Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations… “Is He Downloading in His Diaper?”

Don't get me wrong, Biden is incredibly old. He moves like a very old person and he speaks like a very old person. In this case, as should be expected, Twitter cherry picked a video clip to make something out of nothing.
So then- you're not only putting yourself forward as a pompous authority on other people's sexual behavior but now you're an expert on octogenarianism. Let's hear your thoughts on Jewish genocide.
So then- you're not only putting yourself forward as a pompous authority on other people's sexual behavior but now you're an expert on octogenarianism. Let's hear your thoughts on Jewish genocide.
I don't think you have to be an octogenarian to recognize that Biden is old and behaves line he's told. You just need to have eyes.
I don't think you have to be an octogenarian to recognize that Biden is old and behaves line he's told. You just need to have eyes.
There's something wrong with yours. You describe Biden as "incredibly old " . It's time that you pulled your fool head in and stfu.
There's something wrong with yours. You describe Biden as "incredibly old " . It's time that you pulled your fool head in and stfu.
You only have to look at campaign events and speeches from 4 or more years ago to see how much he has aged.
Don't get me wrong, Biden is incredibly old. He moves like a very old person and he speaks like a very old person. In this case, as should be expected, Twitter cherry picked a video clip to make something out of nothing.
He is very old, no denying that. An old guy who still gets out and cycles regularly and seems to be very fit, for someone his age.

Contrasted with Trump who is also very old, who people mistake speaking with bombast, with being able to put together a coherent sentence.

I say this without a partisan consideration. If you look back to when Trump was in his prime (google Barbara Walters interview) and when Biden was (look at start of Obama term) and contrast them with themselves today, Trumps mental decline >>>>>>>> than Bidens or Trumps physical decline.

Trump used to be a very able speaker. Slick even. I would put him up there with Obama and Bill Clinton, even if you did not like what Trump would say.

Todays Trump, in all honesty cannot string together a coherent sentence. If you try to read a transcript of ANY and ALL of his speeches or campaigns you are left shaking your head and guessing at what point he is trying to get it.

Trump is literally that demented uncle we have all had, who would show up to family functions and ramble leaving everyone asking 'WTF did he just say', with others saying 'just humor him and nod along and move on'.
Look ladies- a genocidal misogynist with a forum record as a sex pest is offering advice on womanhood.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
Posted like an angry anti-American foreign woman. What "forum record" has me listed as a "sex pest"? Or is this private record you share with your fellow angry anti-American foreign women?
You only have to look at campaign events and speeches from 4 or more years ago to see how much he has aged.
Time ages everyone, but the US Presidency seems to age people faster. Well, at least those who aren't Adderall addicts who spend most of it in "executive time" (coming down off the drug) or on the links. Trump, off of Adderall for unknown reasons*, is definitely far older than he was while on Adderall in 2016.

*Age? Heart condition? Negative effects of years of abuse?

Video of Joe Biden at D-Day ceremony is deceptively edited​


Video of Joe Biden at D-Day ceremony is deceptively edited​

MAGAts are liars. It's their #1 rule:

MAGAt rule #1 A bold-faced lie is your best defense

Sadly, most know it's a lie yet they love pushing the lie. This is a strong indication they are evil. Most claim to be Christians, but their behavior is in league with Satan.

This list is funny but only because it's so true:

What did I lie about? If you watch the video, you can literally see him leaning over to set a black or dark gray folder of some sort on the ground. Before he bends over, it's in his hand. After he comes back up, his hands are empty.

Yes, nearly an hour later. You're attempting to cover up for Biden - but it's failed - too many people took too many videos from too many angles.
Biden works out, Trump does not. Biden eats properly, Trump does not. Biden is at his right weight. Trump is obese.
Trump's brain works properly Biden does not. Biden has had two brain aneurysms and two brain surgeries Trump has had none. Biden suffers from chronic atrial fibrillation Trump doesn't. And Biden is 5% older than Trump.
We need a Dead Pool. I'll take August 2027
I do not think either one is aging all that well. However, Trump has serious mental degradation. He has said some of the dumbest things I have ever heard from a politician. He does not know how the government works. He has no respect, or perhaps knowledge of the Constitution. He has zero respect for the 3 branches of government especially the checks and balances.
Biden is not a threat to the American experiment. He governs like presidents always have. Trump will tear it all down and not care.
I do not think either one is aging all that well. However, Trump has serious mental degradation. He has said some of the dumbest things I have ever heard from a politician. He does not know how the government works. He has no respect, or perhaps knowledge of the Constitution. He has zero respect for the 3 branches of government especially the checks and balances.
Biden is not a threat to the American experiment. He governs like presidents always have. Trump will tear it all down and not care.
Agreed on Trump. Biden at least tries to live healthy. Trump has lived a life of eating fat and sugar, no exercise and amphetamine abuse. Specifically, Adderall. It's showing in his behavior at rallies. Even the MAGAts are able to see the differences in Trump's behavior in 2016, 2020 and 2024.

Given his lifestyle, I'm guessing the reason Trump stopped taking Adderall is because it gave him a weak heart and much higher risk of a major stroke. The other items listed below are still in play since Trump is living in dream world where he never said "Lock her up" and while denying any involvement with 1/6, promises to pardon all of those convicted.

Let's not forget that Trump almost died of COVID. He may have some major adverse health effects leftover from his treatment too.

The main danger of Trump isn't Trump but Trumpers AKA MAGAts. They're the ones applauding tearing down the US government and shredding the Constitution.

Long-Term Effects of Adderall

Though Adderall use can help a person attain impressive mental or physical achievements, prolonged use or short-term, high-dose usage can result in a deterioration of cognition or physicality due to its many side effects.3

Chronic central nervous system stimulation from Adderall use can cause potentially long-term effects, including the following:8

  • Damage to nerve cells.
  • Seizures.
  • Psychosis.
  • Stroke.
  • Abnormal heart rhythms.

It is clear at the 1 hour mark the movements are all normal.

As i always say 'if you ACTUALLY have something embarrassing a person did or said, you just post it and let it speak for itself'.

When you CANNOT find anything embarrassing, you slow down or speed up segments, and otherwise selectively edit them as you see in 99% of LyingFish videos.

Contrast that with the best way to mock Trump which is just exposing him with no edits.



I used to thing Bushisms were bad... and then came trump. :ROFLMAO: