Bailout bill fails

This picture says it all.

While I agree that "excuse" is fucking lame... so is the 'well, there weren't enough Reps voting, so we didn't get the votes, because we were more worried about the upcoming election than we were doing what was in the best interest of the public'

I could care less if you want to blame the Reps more or if someone else wants to blame the Dems more. They both just fucked us. They both had the ability to get those extra 11 votes and they both fucked us.

We are hosed. Get that. Understand that. The market is going to get hammered tomorrow if we don't rally above 10725 today. HAMMERED.

The Democrats avoided crafting a partisan bill to get the Republicans votes. They told the left-most of their party to piss off in order to get the Republicans to vote for the final bill. It was a failed strategy but not because the Democrats didn't vote for the bill but because the House Republicans balked and pulled away the football while the Democrats were kicking.

They may try again, I don't know. I'd expect the Democrats to draft a bill that their entire caucus can get behind and screw the Republicans altogether. They're impossible to work with.
I think they fcked us when Bush got on TV and said the sky was falling unless we pass his bill.

Its a self fullfilling prophecy.

no... this freefall was coming long before that.... once IndyMac went down the writing was on the wall. The FDIC had become severely strained. Credit was continuing to tighten. The idiots just fucked us. Hard. Goodnight gracie.

Only saving grace right now... gold.

I need an adult beverage. :)
The Democrats avoided crafting a partisan bill to get the Republicans votes. They told the left-most of their party to piss off in order to get the Republicans to vote for the final bill. It was a failed strategy but not because the Democrats didn't vote for the bill but because the House Republicans balked and pulled away the football while the Democrats were kicking.

They may try again, I don't know. I'd expect the Democrats to draft a bill that their entire caucus can get behind and screw the Republicans altogether. They're impossible to work with.

This is what they should do. It will be a better bill for all of us..who aren't currently billionaires.
no... this freefall was coming long before that.... once IndyMac went down the writing was on the wall. The FDIC had become severely strained. Credit was continuing to tighten. The idiots just fucked us. Hard. Goodnight gracie.

Only saving grace right now... gold.

I need an adult beverage. :)

It just figures, because my brother, who I don’t get along with very well, he is a right wing asshole basically, emailed me a couple of weeks ago and told me get out of the market, get into gold, now. That’s what he had done. He’s really smart about this shit, even though he is a prick otherwise.
It just figures, because my brother, who I don’t get along with very well, he is a right wing asshole basically, emailed me a couple of weeks ago and told me get out of the market, get into gold, now. That’s what he had done. He’s really smart about this shit, even though he is a prick otherwise.

yeah well My GED ass did that over a year ago.
Gold was lots cheaper.
Darn MBA types....
if its just ur retirement account and u dont need money for 10years at min then dont sell. just leave it alone and dont log on lol. If u have any short term money in market god help you. I sold all short term money months ago.
if its just ur retirement account and u dont need money for 10years at min then dont sell. just leave it alone and dont log on lol. If u have any short term money in market god help you. I sold all short term money months ago.

No for me it is just a 401k. But my brother is not privy to the details of my finances, and he was just warning me in case. He’s got big money, I do not.
The Democrats avoided crafting a partisan bill to get the Republicans votes. They told the left-most of their party to piss off in order to get the Republicans to vote for the final bill. It was a failed strategy but not because the Democrats didn't vote for the bill but because the House Republicans balked and pulled away the football while the Democrats were kicking.

They may try again, I don't know. I'd expect the Democrats to draft a bill that their entire caucus can get behind and screw the Republicans altogether. They're impossible to work with.

blah blah blah... the other party sucks really bad so we helped them screw the public because they were mean.... gotcha... good argument.
It's bullshit that this is "both parties."

The majority of Dems voted for, the majority of Republicans defied their leadership voted against. Boehner just came out & said that it would have passed without Pelosi's speech.

What the f**k? That's pathetic.
blah blah blah... the other party sucks really bad so we helped them screw the public because they were mean.... gotcha... good argument.

Superfreak - What I posted above is exactly how it went down. Negotiators drafted a bill that the Progressive Caucus hated but that the Republicans assured the Democrats would be supported sufficiently by their caucus. The Senate Republicans agreed to it as well. It wasn't designed to get full Democratic support. It was designed to get bipartisan support. The Republicans didn't hold up their end of the agreement.

If the Democrats pass a bill that their caucus gets behind 100% it will be DoA in the Senate. The Republicans will filibuster it. That's the problem.

For giggles, compare the roster of the Progressive Caucus to the Democrats voting no. Here's the roster:

Here's the roll call:
I really can't believe what just happened. I'm still coping with it.

Honestly, I thought this thing was a foregone conclusion when they came out yesterday.

If they don't get something new out by tomorrow, the amount we're going to pay is going to dwarf what the bailout would have cost us. People have no idea.
I'm pissed at the GOP, and I haven't read her remarks, but Nancy could have used some more sense, as well.

There is plenty of time to bash Bush. Granted, with the U.S. economy on the line, I understand that she might not think a rep would vote because they were pissed about a speech...
Superfreak - What I posted above is exactly how it went down. Negotiators drafted a bill that the Progressive Caucus hated but that the Republicans assured the Democrats would be supported sufficiently by their caucus. The Senate Republicans agreed to it as well. It wasn't designed to get full Democratic support. It was designed to get bipartisan support. The Republicans didn't hold up their end of the agreement.

If the Democrats pass a bill that their caucus gets behind 100% it will be DoA in the Senate. The Republicans will filibuster it. That's the problem.

For giggles, compare the roster of the Progressive Caucus to the Democrats voting no. Here's the roster:

Here's the roll call:

thanks for that... I will take a look at it and compare.. unless you already know how many of the 95 were from the progressive caucus???

I would be curious to see what percentage of the 229... are up for re-election in 2008.
thanks for that... I will take a look at it and compare.. unless you already know how many of the 95 were from the progressive caucus???

I would be curious to see what percentage of the 229... are up for re-election in 2008.


Hopefully we can get a summer home now and hopefully I can strong arm an acura dealer into getting me an even better deal than before.

I see this as every thing's on sale now.
I'm pissed at the GOP, and I haven't read her remarks, but Nancy could have used some more sense, as well.

There is plenty of time to bash Bush. Granted, with the U.S. economy on the line, I understand that she might not think a rep would vote because they were pissed about a speech...

the speech was nothing. The Reps took some pot shots too. It was a complete bullshit excuse from the Reps. If they think it gives them cover they are wrong. They just lost any chance of McCain winning. Given his recent reeling in the polls plus this... game over.

Hello President Obama.