Biden kills Keystone XL permit.... again

When Canadian crude goes on trains, they go to the west coast of Canada to be loaded on tankers. Hint - Houston isn't in Canada

Wrong, Canadian oil goes to Houston to be refined. It is worthless in its raw state.

So, you are dead flat wrong.

What is being moved to the west coast for overseas shipment is coal. China in particular needs more coal as it is their chief energy source.
Wrong, Canadian oil goes to Houston to be refined. It is worthless in its raw state.

So, you are dead flat wrong.
What is being moved to the west coast for overseas shipment is coal. China in particular needs more coal as it is their chief energy source.
and just like that some one knows WTF they are talking about.
Ummm....they don't send extracted shale oil from Alberta to Houston...they send it to Southern Illinois because that's where the refineries are and that's where the pipelines currently lead.

From TransCanada's Permit Application for KXL:

“Existing markets for Canadian heavy crude, principally PADD II [U.S. Midwest], are currently oversupplied, resulting in price discounting for Canadian heavy crude oil. Access to the USGC [U.S. Gulf Coast] via the Keystone XL Pipeline is expected to strengthen Canadian crude oil pricing in [the Midwest] by removing this oversupply. This is expected to increase the price of heavy crude to the equivalent cost of imported crude. The resultant increase in the price of heavy crude is estimated to provide an increase in annual revenue to the Canadian producing industry in 2013 of US $2 billion to US $3.9 billion.”

Just like the MW discussion, you don't know SHIT about this subject, and it fucking shows.


The Illinois refineries can't handle Canadian tar sand oil. Yes, there are different grades and types of crude oil...

Illinois mostly handles oil from the N. Dakota Bakken oil fields via an existing pipeline.
Nope. Wrong. Another anatta lie.

The shale oil ain't going by train from Calgary to Houston. The small amount that does go by train goes from Calgary to Vancouver.

All KXL will do is create a highway for shale oil through the US to the Gulf where it will be sold to China at a markup.

So you are arguing that TransCanada should sell their Shale to China at a markup, instead of to us at a discount.

The only reason anyone would support that is because they are actively trying to work against the United States.

And we know you're already doing that since you employ every single Russian Active Measure that DHS warned us about.

These POS want the USA to look more like Russia.
Qaddafi's Libya was far from perfect, but far better then after our destruction (proximate)caused the decade long failed state there

I dont think Biden will improve Russian relations - he still says Russia is the prime threat -not China

How could China be a threat to Biden? They sent their virus to help get him elected.
How could China be a threat to Biden? They sent their virus to help get him elected.

No, but China has long been spreading a lot of money around to Biden and his ilk....and they demand to get what they pay for...the Chinese are nobodies chumps!
No, but China has long been spreading a lot of money around to Biden and his ilk....and they demand to get what they pay for...the Chinese are nobodies chumps!

Tell me their China virus didn't help Biden get elected...
Tell me their China virus didn't help Biden get elected...

That was not their intent but the D's are big believers in the Rahm Doctrine, and now the Chinese are as well...both have used the pandemic well to further their agenda.
Wrong, Canadian oil goes to Houston to be refined. It is worthless in its raw state.

So, you are dead flat wrong.

What is being moved to the west coast for overseas shipment is coal. China in particular needs more coal as it is their chief energy source.

Does that arsehole seriously believe that they are going to send tankers through the Panama Canal ffs?
That was not their intent but the D's are big believers in the Rahm Doctrine, and now the Chinese are as well...both have used the pandemic well to further their agenda.

Back on topic. Libs have long been criticizing the pipeline, not to mention fracking. The fracking "boom" here in PA. has reduced my gas bill by about 20%, but since the election, our gas (at the pumps) prices have risen .25 cents a gallon. Hi-test is over $3 a gallon now. Once Biden submits his "environmental plan," I'm sure they will continue to rise considerably. Is this in the best interest for Americans? I don't think so...
The decision came despite pleas to Biden from multiple Canadian government officials to give them time to make their case.

In an email to staff on Wednesday obtained by POLITICO, Keystone XL chief Richard Prior said the permit denial would force the company to cut more than 1,000 positions.

he wrote.

President Biden’s executive order will rob both American and Canadian workers of good-paying jobs,” Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso said in a statement Wednesday.

News that the order would land on the first day of Biden’s presidency surprised some analysts and Canada-U.S. experts, who expected the new administration to at least give the Canadians an audience

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, whose province was set to supply some of the fuel to the pipeline, told POLITICO he's already begun setting up virtual meetings and calls with congressional lawmakers and governors to plead his case for Keystone and assess the path forward. He said he's also looking to Trudeau to elevate the issue to Biden and tout the pipeline's environmental and economic benefits.

Well when you're president and BNSF says kill the keystone Pipeline and we'll make it worth your while if you have no integrity you kill the keystone Pipeline.
We are not getting that oil, it is for export, thinking the dumbass here is YOU.
Oh and gas prices are not down because of anything trump did, you can thank the SA's and their oil war with Russia for that, once that ends the prices will go up again.
And, why do you hate the US Oil and Gas industry, they need to raise prices if they expect to survive, hence why so few new wells are bing opened and why so many in the industry have been laid off.
Read more and talk less.

Killing the keystone Pipeline is only about getting money from the railroad. This is how big business operates they don't want competitors they don't want you to have an alternative. It doesn't matter whatever stooge is in office. You're getting the raw end of the deal. Just shut up and consume.

The sad thing about it is when there's a Democratic president in office you say "yes daddy."
Back on topic. Libs have long been criticizing the pipeline, not to mention fracking. The fracking "boom" here in PA. has reduced my gas bill by about 20%, but since the election, our gas (at the pumps) prices have risen .25 cents a gallon. Hi-test is over $3 a gallon now. Once Biden submits his "environmental plan," I'm sure they will continue to rise considerably. Is this in the best interest for Americans? I don't think so...

When a significant portion of those making the laws will tell you straight up that they dont think much of America, and through their actions demonstrate that they are trying to kill America, what did you expect to see?

"They dont care about YOU!"
When a significant portion of those making the laws will tell you straight up that they dont think much of America, and through their actions demonstrate that they are trying to kill America, what did you expect to see?

"They dont care about YOU!"

You get it kinda' but miss it. The key is it's not about party. It's about tribes. Then when you get that, it's about eating them, sadly you are incapable of understanding that, yet. You're close but lost, still.
You get it kinda' but miss it. The key is it's not about party. It's about tribes. Then when you get that, it's about eating them, sadly you are incapable of understanding that, yet. You're close but lost, still.

Its about the longstanding opinion of many on the radical left that America is such a sinner that it can not be reformed, that the only solution is to kill it so that something else can take its place.