
Cheese and Rice dude.

Do you know how difficult it is to get banned on JPP? Hell Desh hangs out here cause it's the only place on the internet that has t banned her. The threshold for banishment are as low as they get. There are only a few things that will get you banned and everyone knows what the hell they are.

To get banned on JPP you either have to be a blathering idiot, unconscionably careless or doing it on purpose.

So cry me a river about about soft hearted little Rana being unfair.

You seem to be cherry picking my comments; because you appear to have made the decision to ignore the fact that I've already said that Tom's comment warranted a ban.
My other comments pertain to Rana's comment that Tom had been banned before, while she ignores the fact that Moon had also been banned prior to this latest one.

It's widely known that Rana dislikes Tom and this has been exasperated by the Darla's self-imposed exile, after her blatant racist comments; whereas she agrees politically with Moon and therefore her "honesty" is open to question.
I hate sticking up for Rana, but I don't see any discernible change with her as a Mod. Tom has been banned before and even if you have never been hit with a 12b before, if you have been here long enough it should warrant a long timeout. If anyone should understand 12b it should be Tom. I have no sympathy for him on this given the shit Darcula got banned for. Remember when Zipperhead tried to be cute with his "tourist" bullshit and Grind quickly slapped him down? Oh the whining from Zipperhead was unreal

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And since Moon has been banned before, for violating Rule 12b; seeing as how he's also been here, for some time, doesn't he warrant the same consideration?
And since Moon has been banned before, for violating Rule 12b; seeing as how he's also been here, for some time, doesn't he warrant the same consideration?

You seem to be cherry picking my comments; because you appear to have made the decision to ignore the fact that I've already said that Tom's comment warranted a ban.
My other comments pertain to Rana's comment that Tom had been banned before, while she ignores the fact that Moon had also been banned prior to this latest one.

It's widely known that Rana dislikes Tom and this has been exasperated by the Darla's self-imposed exile, after her blatant racist comments; whereas she agrees politically with Moon and therefore her "honesty" is open to question.

Was Damo actively involved in the decision, yes or no? Did he actually give any input, yes or no.

And it is Yaya, not Yurt, stop obsessing over Yurt.

It is none of your fucking business whether Damo was involved or not.

I didn't see Toms post, but I surmise from the bitching that there is no doubt that the post he made was a 12b violation

Now with that out of the way, Tom as much as anyone should know about 12b. He has been here long enough to see what gets people banned. He was on the receiving end of 12b violations from Darla and Zappas AND he has been part of accusing others of 12b violations.

So my point is if he did it, there is ZERO chance in my mind that it was an accident.

Unless you are a total newb, it is no secret that there is ZERO tolerance for pedophile accusations toward others.

If you are Tom or anyone else that has been here for more than five years, you don't accidentally call someone a pedophile.

Now why in the fuck do you even think it is your business whether Damo was involved or not? Why are you obsessing over it?

If you aren't Yurt, you are his online doppelgänger because like him you are obsessing over the dumbest shit.

Get over yourself
And what about if someone was banned "unjustly"?
Should anyone question it or say something about it?

Has anyone ever been banned unjustly?

I've been here since this messageboard was all internets fields and i can't honestly remember any incidence of anyone being banned who wasn't 'some fucking idiot typing some stupid shit'. The mods here let people get away with all manner of stuff that would get you permabanned from other boards, even for a first offence, so you've got to be really fucking stupid to be banned from here.
And what about if someone was banned "unjustly"?
Should anyone question it or say something about it?

You and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to politics, but when it comes to this board stuff we just don't see eye to eye.

Can you name any person who was banned or perma banned unjustly? Admittedly, I haven't been here from the beginning, but everyone who has been banned whether righty or lefty got what was coming to them. I can only speak from personal experience on this board and all I can say is that I get away with shit here that would get me perma banned in any other place. So if you do get banned from here, you have to be a special kind of fucking retard.

There are very few rules here. Shit, you won't get banned for using the dreaded N word for crying out loud.

The bottom line is this, for me anyway. This is Damo's board. None of us pay to join it. We exist at his pleasure. His board, his rules. Fuck, they don't owe us any explanation for banning someone as far as I am concerned.

So you think Moony got off easy and Tom took it in the ass. Even if that is true, why do you give a fuck? It is a stupid message board for crying out loud. I come here for fun and to make fun of liberals. All the other shit is a waste of time in my opinion.

But, if it makes you and Yurt happy to blast about the unfairness of it all, then knock yourselves out
I unceremoniously fucked off for a few weeks into the mountains of massachusetts. Needed a break from all your guy's bullshit. Now I am back. I doubt I was missed. If any of you pm'd me and Ignored you, that's why.

Dude, you left Rana in charge. That's fucked up.
You are the last person who should be poking fun of someone else criticizing Mod decisions. Holy fuck you are one of the biggest crybabies here

The irony is thick with you

You sure you feel comfortable posting in a thread that allows me to respond to your ignorance?

Maybe you should create another thread and ban everyone who might point out your stupidity.
So did Damo actually consent? I have it on authority he said nothing and Grind wasn't here, thus, only you two consented (at the time of ban) and so far you have not disputed that.

Oh, you "have it on authority"??


More baseless, unfounded, third party hearsay.

Hey, I have it on authority that YoYo is really yurt...
What is the big deal by pointing out it was just Rana and Billy? Why are you guys so defensive? And it was only brought up because Rana claimed it was a consensus of all the mods, which is not true. Only her and Billy made the decision.

Sheesh, just admit it and move on.

Prove it...

Come on, back up your bullshit, just this once.
Has anyone ever been banned unjustly?

I've been here since this messageboard was all internets fields and i can't honestly remember any incidence of anyone being banned who wasn't 'some fucking idiot typing some stupid shit'. The mods here let people get away with all manner of stuff that would get you permabanned from other boards, even for a first offence, so you've got to be really fucking stupid to be banned from here.

And yet they still get banned. That should tell you something.
Has anyone ever been banned unjustly?

I've been here since this messageboard was all internets fields and i can't honestly remember any incidence of anyone being banned who wasn't 'some fucking idiot typing some stupid shit'. The mods here let people get away with all manner of stuff that would get you permabanned from other boards, even for a first offence, so you've got to be really fucking stupid to be banned from here.

Yes there was.
You and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to politics, but when it comes to this board stuff we just don't see eye to eye.

Can you name any person who was banned or perma banned unjustly? Admittedly, I haven't been here from the beginning, but everyone who has been banned whether righty or lefty got what was coming to them. I can only speak from personal experience on this board and all I can say is that I get away with shit here that would get me perma banned in any other place. So if you do get banned from here, you have to be a special kind of fucking retard.

There are very few rules here. Shit, you won't get banned for using the dreaded N word for crying out loud.

The bottom line is this, for me anyway. This is Damo's board. None of us pay to join it. We exist at his pleasure. His board, his rules. Fuck, they don't owe us any explanation for banning someone as far as I am concerned.

So you think Moony got off easy and Tom took it in the ass. Even if that is true, why do you give a fuck? It is a stupid message board for crying out loud. I come here for fun and to make fun of liberals. All the other shit is a waste of time in my opinion.

But, if it makes you and Yurt happy to blast about the unfairness of it all, then knock yourselves out

A poster named DamnYankee.

He who will stand for nothing, will fall for anything.
It is none of your fucking business whether Damo was involved or not.

I didn't see Toms post, but I surmise from the bitching that there is no doubt that the post he made was a 12b violation

Now with that out of the way, Tom as much as anyone should know about 12b. He has been here long enough to see what gets people banned. He was on the receiving end of 12b violations from Darla and Zappas AND he has been part of accusing others of 12b violations.

So my point is if he did it, there is ZERO chance in my mind that it was an accident.

Unless you are a total newb, it is no secret that there is ZERO tolerance for pedophile accusations toward others.

If you are Tom or anyone else that has been here for more than five years, you don't accidentally call someone a pedophile.

Now why in the fuck do you even think it is your business whether Damo was involved or not? Why are you obsessing over it?

If you aren't Yurt, you are his online doppelgänger because like him you are obsessing over the dumbest shit.

Get over yourself


You take this stuff way to seriously. Whether it is my business or not is not your concern, stop pretending to be the board moral police. Btw, Rana made it the boards business, asshole.