Bailout bill fails

Name one current successful barter system in any nation that is past the agricultural stage of economics.

A return to such a system is not pleasurable by any means.

I can see "gold standard" etc. but promoting direct barter? Stupid, just plain totally ignorant of all historic information available.

All nations that have had any chance at development of sophisticated barter economies have all been polluted by european mercantilist aggression. WHo knows what could be?

Why do you hate hope?

Why do you prefer the security of totalitarianism over the chaos of freedom?

Why do you fear so much?

All nations that have had any chance at development of sophisticated barter economies have all been polluted by european mercantilist aggression. WHo knows what could be?

Why do you hate hope?

Why do you prefer the security of totalitarianism over the chaos of freedom?

Why do you fear so much?

If it was a stronger and better economic system it would beat the other system. It is just deliberate ignorance to look back on economies that worked on barter system, see how things are far better now, and then advocate a return to the barter system.

It's just plain lying to yourself because you don't like the current reality.
This is where AssHat denies history and insists that subsistence farming is fun living.

But you are for the bailout. Right?

Now you must villify the most rational way for man to live in the world. Free of socially constructed prisons, enslaving him to other men..

We reject your pyramid of control.

Respect the prime directive.
You worry about "placating". If I were a D in Congress I'd be writing what I thought would not just give relief, but would solve the issue for the future.

Break up banks that are "too big to fail", for one thing. That has to be the stupidest thing ever, even while this is going on we are letting more "too big to fail" banks get together... We truly cannot learn from even recent history. Crap seconds ago the "too big to fail" banks were taken over by the government and yet we still continue on that path.

If you write a bill that they know will actually resolve the issue they'll vote for it, regardless of "placating".

LOL, yeah right. If you were a Dem in congress you would be right in there with them Damo.
But you are for the bailout. Right?

Now you must villify the most rational way for man to live in the world. Free of socially constructed prisons, enslaving him to other men..

We reject your pyramid of control.

Respect the prime directive.

AssHat, you are a joke. I feel bad for the people who are against the bailout for having them on your side, because they at least have some rational points, and don't believe that the economy will fail (a long time), while you WANT the economy to fail.
This is where AssHat denies history and insists that subsistence farming is fun living.

Hey if it all pretty much falls apart subsistence farming will beat the heck out of living in the city.

During the great depression many in easterk ky were too poor to be impacted much at all by the depression.
I'm more likely to believe that a relative handful of politicians just voted for better re-election chances over better financial health for both Wall St. & Main St. than I am to believe that this bill was some sort of corporate insider bill that was designed only for the fatcats, with the willing participation of their congressional lackeys...
You worry about "placating". If I were a D in Congress I'd be writing what I thought would not just give relief, but would solve the issue for the future.

Break up banks that are "too big to fail", for one thing. That has to be the stupidest thing ever, even while this is going on we are letting more "too big to fail" banks get together... We truly cannot learn from even recent history. Crap seconds ago the "too big to fail" banks were taken over by the government and yet we still continue on that path.

If you write a bill that they know will actually resolve the issue they'll vote for it, regardless of "placating".

I missed this post.

Did you even read about the shit the House Republican Study Group was proposing? It was a joke and had zero to do with resolving the issue and would likely have escalated the crisis.

The bailout is unpopular so Republicans (and many Democrats) aren't voting for it regardless of whether its a good bill or not. At this point the Democrats should just put together a bill that the entire caucus can get behind, pass it and let the Senate deal with it.

I'd like to see the actual roll call vote though to get a better sense of which Democrats came out against it and which Republicans came out for it.
AssHat, you are a joke. I feel bad for the people who are against the bailout for having them on your side, because they at least have some rational points, and don't believe that the economy will fail, while you WANT the economy to fail.

I don't want it to fail. I just know people can work and trade without a centralized entity creating statist abstractions to inject itself between individuals. Maybe someday you will be deprogrammed enough to see the truth and the world exactly as it is, unfiltered by nihilist ideologies of hate.
I missed this post.

Did you even read about the shit the House Republican Study Group was proposing? It was a joke and had zero to do with resolving the issue and would likely have escalated the crisis.

The bailout is unpopular so Republicans (and many Democrats) aren't voting for it regardless of whether its a good bill or not. At this point the Democrats should just put together a bill that the entire caucus can get behind, pass it and let the Senate deal with it.

I'd like to see the actual roll call vote though to get a better sense of which Democrats came out against it and which Republicans came out for it.

I can't even get on the site.
I wonder: can anyone calculate the amount of revenue that the gov't loses if the Dow is downs 1,500-2,000 points for an extended period (say, a few months)?

Naturally, no one can, because of all of the sectors that are affected. I bet it's a lot, though.

If the DOW dives and keeps going down over the next week, they’ll rework the bill and the dems will push it through without R support if they have to. I just think it’s too soon to panic into something. This bill will be harder to get out of than a bad marriage once it is passed.
Bush seems to be carrying the water for the repubs on the bailout thing so as not to blow their election chances any more.

Not sure what is going on with that but he is expendible at this point.
Apparently the Republicans opposed the bill not because they disliked the bill but because Nancy Pelosi hurt their feelings. Seriously. That's their story.
Apparently the Republicans opposed the bill not because they disliked the bill but because Nancy Pelosi hurt their feelings. Seriously. That's their story.

Not that this would matter, but I am kind of curious…how did she hurt their feelings?

I've been telling everyone here that R men have big mommy issues.
"Several Republican aides said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had torpedoed any spirit of bipartisanship that surrounded the bill with her scathing speech near the close of the debate that blamed Bush's policies for the economic turmoil.

Without mentioning her by name, Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla., No. 3 Republican, said: "The partisan tone at the end of the debate today I think did impact the votes on our side."

Not that this would matter, but I am kind of curious…how did she hurt their feelings?

I've been telling everyone here that R men have big mommy issues.

No idea. Here's what he is saying:

"We could have gotten there today had it not been for the partisan speech that the speaker gave on the floor of the House," House Minority Leader John Boehner said. Pelosi's words, the Ohio Republican said, "poisoned our conference, caused a number of members that we thought we could get, to go south."

And here's Barney Frank's response:

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., scoffed at the explanation.

"Well if that stopped people from voting, then shame on them," he said. "If people's feelings were hurt because of a speech and that led them to vote differently than what they thought the national interest (requires), then they really don't belong here. They're not tough enough."
"Several Republican aides said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had torpedoed any spirit of bipartisanship that surrounded the bill with her scathing speech near the close of the debate that blamed Bush's policies for the economic turmoil.

Without mentioning her by name, Rep. Adam Putnam, R-Fla., No. 3 Republican, said: "The partisan tone at the end of the debate today I think did impact the votes on our side."


Oh yeah, I heard her last night too. Funny it crossed my mind to wonder if she was trying to kill the bill.