1: You puke out of your mouth.
Fact#2: Bravo's avatar shows him puking where his butt should be.
Fact#3: By logical extension, Bravo is an butt-head.
Wouldn't want to know more about the candidate you're voting for, eh?

Huh ? I think I know enought by now to know that McCain is 75% or more another Bush. I do not want that.
I am voting strictly to keep the bush republicans out.
My candidate , that is funny.