
also just because a mod doesn't post on the main board, don't assume they are gone completely. there were month long periods where billy wasn't posting on the main board but was active every day in our backroom. same with damo. He's always watching O_O
So let me explain how our ban process works.

First, we never wait around for socratease. lol.

Second, the vast majority of rule breaks are very obvious and the only discussion is one of length of ban, not if someone actually broke the rules or not. As such, usually the only thing us mods are waiting around for is for people to voice durations. For some offenses, there is always an assumed minimum (typically 7-30 days).

For any ban short of a permaban, we typically wait until we have at least 2 mods on board. If the 3rd and 4th mods come along later the ban duration can always be modified.. either shortened or lengthened. That's why sometimes you see us make a post where we have banned someone for a week but then it's upgraded to 30 days pending more discussion. And no, the person that makes an initial thread in the announcement forum for 7 days doesn't imply they are vouching for that timeframe, they just put the minimum while debate continues.

Usually another mod or two will eventually come along and concur or dissent. If only one mod is dissenting, they are outvoted 2-1. If it's 2-2, I can't tell you what happens because it's never come up a single time. Almost all bans in the end end up with 4-0 consensus. There has never been a ban where we were tied on the issue. I dont know what would happen in that case. Maybe no action? It's never come up. Again, peoples violations on here are usually very obvious.

When it comes to permabans we hold ourselves to the standard that every single mod must be on board (minus soc cause he's never around). So 4-0. If you are a liberal and are butthurt maineman or thedude is gone, sorry but rana voted yes as well. If you are a conservative butthurt that usaloyal or whoever else is gone, damo agreed. I agreed. permabans mean all mods explicitly supported it.

So in conclusion:

Almost every single ban you see is agreed upon by all the mods. Sometimes someone might want 30 days vs. 45 but we don't sweat the small stuff.

So while I wasn't around initially for the tom vote, I came back, saw the comment, saw 90 days, and consented.

Unless they're someone Rana agrees with and they've only had ONE OTHER BAN, then they get the minimum. :good4u:

Yeah, that's why I have over a dozen posts about it today. I'm so fucking triggered. Also, I just learned that insult last month, because despite spending 20+ hours a day on the internet I can only vomit up the most stale of memes and insults.

Oh, wait. That's you, not me.

Two plus pages and crybaby USF is STILL whining.

Someone is definitely triggered, I just don't think it's who USF thinks it is.

You are the last person who should be poking fun of someone else criticizing Mod decisions. Holy fuck you are one of the biggest crybabies here

The irony is thick with you
also just because a mod doesn't post on the main board, don't assume they are gone completely. there were month long periods where billy wasn't posting on the main board but was active every day in our backroom. same with damo. He's always watching O_O

Yurt seems to think otherwise.
Unless they're someone Rana agrees with and they've only had ONE OTHER BAN, then they get the minimum. :good4u:

Cheese and Rice dude.

Do you know how difficult it is to get banned on JPP? Hell Desh hangs out here cause it's the only place on the internet that has t banned her. The threshold for banishment are as low as they get. There are only a few things that will get you banned and everyone knows what the hell they are.

To get banned on JPP you either have to be a blathering idiot, unconscionably careless or doing it on purpose.

So cry me a river about about soft hearted little Rana being unfair.
I hate sticking up for Rana, but I don't see any discernible change with her as a Mod. Tom has been banned before and even if you have never been hit with a 12b before, if you have been here long enough it should warrant a long timeout. If anyone should understand 12b it should be Tom. I have no sympathy for him on this given the shit Darcula got banned for. Remember when Zipperhead tried to be cute with his "tourist" bullshit and Grind quickly slapped him down? Oh the whining from Zipperhead was unreal

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also just because a mod doesn't post on the main board, don't assume they are gone completely. there were month long periods where billy wasn't posting on the main board but was active every day in our backroom. same with damo. He's always watching O_O

So did Damo actually consent? I have it on authority he said nothing and Grind wasn't here, thus, only you two consented (at the time of ban) and so far you have not disputed that.
So did Damo actually consent? I have it on authority he said nothing and Grind wasn't here, thus, only you two consented (at the time of ban) and so far you have not disputed that.

your question doesn't matter and we aren't going to get into specific breakdowns. If I had known the JPP detectives would have gone to work with a simple "I am back" thread and start piecing together all the recent bans I wouldn't have even announced my presence. After being gone for 2 weeks I forgot how autistc and spergy everyone is here. My bad.
your question doesn't matter and we aren't going to get into specific breakdowns. If I had known the JPP detectives would have gone to work with a simple "I am back" thread and start piecing together all the recent bans I wouldn't have even announced my presence. After being gone for 2 weeks I forgot how autistc and spergy everyone is here. My bad.

What is the big deal by pointing out it was just Rana and Billy? Why are you guys so defensive? And it was only brought up because Rana claimed it was a consensus of all the mods, which is not true. Only her and Billy made the decision.

Sheesh, just admit it and move on.
What is the big deal by pointing out it was just Rana and Billy? Why are you guys so defensive? And it was only brought up because Rana claimed it was a consensus of all the mods, which is not true. Only her and Billy made the decision.

Sheesh, just admit it and move on.

yes what is the big deal about finding your good authorities about if damo did or didnt' do something and who wanted who gone and at what times and if I agreed or didn't agree.

I counter Rana's statement it was all you mods and say, no, it was only you and Billy and you guys throw a shit fit.


If I was wrong you guys wouldn't be so upset. You could have acted like grown ups and simply said, yeah, this time, because we were the only two around and had to make a quick decision, it was just us two and we are waiting for the others to agree or disagree.

That would have ended it, you know, honesty and stuffsss.
sorry yurt I just have a really low tolerance for retardation these days. I'm not doing well. I honestly hate most people. You are getting hung up on the dumbest stuff. Please just be normal and not a spaz.
sorry yurt I just have a really low tolerance for retardation these days. I'm not doing well. I honestly hate most people. You are getting hung up on the dumbest stuff. Please just be normal and not a spaz.

Was Damo actively involved in the decision, yes or no? Did he actually give any input, yes or no.

And it is Yaya, not Yurt, stop obsessing over Yurt.