Biden imposes sweeping asylum ban at US-Mexico border

Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping
WSJ › Politics › Policy
1 day ago — Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times.

He performs poorly in front of closed doors too.
He just got a new shipment of Depends.
Lol...I don't get into the personal back and forths between any of you guys...
If this were my classroom, the majority of people here would be in trouble most of the time...:)
Just move to the back of the room and work it out...then have a snack...
Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping
WSJ › Politics › Policy
1 day ago — Participants in meetings said the 81-year-old president performed poorly at times.

He performs poorly in front of closed doors too.
There is no doubt he's in a very steep decline...even compare video from 2020 to's shocking...
The absolute PANIC of the left is setting in. Between Trumps poll numbers going up after the sham trial, the MASSIVE influx of cash going to his campaign, and Joe's numbers continuing to sink they are just beside themselves. Like I have been saying, is my sincere wish that they continue on the exact same path that they are on,.....they are handing us the election on a silver platter. PLEASE lefties,....keep being filled with hubris, continue denying everything, and PLEASE , BY ALL MEANS, continue to NEVER EVER take ownership of a damn thing you have done. People just LOVE THAT! :rolleyes: You are going to be steamrolled. And yes,.... no group of people ever deserved it more.
Lol...I don't get into the personal back and forths between any of you guys...
If this were my classroom, the majority of people here would be in trouble most of the time...:)
Just move to the back of the room and work it out...then have a snack...
Or,....just give me a couple of minutes with some of these guys back behind the woodshed. You can bet your bottom dollar after the attitude adjustment they receive they will have a whole new attitude and outlook on life! :laugh:
Or,....just give me a couple of minutes with some of these guys back behind the woodshed. You can bet your bottom dollar after the attitude adjustment they receive they will have a whole new attitude and outlook on life! :laugh:
That makes too much of a mess...:)
The main driving reason that Joe will absolutely lose the election all goes back to one of the oldest truths when in comes to economics. It is not and has never been about how much you make, is about how much you keep. It is about disposable income AND the ability to save. People EVERYWHERE are feeling that. I mean,...come on people,.....if you earn an extra hundred bucks a week but it costs you an extra 150 bucks a week to LIVE you havent gained a damn thing, fact you have went backwards. Even the dumbest of the DUMB know THAT! Biden cant hide from it either,....He's done.
The main driving reason that Joe will absolutely lose the election all goes back to one of the oldest truths when in comes to economics. It is not and has never been about how much you make, is about how much you keep. It is about disposable income AND the ability to save. People EVERYWHERE are feeling that. I mean,...come on people,.....if you earn an extra hundred bucks a week but it costs you an extra 150 bucks a week to LIVE you havent gained a damn thing, fact you have went backwards. Even the dumbest of the DUMB know THAT! Biden cant hide from it either,....He's done.
We'll see. He may very well win the presidency. But he will not even come close to winning the popular vote. He simply is not popular with the people. My guess is he will lose the popular vote by more than he lost it last time...more than 7,000,000 votes. BUT HE MAY WIN THE PRESIDENCY ANYWAY.
We'll see. He may very well win the presidency. But he will not even come close to winning the popular vote. He simply is not popular with the people. My guess is he will lose the popular vote by more than he lost it last time...more than 7,000,000 votes. BUT HE MAY WIN THE PRESIDENCY ANYWAY.
One thing the main stream media simply cannot do is run away from math and economics. There is just no way to do it or they would if they thought they could GET AWAY WITH IT. In short,...they are screwed. The average every day voter is going backward economically,....thats just the truth. And the poor and working poor are getting absolutely beaten down. To top it all off the LW media then has the unmitigated gall to look those people dead in the eye that are taking the brunt of the beating and tell them how GREAT things are. Yeah,....good luck with that shit! :thinking:
Basically what LW media and pols have been doing for 3 years now is forcing people to eat a big shit sandwich washed down with a warm glass of piss and then telling them how great it tastes. The anger out there because of this is reaching a boiling point,....people are seething and you cant blame them. This is the exact opposite of a winning campaign approach,.....these dumb jackasses dont even have enuff honesty to own up to the smallest of mistakes let alone THIS kind of thing.
One thing the main stream media simply cannot do is run away from math and economics. There is just no way to do it or they would if they thought they could GET AWAY WITH IT. In short,...they are screwed. The average every day voter is going backward economically,....thats just the truth. And the poor and working poor are getting absolutely beaten down. To top it all off the LW media then has the unmitigated gall to look those people dead in the eye that are taking the brunt of the beating and tell them how GREAT things are. Yeah,....good luck with that shit! :thinking:
As I said, We'll see. (And all the rest.)

Trump is a disgusting shit stain of a person who should not be near the seat of power. And I think the people will take that into consideration also.
Basically what LW media and pols have been doing for 3 years now is forcing people to eat a big shit sandwich washed down with a warm glass of piss and then telling them how great it tastes. The anger out there because of this is reaching a boiling point,....people are seething and you cant blame them. This is the exact opposite of a winning campaign approach,.....these dumb jackasses dont even have enuff honesty to own up to the smallest of mistakes let alone THIS kind of thing.
Trump is the kind of person who refuses to own up to even the smallest of mistakes, Stone. If you truly do not like that trait, you you should find him to be repulsive, because he embodies it.

I try always to own up to my mistakes. Do you?
We'll see. He may very well win the presidency. But he will not even come close to winning the popular vote. He simply is not popular with the people. My guess is he will lose the popular vote by more than he lost it last time...more than 7,000,000 votes. BUT HE MAY WIN THE PRESIDENCY ANYWAY.
well yes.....because that's how we elect presidents here and have for hundreds of years........why does that always surprise demmycrats every four years?........