because no one else has......Willis, Fulton County Prosecutor..

Hey Derp, time to stick your fingers in your ears and close your eyes.

Be less stupid. The above exists even if you wish it did not.

and yet, as stupid as you are, everyone else in the world realizes, as you quoted me one from Trump's campaign was convicted of Russian "collusion".....therefore everything you and your biased sources claim turned out to be a lie.......
Pimple also claims that WI and MI were also unconstitutional. Funny though. No court has ruled as such.

as everyone here with an actual brain knows, WI and PA did.....for some reason Gretch the Wretch and Dana Nessil chose not to investigate but there is no question that MI employed election procedures not authorized by our Republican controlled congress before 2020.......interesting that after the Demmycrats took over both houses of our legislature in the 2020 election one of the first things they did was authorize unsupervised drop boxes and ballot harvesting.......Michigan is lost forever.......
How many indictments before you just might think Trump isn't a victim but a criminal!

How many indictments before you just might think the democrats are waking up to the fact Trump could beat Brandon in a general election and the only way they can stop him is by throwing more shit against the wall.
How many indictments before you just might think the democrats are waking up to the fact Trump could beat Brandon in a general election and the only way they can stop him is by throwing more shit against the wall.

The Elite are hated, and they hate that, but here is the thing MotherFucker....that no longer matters.

It is later than you understand.
Nope. It's called "staying on topic" and disallowing your pivots and your EVASION.


What's to evade ?It's obvious to anyone that Trump is unfit to be President or even be walking the streets!
He's a serial criminal that should finish his days in a Georgia prison.
How many indictments before you just might think the democrats are waking up to the fact Trump could beat Brandon in a general election and the only way they can stop him is by throwing more shit against the wall.

So you're claiming the DoJ,Georgia, New York,are all in a criminal conspiracy along with all members of the grand juries that have indicted your Messiah?
That's what you're selling?
and yet, as stupid as you are, everyone else in the world realizes, as you quoted me one from Trump's campaign was convicted of Russian "collusion".....therefore everything you and your biased sources claim turned out to be a lie.......

Hey idiot i will take the above as a start by you as you are no longer denying all the Trump campaign russia collusion stuff and are just trying to play semantic games to say 'sure they colluded and it was proven but that is not what they were convicted for' as if that is a win.

But lets review the discussion we had and your dishonesty.

This was the ACTUAL conversation.

this was you AGAIN spreading the lie that the Russian collusion investigation was BS told us the same thing about Russian collusion and his tax returns.....why the fuck do you think anyone believes you this time.....

This next post is me proving you wrong and citing the proof that shows the Russia collusion stuff was real. NOTICE i say nothing about convictions on that specifically but offer OTHER proof

Because we got a boat load of convictions proving Russian collusion and in-depth Senate committee report lead by Republicans also establishing it?

This is you trying to shift the goal posts below adding in the word CONVICTED when neither you or i had said they were convicted prior or that was the only requirement of proof, which it is not.

you are an one from Trump's campaign was convicted of Russian "collusion".....

And this is a continuation of that lie.
and yet, as stupid as you are, everyone else in the world realizes, as you quoted me one from Trump's campaign was convicted of Russian "collusion".....therefore everything you and your biased sources claim turned out to be a lie.......

Summary conclusion you are no longer denying - Trump and his campaign colluded with Russia and that has been proven by the evidence i gave above,

Collusion does not require criminality nor charges. You can collude to pull a prank on someone in a perfectly legal way. That is NOT to say Trump and his crew did not ALSO do lots of criminality, but it is to say the Russia Collusion stuff was proven, you are now admitting it, so stop lying about it in the future.
So you're claiming the DoJ,Georgia, New York,are all in a criminal conspiracy along with all members of the grand juries that have indicted your Messiah?
That's what you're selling?

Did I say that or were you just so blinded by rage that you put words in other people's mouths?
I'm betting Trump will be convicted of more than one indictment!
... and any conviction will be later overturned by a higher (non-activist) court...

... but what Democrats (and "Republicans" who are actually Democrats) are really gunning for in their lawfare here is to get at least one conviction against Trump in some extremely activist court somewhere (such as DC), before what is supposed to be the 2024 election, so the mind-control media can then propagandize the heck out of Trump being a "convicted criminal", and play the sanctimonious card of "YOU aren't going to support a convicted criminal for President, ARE YOU?!?!?!?!" (plus that'll crack open the door for attempts to remove him from the ballot)

My response? Don't care, still voting for Trump.
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PMP should have the message board equivalent of a rubber stamp for every reply.

Never anything substantive. It could just say "you lib' stupid."
I'm terrified of a 2nd Trump term, if that's what you're asking.

It would likely be the end of the republic as we know it. And if you think that's melodramatic - you haven't been paying attention.

How can you possibly imagine a man with 1029 indictments against him, possibly lose to the man who won the presidency with the most votes in US history? Are you well?
How can you possibly imagine a man with 1029 indictments against him, possibly lose to the man who won the presidency with the most votes in US history? Are you well?

Oh, I see what you're doing there. A subtle hint that you think the 2020 election was rigged, and that somehow MILLIONS of votes were just "added to the mix."

Love it. Election denial is so uninformed. Operatives would be needed in at least 6 states, dozens of counties, and hundreds of precincts. And they're all keeping the secret so well.

But, to answer the basic question - people are sick of Biden. Do you think the results of one election guarantee the results of the next election? I've got some history we can go through if you do.....