awesome debate

I disagree. The attempts to link Bush to McCain were weak at best. I think McCain gains from this debate.

the scores and poll show bo winning but who knows what tomorrows polls will show

mc is sliding and i do not think he gained any ground

i think that the economy may be the deciding factor and will be a millstone around the gop's neck

while mc is distancing himself as far as possible from bush, some of bush will stick to him

palin while an initial plus for mc has energized the dems lower ranks to get out and work for bo

whatever happens, it will be more interesting than i thought it would be
Look at all you turd sniffers calling a winner to a debate.. lol. You know who won, the person closest to my views, he really wiped the floor with that other guy. Ron Paul won that debate hands down! I even heard a guy on C-Span call in and say we need to write him in. Ron Paul wins!
Another thread about Ron Paul! He cannot lose now!
One thing I've heard is that people feel that McCain was being rude and condescending in the debate. Could backfire, probably won't.

I think the general public and especially independents are fatigued by the negativity of the campaign, and it came off that McCain was lecturing Obama inappropriately at times.

He didn't compare and contrast and then offer bold alternatives for why he would be a better President. He did show disrespect for his opponent in a sense (saying repeatedly that he lacks knowledge) and that could have come off as arrogant. Almost like a more verbal version of Al Gore's "sigh".
even CNN says it was uneventful and nobody hit any homeruns.

I agree with you.

Listening to that and looking at what is going on in this country is enough to make one run and and slit their throat.

No matter which one of these clowns gets elected, America will still be in deep shit ..
I agree with you.

Listening to that and looking at what is going on in this country is enough to make one run and and slit their throat.

No matter which one of these clowns gets elected, America will still be in deep shit ..

as will whoever is elected

i doubt that whoever is elected will be reelected
I disagree. The attempts to link Bush to McCain were weak at best. I think McCain gains from this debate.


McCain sealed his loss last night. Obama gave a very strong performance, and passed the commander in chief threshold. Unbeknownst to you, people are actually looking for a reason to vote for Obama. They got that reason last night.

Secondly, McCain is quite simply, not likable. He glaringly spent the entire debate refusing to look Barack Obama, the Democratic Presidential nominee, in the eye. Wouldn't look at him at all. It was an act of contempt, an act of arrogance, and probably an act of fear - though it will be seen as the first two by most.

Anyone who didn't have that jump out at them? It's because they share that same contempt for Obama...Damo.

Obama will now linger between 50 and 53 in the polls, and John McCain ensured, by showing what a nasty little fuck he is, that he never makes 50.

Sorry Damo.
As for the complaint by others that Obama said "john is right" a couple of times - and it wasn't more than a couple, that makes him a pussy in the eyes of an ideologue. In the eyes of most Americans, it will simply highlight that Obama can work with others, which to clean up this mess, he's going to have to.

I found it interesting that Mister Bipartisan, Mister reach across the aisle, couldn't even look at his opponent, no less ever say he agreed with him. We all agree on something...but not McNasty...and that's what the non-fanatical voter will note.

In no way did Obama come off as a pussy...unless, you know, you really, really, needed him to. Luckily, angry ideologues won't decide this election. My Goodness we've had 8 years of seeing what the pick of angry ideologues can do to this country.

I have no doubt that McNasty will carry the angry ideologue vote...God knows he will run away with the angry vote.

He can have em.
the scores and poll show bo winning but who knows what tomorrows polls will show

mc is sliding and i do not think he gained any ground

i think that the economy may be the deciding factor and will be a millstone around the gop's neck

while mc is distancing himself as far as possible from bush, some of bush will stick to him

palin while an initial plus for mc has energized the dems lower ranks to get out and work for bo

whatever happens, it will be more interesting than i thought it would be

Yeah, after the debates, you had all the spinners out, and it was interesting becaus Buchanon who was really trying to give the debate to McCain , gave it all away when they first read the polls to him. And he said "well i've been wrong before" and he then went on to explain, that "but...." often, the American people THINK one person won the debate but when Pat and his friends get done speaking, they change those polls. The most glaring and recent example being Al Gore. and it's true they did that to Gore.

I don't think it works this time for two reasons. People really really want a new face, and are just watching and hoping Obama makes them feel secure enough about him, to vote for him. I think he did that in large part last night. The second reason is McCain came off as a nastly little bastard, and that only confirms his reputation, so I don't think all of the spinning in the world can change that. I think that on this board it wasn't mentioned all that much (though I see Adam picked up on it) because most of the people posting on this thread are very angry people themselves, and many of them have that same contempt for Obama. But most did notice it.
Wasn't that an odd format that Lehrer kept attempting to force upon the candidates? If the debate was a non-event I blame the format more so than the candidates. I think both candidates did well and when they could get away from the "Talk to each other" format it got interesting.

I think Obama did a better job of pointing out the differences between not only himself and McCain but between the respective parties. I think both candidates had to many canned answers short on detail.

Obama did a better job of speaking to the audience but he was a bit stiff, at times avuncular and professorial. I think McCain was more relaxed was clearer and more concise with his answers.

McCain made some very bold and pointed attacks. Obama handled those attacks well though. I particulalry liked how he answered McCain when he called him the most liberal senator in the Senate. Obama swatted that one away very well.

In all it was one of the better Presidential debates. You didn't have a softball fest like in 2000 nor did you have one candidate dominate the other as Kerry did Bush, Clinton did Dole and Bush1 and Reagan did Carter and Mondale. They were two well matched opponents.

Having said that. There were to many canned answers and I was dissappointed that Obama did not perform better and was mildly surprized that McCain did as well as he did.

In all I give both Candidate a B+ and give the edge in the debate slightly in McCains favor though it wasn't a clear cut win like Kerry did Bush, Clinton did Dole and Reagan did Carter.

Though, as in Kerry vs Bush....I don't think this debate meant shit in terms of impacting the election. Kerry made Bush look like a stammering idiot and Bush still won the election.
Its good to see the partisan hacks come out.

Cawacko, there's a very interesting CNN poll taken right after the debate. Now, I thought it was kind of a tie, but tht Obama blew him away on likeability and that Obama really lept over the commander in chief threshold - that people were going to get very comfortable with him. So I gave it to Obama with a full nod to the fact that McCain gave a damned good debate.

Let's look at the internals of the CNN poll. They can change, these early ones are before the spinners get to work, but they do show initial reaction and in that way are going to be helpful in showing us who the real hacks on this thread actually are:

Regardless of which candidate you happen to support, who do you think did the best job in the debate -- Barack Obama or John McCain?
Obama 51%
McCain 38%
Did _______ do a better or worse job than you expected?
Obama: Better 57%, Worse 20%, Same 23%
McCain: Better 60%, Worse 20%, Same 18%

Next, regardless of which presidential candidate you support, please tell me if you think Barack Obama or John McCain would better handle each of the following issues:

• The war in Iraq: Obama 52%, McCain 47%

• Terrorism: McCain 49%, Obama 45%

• The economy: Obama 58%, McCain 37%

• The current financial crisis: Obama 54%, McCain 36%

Thinking about the following characteristics and qualities, please say whether you think each one better described Barack Obama or John McCain during tonight's debate:

• Was more intelligent: Obama 55%, McCain 30%

• Expressed his views more clearly: Obama 53%, McCain 36%

• Spent more time attacking his opponent: McCain 60%, Obama 23%

• Was more sincere and authentic: Obama 46%, McCain 38%

• Seemed to be the stronger leader: Obama 49%, McCain 43%

• Was more likeable: Obama 61%, McCain 26%

• Was more in touch with the needs and problems of people like you: Obama 62%, McCain 32%

Based on what _______ said and did in tonight's debate, do you think he would be able to handle the job of president if he is elected?
Obama 69%-29%
McCain 68%-30%
Wasn't that an odd format that Lehrer kept attempting to force upon the candidates? If the debate was a non-event I blame the format more so than the candidates. I think both candidates did well and when they could get away from the "Talk to each other" format it got interesting.

I think Obama did a better job of pointing out the differences between not only himself and McCain but between the respective parties. I think both candidates had to many canned answers short on detail.

Obama did a better job of speaking to the audience but he was a bit stiff, at times avuncular and professorial. I think McCain was more relaxed was clearer and more concise with his answers.

McCain made some very bold and pointed attacks. Obama handled those attacks well though. I particulalry liked how he answered McCain when he called him the most liberal senator in the Senate. Obama swatted that one away very well.

In all it was one of the better Presidential debates. You didn't have a softball fest like in 2000 nor did you have one candidate dominate the other as Kerry did Bush, Clinton did Dole and Bush1 and Reagan did Carter and Mondale. They were two well matched opponents.

Having said that. There were to many canned answers and I was dissappointed that Obama did not perform better and was mildly surprized that McCain did as well as he did.

In all I give both Candidate a B+ and give the edge in the debate slightly in McCains favor though it wasn't a clear cut win like Kerry did Bush, Clinton did Dole and Reagan did Carter.

Though, as in Kerry vs Bush....I don't think this debate meant shit in terms of impacting the election. Kerry made Bush look like a stammering idiot and Bush still won the election.

I think that what you're missing is this Mott. Obama is really likeable. We haven't had a likeable candidate. Shit, Kerry wasn't likeable. I liked listening to him, i knew he was really smart and I loved his ideas on how to deal with terrorism, but he wasn't likeable.

We managed somehow, to get a likeable egghead this time. Obama is really smart. None of us probably really get just how smart, because he's also really cool. He makes me laugh. Kerry and Gore never made me laugh. (though Gore is funny now, back in 2000 he wasn't).

This is a change election. And the change guy, is both smart, AND likeable.

Listen, Obama is going to win. It's going to be closer than it should be because we're going to elect the first Black President and no matter how some want to act otherwise - that was never going to be nothing. That was always, something.

But he's going to win.
McCain did turn back into McNasty again last night. I was watching w/ some people who are more indie than I am, and they kept commenting on how he wouldn't look at Obama. He seemed petty, and condescending.

Obama kind of came across as more of a statesman, which is no small thing in a foreign policy debate. "Points-wise," perhaps they tied, but I think Obama left the better overall impression. I would be surprised if we didn't see a small uptick in the polls Obama's way later this week.
McCain did look old, mean and nitpicky. He took opportunities to call Obama names, just in the middle of answers. He did the hack trick of narrowing arguments to stupid points and then fixating on that verbiage like a pit bull.

He refused to acknowledge that the policy of "refusing to sit down with enemies" is a policy which is stupid and pointless.


McCain lost, because, mccain's a loser.
I think that what you're missing is this Mott. Obama is really likeable. We haven't had a likeable candidate. Shit, Kerry wasn't likeable. I liked listening to him, i knew he was really smart and I loved his ideas on how to deal with terrorism, but he wasn't likeable.

We managed somehow, to get a likeable egghead this time. Obama is really smart. None of us probably really get just how smart, because he's also really cool. He makes me laugh. Kerry and Gore never made me laugh. (though Gore is funny now, back in 2000 he wasn't).

This is a change election. And the change guy, is both smart, AND likeable.

Listen, Obama is going to win. It's going to be closer than it should be because we're going to elect the first Black President and no matter how some want to act otherwise - that was never going to be nothing. That was always, something.

But he's going to win.

I'm sorry Darla. I've seen a lot of debates and if you want to throw in likeability, charm, media savy as well as the technical merits of the responses Obama would have been handed his ass by Bill Clinton or Ronald Reagan.

Obama did well last night. B+. He didn't do great. Neither did McCain. The Insider Advantage poll was probably the more accurate poll that shows OBama 42%, McCain 41% and undecided 17%. Essentially a draw, which is pretty much how I saw it.

What dissapointed me is that Obama didn't live up to my expectations in the debate. I thought he was and is capable of doing better. Where was the Obama we saw at the Democratic convention?