because no one else has.....the indictment...

Opinions are like assholes.

The goal is a conviction and the best way to get one is to be as vague in the Complaint as legally possible. He’s not trying to win public opinion, he’s trying to get a conviction.

Have you read the criminal statute Trump is accused of violating?
No! The goal is the truth. Yes I have read the applicable FEC law have you? Bradley Smith the former head of the FEC says Trump did not violate FEC law. How can Trump prepare a defense if he does not know what crime Bragg says he violated. So you are an opinion??/?
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How can you have read the FEC “law” when Bragg has not identified what law is involved?
It leaked from Bragg's office. which is a felony. How can Trump defend himself if Bragg does not tell Trump's defense team like the Constitution guarantees in the 6th amendment?
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he hasn't cited a statute either........

New York law does not require that at this stage. You just have to explain the crimes.

That you a person claiming to be a lawyer (albeit a slumlord lawyer) think a case can be brought that will not cite a statute is just an additional layer of the depths of your stupidity.

First you think Trump can pay Cohen money as a hush payment to keep her quiet and both Trump and Cohen can legally classify that as 'legal fees' (gees you are stupid) and now this.

Your depths of dumb no, no limits.
It leaked from Bragg's office. which is a felony. How can Trump defend himself if Bragg does not tell Trump's defense team like the Constitution guarantees in the 6th amendment?

1) It did not leak from Bragg’s office, you made that up, like most of your shit.
2) Bragg did tell him what’s he’s charged with, NY Penal Code 175.10.
New York law does not require that at this stage. You just have to explain the crimes.

That you a person claiming to be a lawyer (albeit a slumlord lawyer) think a case can be brought that will not cite a statute is just an additional layer of the depths of your stupidity.

First you think Trump can pay Cohen money as a hush payment to keep her quiet and both Trump and Cohen can legally classify that as 'legal fees' (gees you are stupid) and now this.

Your depths of dumb no, no limits.
sorry fuckwit......if Bragg can't even name one at this stage of the game he has no place on the stage......and for the fifteenth time you fucking liar, no one ever, except YOU has called client costs attorney fees.....get your fucking head out of your fucking ass and stop lying.......(what a fucking cunt!)......
1) It did not leak from Bragg’s office, you made that up, like most of your shit.
2) Bragg did tell him what’s he’s charged with, NY Penal Code 175.10.

aw shucks, cuntselor....did both you AND Bragg not realize that NY 175.10 requires that the action be done to commit a different felony? that no one seems to have any knowledge of?........obviously Bragg is an amateur.......what's YOUR excuse?.....
aw shucks, cuntselor....did both you AND Bragg not realize that NY 175.10 requires that the action be done to commit a different felony? that no one seems to have any knowledge of?........obviously Bragg is an amateur.......what's YOUR excuse?.....

Yes I realize that? What’s your question?
sorry fuckwit......if Bragg can't even name one at this stage of the game he has no place on the stage......and for the fifteenth time you fucking liar, no one ever, except YOU has called client costs attorney fees.....get your fucking head out of your fucking ass and stop lying.......(what a fucking cunt!)......

Hahaha i love you trying to backpedal on your prior mistake. At least it shows you can recognize how stupid you were as you run from your point.

And YES your prior point was Trump did nothing as he has a right to pay COhen 'attorney fees', as you thought lawyers like Cohen can just book the entire payment, including the flow thru amount as Attorney fees and that is legal and ok. Glad i taught you about the law and how Attorney can and CANNOT be booked and now you want to pretend you always knew that, when you did NOT.

And Bragg CAN name one and will at the appropriate time. NYS law DOES NOT require he name it yet and he does not need to name it to prove he has one to you. This is you just NOT understanding the law again which makes you think Bragg can even bring these counts without any underlying legal statute. That is you being a stupid lawyer who needs to talk to any other lawyer smarter than you (thus all of them) and ask if it is even possible to bring a charge without a statute.

You are such a dumb lawyer you have taken a position Bragg has no statute as you do not know that is impossible. Once Bragg does reveal it you will pretend you knew this all along. You will backpedal again pretending you were not again this stupid.
Hahaha i love you trying to backpedal on your prior mistake.

pointing out that I have consistently said the same thing is not backpedalling......the mistake has always been yours....apparently the problem is simply you are the only one here who hasn't read my posts......

meanwhile Bragg cannot name the felony he has charged Trump intended to conceal......EVERY legal expert in the country has noticed this......fortunately, you feeble idiots have me here to bring it to your attention is only a matter of time before this indictment is quashed....