
Your memory bested me again. My apology to Taichiliberal, that faggot, for the false accusation.

I only remember that it was Poet; because of him trying to complain about me also exposing personal information, about him, when it was himself who posted the info.

Howie tried the same shit and SURPRISE; both of them are now perma-banned.

So Sad
To Bad.

Of course Rana wants me banned so bad, that she'll actually try to enlist others to try and aggravate me; because she's hoping that I'll say something that she can use to her advantage.
All be because her BFF Darla left in a rage quit.

I only remember that it was Poet; because of him trying to complain about me also exposing personal information, about him, when it was himself who posted the info.

Howie tried the same shit and SURPRISE; both of them are now perma-banned.

So Sad
To Bad.

Of course Rana wants me banned so bad, that she'll actually try to enlist others to try and aggravate me; because she's hoping that I'll say something that she can use to her advantage.
All be because her BFF Darla left in a rage quit.


These liberals will never understand that conservatives don't react emotionally like they do. We are the grownups in a room of children.
rage quit.

BTW I recently used my expertly honed techniques of trolling emotional and immature "adults" to take over a non-profit board that a friend of mine enlisted me for such services. One by one I had them rage quit by calmly and repetitively citing state laws and club policy that they had violated. Just as liberals here do, they each denied it, tried to redefine language, threw up ad homs along with other logical fallacies.

Out of the three or four that rage quit, the most memorable was a guy in his late 60's with a $100 clergyman diploma. He even resorted to citing bible verses ala Rana. He finally blew rather explosively and launched himself across the table and got right in my face. I'm 15 years younger than this guy, 6 inches taller and outweigh him by about 30 pounds, and I'm in no way an I overweight. I moved my face in an inch closer and gave him the biggest happy face imaginable. That flew him into a deeper rage, and he immediately quit. Then, just to add more gasoline to the fire, I explained to him that I would be contacting my attorney to have a judge issue a restraining order to prevent him from attending any club functions of which I, as a duly elected board member, was required to attend.