because no one else has.....the indictment...

what is it?.......same question the whole country is asking and no one knows the answer to.....

In due time. Patience pays.

I will give you a hint, check out, Bragg’s after the arraignment. In that speech, he mentioned three maybe four possibilities.

Federal election campaign laws
State election campaign laws
Federal tax law
State tax law

And something to do with Corporate filings by the national inquirer.
pointing out that I have consistently said the same thing is not backpedalling......the mistake has always been yours....apparently the problem is simply you are the only one here who hasn't read my posts......

meanwhile Bragg cannot name the felony he has charged Trump intended to conceal......EVERY legal expert in the country has noticed this......fortunately, you feeble idiots have me here to bring it to your attention is only a matter of time before this indictment is quashed....


Classic you are backpedaling like a scared little child caught.

You absolutely took the position that you want to deny now, that you understand how wrong you were, that Trump had done nothing illegal as he had only paid Cohen 'legal fees'. You were saying Cohen could classify all the money paid to Stormy that way and as long as Trump was paying that invoice saying 'legal fees' Trump was clear.

I explained to you that is not how it worked. That the money flowing thru to Stormy is NOT legal fees. The first 2-3 times you clearly did not understand but as i fleshed it out, it became clear you finally understood your error. That is when you backpedalling began.

ANd any one reading this can mark this here now. PostmodernProphet is now claiming that Alvin Bragg has no underlying statute. He is wrong on that i have told him that. I have explained that under NYS law Bragg is under no obligation to share that at this point. Prophet says i am wrong on that. As a claimed lawyer he has taken position Bragg did not identify a statute and is proceeding to court not knowing what the charge is. As it dawns on Prophet he is wrong he will begin to backpedal from this position too. He will pretend this was not his claim. SO mark this down now and laugh at him when you see him backpedaling.

Opinions are like assholes.

They are LEGAL opinions from university legal expert's dumbass.

The goal is a conviction and the best way to get one is to be as vague in the Complaint as legally possible.

You're deflecting. We're talking about NAMING the crime statute he has violated. SIXTH amendment halfwit. Read it.

He’s not trying to win public opinion, he’s trying to get a conviction.

Another dishonest and moronic statement. That is all this is about, public opinion. Even the loons on MSNBC and CNN call it the weakest of cases to be brought against a former President. Your claims are as moronic as Braggs.

Have you read the criminal statute Trump is accused of violating?

I have read the entire indictment snowflake. It doesn't name the statute or the crime. DUH!

But go ahead and tell us what Bragg is claiming that he hasn't named yet. Should be fun ripping that stupidity apart as well.
New York law does not require that at this stage. You just have to explain the crimes.

That is a bullshit narrative promoted by morons. The Sixth Amendment is clear and trumps any State law claims. I would like you to post the New York State law that says you don't have to tell a defendant what crime they have committed when indicted. It's stupid in its face and Unconstitutional at best.
1) It did not leak from Bragg’s office, you made that up, like most of your shit.

How do you know this? Oh, that's right, you don't so you're making your foolish bullshit up as you go.

The evidence we do have that it was leaked is the media saying their sources tell them there will be 34 counts. I guess it was a "lucky" guess, right halfwit? :palm:

2) Bragg did tell him what’s he’s charged with, NY Penal Code 175.10.

Moron. Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations, which has run out. God you're stupid.
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How do you know this? Oh, that's right, you don't so you're making your foolish bullshit as you go.

The evidence we do have that it was leaked is the media saying their sources tell them there will be 34 counts. I guess it was a "lucky" guess, right halfwit? :palm:

Moron. Falsifying business records is a misdemeanor with a two-year statute of limitations, which has run out. God you're stupid.

NY Penal Code 175.10 is a felony.
I don't think I used the word "hate" about him. Most likely the words were despise, loathe, scorn and contempt, because he's a despicable person and deserves every bit of it.

Which indicates you're a gullible dumbass who buys the bullshit you are fed by the media. Ironic that you seem to proud of your ignorance and stupidity.
I don't think I used the word "hate" about him. Most likely the words were despise, loathe, scorn and contempt, because he's a despicable person and deserves every bit of it.

This ^ is the difference between leftist Democrats and Conservatives, or morons versus intelligence. Morons on the left hate Trump because the media tells them they should. They don't know the man, they don't know his family, they don't associate with him or even credit him for the great things he did.

Whereas Conservatives don't hate Biden. We hate what he is doing to our country, or economy and its citizens.

That's why I call leftist Morons and halfwits. Not because I want to hurl insults, but because they really are morons and halfwits. Look at who they vote for.
And Bragg CAN name one and will at the appropriate time. NYS law DOES NOT require he name it yet and he does not need to name it to prove he has one to you.

You keep making the same moronic claim like the Non thinking halfwit you are. Who told you that? Bragg? MSNBC?

Since when can a state make laws that defy the US Constitution halfwit? :palm:
In due time. Patience pays.

I will give you a hint, check out, Bragg’s after the arraignment. In that speech, he mentioned three maybe four possibilities.

Federal election campaign laws
State election campaign laws
Federal tax law
State tax law

And something to do with Corporate filings by the national inquirer.

I am sorry, but since when does a charging Prosecutor not have to name the crime and can choose from a cornucopia of possibilities? How fucking stupid are you? :palm:
I am sorry, but since when does a charging Prosecutor not have to name the crime and can choose from a cornucopia of possibilities? How fucking stupid are you? :palm:

A prosecutor must name the crime.

Bragg named a crime. NY PC 175.10
NY Penal Code 175.10 is a felony.

One step above misdemeanor. Five years statute of limitation. When did the supposed crime occur? Dipshit.

Class E Felony Fines – With a few exceptions for drug-related Class A, Class B, and Class C felonies, most felonies in New York are subject to one of the following:
A maximum fine of $5,000.

A maximum fine equivalent to double the amount the defendant made by committing the crime. For example, if the crime earned the defendant $4,000, he or she could be fined up to $8,000.

Class E Felony Sentencing – The maximum sentence is the same for a violent or non-violent Class E felony. However, there are slight variations at the lower end of the sentencing ranges, as follows:
Class E Non-Violent Felony – No prison (probation); 1 1/3 to 4 years

Class E Violent Felony – No prison (probation); 1 ½ to 4 years