Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

Its about the longstanding opinion of many on the radical left that America is such a sinner that it can not be reformed, that the only solution is to kill it so that something else can take its place.

Oh my God, Um, no. That's your cult speak.

Nothing in 'reality' is that. Seriously, we are just humans and people who are in pandemic and trying survive and think none of that.
Seriously my fellow citizen, person/human no one thinks that, just stop.

We are ALL struggling to survive, other than the trust fund 1%, who made gaming bank, for themselves. Like 'Scamway capitalism'.
Then got idiots to believe that you, TOO could be trust fund lottery winners.

It happens...

I don't judge you.
Oh my God, Um, no. That's your cult speak.

Nothing in 'reality' is that. Seriously, we are just humans and people who are in pandemic and trying survive and think none of that.
Seriously my fellow citizen, person/human no one thinks that, just stop.

We are ALL struggling to survive, other than the trust fund 1%, who made gaming bank, for themselves. Like 'Scamway capitalism'.
Then got idiots to believe that you, TOO could be trust fund lottery winners.

It happens...

I don't judge you.


Few things...

1. So this link here doesn't say anything about rail transporting of shale oil from Canada to Houston. What it does say is that KXL's purpose is to bypass the Midwest refineries for the Gulf refineries, where they can sell the shale oil at a higher price:

Step three: The bitumen from both sources is refined into synthetic crude and piped across America, mostly to Houston and Port Arthur, where still more refining is needed.

2. We already know the purpose behind KXL because TransCanada said so in their permit application; and that purpose is to make them more money by selling oil to China:

Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in PADD II by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. Similarly, if a surplus of light synthetic crude develops in PADD II, the Keystone XL Pipeline would provide an alternate market and therefore help to mitigate a price discount. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.

3. Currently, and according to TC themselves, the shale oil they extract from Alberta "principally" ends up in US PADD II because that's where the current pipelines lead.

4. Putting shale on a train and sending it through the US to the Gulf Coast may be how some of the oil gets shipped now, but if all the oil gets shipped that way, either via train or pipeline to the USGC, the result will be an increase in the price per barrel for the US PADD II refineries, which in turn raises energy costs throughout the Midwest, which raises costs for textiles and farms, which in turn kills jobs.

So a few things about this link...

1. This link doesn't actually say how much of the Shale oil is shipped on Trains to the USGC. What it does say is that the current TransCanada Pipeline runs directly to the Midwest and carries 591K barrels of oil a day:

Keystone Pipeline (2010): capacity to transport 591,000b/d of oil from Hardisty, Alta. to the U.S. Midwest
2. By contrast, rail lines carry about 160K barrels of oil a day but that link of yours doesn't specify to where those rail lines are going. And your link also says that the upswing has reversed itself:

This upswing was promptly reversed in Q2, when shipments plummeted to their lowest level since 2016
3. The entire purpose of KXL isn't "energy independence", it is quite simply an attempt for TC to reduce their costs so that they can make more money selling shale to China at a markup, instead of selling it to us at a discount.

Oh and the pipelines? They leak all the time. Even the new parts of KXL leak. So the risk for rail vs. pipeline is the same. Both are prone to accidents.

Here's some homework for you: In 2020, how many barrels of oil were lost from leaking pipelines vs. lost in train accidents?
The Illinois refineries can't handle Canadian tar sand oil.

Yes they can. They can handle so much of it, that it's discounted for us:

“Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in [the Midwest] by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.”

So by arguing on behalf of KXL, what you're arguing for is higher energy prices, and for shale to be sold to China at a markup vs. to us at a discount.

And for some reason, you think that's a good thing? You think US refineries paying more for Canadian shale oil is a good thing?

Illinois mostly handles oil from the N. Dakota Bakken oil fields via an existing pipeline.

Yes exactly! And because that is the sole pipeline, all of it goes to Illinois where it is oversupplied, which results in a price discount.

By supporting KXL, you are supporting the removal of that discount.

So you support higher oil prices if you support KXL.

What good are higher energy prices for the US?
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I want to know how you think this map helps your argument for KXL...because what it shows right now is that there already is a pipeline that goes to the US Midwest (where we get a discount because it's oversupplied and can't be sold globally), taking the shale oil directly to us.

What you're arguing for is to bypass that for the USGC where it can be sold globally for a much higher price.

So again, how do you think this map supports your argument at all?
Its about the longstanding opinion of many on the radical left that America is such a sinner that it can not be reformed, that the only solution is to kill it so that something else can take its place.

lol there is no radical left. we are a centrist right country. sorry son. reality is a bitch.
The other dumb argument for KXL is that it will create about 1,000 jobs...

But TC doesn't say how many of those jobs are Canadian vs. American...

And the 1,000 jobs is a steep price to pay for increased energy costs for the United States...

And the raw materials (like steel) they've already used haven't even come from US sources...some of it came from Russia and India.

And we lost 20,000,000 jobs last year.
Electric cars don't need gas.

You should look and see what vehicles Ford, GM and the other companies are making. I simply plug in and let the solar panels on my roof do the rest. I hope there isn't a line in my driveway when I need to leave.

I'm gonna LOL when you need a new battery. PS: Over 90% of America does not own electric vehicles, furthermore, they cost more energy to run than ICE vehicles.
Lying traitors piss me off.
Now fuck off, lying traitor.

I ain't the one to try, pussy leftist shillboi. I could hang you by my damn self if I wanted to.

I am a real American. You don't want any of this, because you'll have a very bad time.

Why do you have so much self-loathing?

Name one bad EO that Trump did. You don't even know because you don't check out what's going on, you just do what the propaganda tells you, puppet.

Dance, puppet, dance!

I can name 1 bad thing that Trump did, can you?
I ain't the one to try, pussy leftist shillboi. I could hang you by my damn self if I wanted to.

I am a real American. You don't want any of this, because you'll have a very bad time.

Why do you have so much self-loathing?

Name one bad EO that Trump did. You don't even know because you don't check out what's going on, you just do what the propaganda tells you, puppet.

Dance, puppet, dance!

I can name 1 bad thing that Trump did, can you?
You're a tough guy?
