Biden imposes sweeping asylum ban at US-Mexico border

This still does not address the critical issue with asylum seekers: We need way more immigration judges. Fortunately that is in the bipartisan border bill. Oh wait.
No, we need enforcement of our laws. If you enter illegally and get caught, you go to jail as a flight risk until you get your day in court and deported. You can always plead out and be deported instead.

If you want asylum, you aren't going to even be considered if the reason is poverty, crime, or you don't like the country you're from. Hit the road. Apply from the first country other than your own you hit too. Don't come to the US border expecting to be let in.

Overstay a visa? Get past the border illegally? Don't expect to get an ID, driver's license, get a job, buy a house or car, open a bank account, make a wire transfer, or do anything else like that. Isn't happening and you're likely--very likely--to get reported to the authorities for trying. If you get injured or whatever, you get emergency care to stabilize your condition along with the full bill for that and are then deported when stable (not cured or whatever, stable to be moved to your home country).

That's how it should be. There wouldn't be a border crisis because nobody would come knowing all that.
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Mayorkas looks like a deer in the headlights.

The new Biden E.O, that he swore he could not do until his polls were tanking on immigration, would allow nearly a million illegals to cross per year, some reports are for 1.8 million a year.

Border control means that zero illegals are allowed to cross.

Again, party before the security of the American citizens.
Not party with Bribem. He's worried about one thing: Bribem and getting reelected. The fucker will say anything, do anything, to get another four years.
It’s a little too late to do the right thing now. It’s like shooting someone in the head and then offering them a band aid. It’s actually VERY insulting. Fuck off Joe , you piece of shit. Stick your EO up your ass,....after you remove your diaper of course.
Too late for what??? You all act surprised about the asylum laws. They have been on the books forever. Your hero has exacerbated the problem by ordering his pet Speaker to kill a bill that would have a far greater impact than this. What’s insulting is your desire to be a partisan hack instead of doing what’s right. You want those people deported then give them an asylum hearing. But YOU don’t want that. So quit your whining and complaining.
Or,....just give me a couple of minutes with some of these guys back behind the woodshed. You can bet your bottom dollar after the attitude adjustment they receive they will have a whole new attitude and outlook on life! :laugh:
Why? Do you keep your moonshine back there?
Basically what LW media and pols have been doing for 3 years now is forcing people to eat a big shit sandwich washed down with a warm glass of piss and then telling them how great it tastes. The anger out there because of this is reaching a boiling point,....people are seething and you cant blame them. This is the exact opposite of a winning campaign approach,.....these dumb jackasses dont even have enuff honesty to own up to the smallest of mistakes let alone THIS kind of thing.
You are ‘seething’.over things that aren’t true, so yes, I DO blame you for being completely and utterly uninformed. You refuse to accept incontrovertible facts. That’s your problem.
One thing the main stream media simply cannot do is run away from math and economics. There is just no way to do it or they would if they thought they could GET AWAY WITH IT. In short,...they are screwed. The average every day voter is going backward economically,....thats just the truth. And the poor and working poor are getting absolutely beaten down. To top it all off the LW media then has the unmitigated gall to look those people dead in the eye that are taking the brunt of the beating and tell them how GREAT things are. Yeah,....good luck with that shit! :thinking:
That sir is not the truth. In fact it is a bald faced lie. The average American is seeing their income rise faster than inflation. That has been the case for over two years. As I said before, you have worked yourself into a lather over things made up by the leader of the cult you decided to join. Do you actually believe that Biden was trying to kill Trump?? Do you actually believe violent crime is up under Biden? Do you actually believe that Trump won the last election? If so, you need a different news source and to brush up on your critical thinking skills.

Facts are not partisan and reporting facts is not left wing. Do you know how to get information about the economy? The actual objective numbers? I’d be happy to help. What is the unemployment rate? CPI growth? Wage growth? GDP? Can you answer even one of those questions because it appears you haven’t a clue.
That was embarrassing... He had no clue what he was talking about...And yes clearly party before the American people...
Too bad trump sycophants couldn't let this bill pass because it might have given Biden a campaign boost.

The new border security authorities will put powerful new tools in the border security toolbox of any administration willing to secure the border. It will also set real limits on the current administration to stop the abuse of parole and prevent our nation from ever having 10,000 people a day crossing illegally or a record month like December 2023 again.

Ends Biden’s use of catch-and-release through the CBP One app to hand out work permits for free along the southwest border.

Creates a newmandatoryBorder Emergency Authority that will protect our nation from having another month like September, October, November or December 2023, when more than 10,000 people a day crossed the southern border.

The new Border Emergency Authority is even stronger than the Title 42 Authority used during the Trump Administration because it also includes new legal consequences for anyone who tries to return after deported.

Changes the default when the border is overrun from releasing everyone into the country to deporting everyone out of the country. When the average number of crossings exceeds 5,000 people a week (which it has every week but one in the past four months) everyone crossing illegally everyday is rapidly deported out of the country without an asylum screening...

When the border closes, it stays closed and everyone is deported every day until the number of people crossing illegally drops. Once the number of encounters drop, the border continues to stay closed for up to an additional two weeks to continue to drive the numbers down; It closes the border when we exceed our capacity to detain and deport so no one is released into the US because of the crowd.


Asylum seekers should be turned around and sent back. Period. Illegals already here should be deported, including those who house and employ them. What we need are more ICE and allow law enforcement to contact them when an illegal is found so they can send them packing. Biden said NOTHING about the millions that are here, and the millions he allowed in. If you believe his lies, you're a fool. But then, it's obvious you're a fool......
What do you disagree with in the Border Bill that trump sycophants scuttled?

Joe reversed all the border policies that were in place and working... This disaster is his fault.... First because he reversed them and second because he refused to do what's right and put them back in the place. And third he put Kamala in charge🤣
Have you seen the cheat sheet for asylum seekers and how to pretend you're afraid?
I bet the republicans are big mad about this. Good! LOL took away their talking point on immigration.
^^^ QED of someone who is a "Team Demonkkkrat" non-thinker.

WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday instituted a broad asylum ban on migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a major enforcement move in the run-up to November elections that will decide control of the White House.

Migrants caught crossing illegally could be quickly deported or turned back to Mexico under the measure, which will take effect just after midnight. There will be exceptions for unaccompanied children, people who face serious medical or safety threats and victims of trafficking, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said.
Why did Biden wait 3.5 years to do this, waiting until right before a (s)election happens?

Will this policy of his continue to remain in effect for years AFTER the (s)election occurs?
The panic is setting in at a massive rate.
Yup, so now it's "gaslighting season".

Thankfully, more and more people keep waking up each and every day, so now it's mostly just the "NakedHunterBiden's" of the world who continue to be gaslighted and abused by their own government.
From the tone of the MAGA sounds as though the panic is coming from them.
Your panic is yours, no matter who you attempt to project it onto...
Hey....Joe Biden could win by much more than the 7,000,000 votes he did last time...
Impossible. There aren't that many people in the Electoral College, and there was no election held in 2020.
and your chimp might still win the prize. I am sure he will be more than happy to embarrass America for you getting draconian.
That's because Biden left in 8.7 million "migrants (and illegals)" since he became president. And they'll vote for him.
Well, they'll "vote for him", mostly via Demonkkkrats getting "their existence" recorded on voter rolls for purposes of generating more ballots.