BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

You're not seriously asking that, are you?

Yes, most rapes are not reported, and this one is not an exception. Victims have a choice.

There are many reasons this one might not be reported.
Who'd Joke plagiarize that story from...? :thinking:
You clearly do not know the meaning of plagiarism. Let me help you understand:

pla·gia·rism /ˈplājəˌrizəm/
the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Every lie you tell reveals you to be a liar, Chief. Since you posted that at 2349 last night will you just blame the alcohol? Your meds?

That said, Biden used a single source for the story without ever talking to the source AFAIK. That's stupid since such things often blow up in one's face. Not a lie and certainly not plagiarism but politically stupid to report something not factually confirmed.
Three days after the Supreme Court ruling, Dr Caitlin Bernard, an obstetrician-gynecologist in Indiana, received a call from a colleague in Ohio seeking help for their 10-year-old patient. She was six weeks pregnant.

“She is not alone,” Dr Bernard toldThe Independent.
So all rapes are reported to the police and prosecuted? Bill shit! You know better!
Rapes of a 10 year old that result in pregnancies are prosecuted. And Ohio allows abortions for rape and incest so this story doesn't sound true anyway. Plus the abortionist would lose his license for not reporting it. He is obligated by law to report it.
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Is that the response you use every time you got nothing? Its easier than admitting, it I guess.

Yes, it is. Notice how certain personalities quickly run out of intellectual ammunition and resort to single emoji replies.

ExLa, like Truth Detector, Grokmaster, TDAK and the rest, fits the standard JPP RWNJ demographic of being an elderly, angry, bitter, impotent Euro-American male whining as time pushes him closer to death.

It's difficult to determine how people will react to stressful conditions. With people like ExLa, JPP members have a ringside seat to see who someone who claims they are tough and smart are really weak and stupid.

As for the story, I think it was stupid to use it without verification even though it was reported by a doctor. Indiana is looking into it:
Dozens of Snopes readers searched our site or contacted us wondering whether that had actually happened. To find out, we reached out to Dr. Caitlin Bernard, an obstetrician-gynecologist based in Indianapolis and who spoke to The Columbus Dispatch, about the headline-generating story. As of this writing, Bernard had not returned our request for an interview, and we had not been able to independently corroborate the abortion claim. If we receive additional information, will update this post.

Speaking to the Ohio newspaper, Bernard said she was contacted by a colleague in Ohio, a doctor who treats child-abuse victims, for help three days after the high court’s Roe decision. The doctor told Bernard, according to her retelling, that a 10-year-old patient was six weeks pregnant, needed an abortion, and was unable to terminate the pregnancy in Ohio due to the state’s post-Roe law.

According to the Dispatch, the child was able to travel to Indiana, and Bernard carried out the procedure under the state’s laws on abortion at the time.
Yes, it is. Notice how certain personalities quickly run out of intellectual ammunition and resort to single emoji replies.

ExLa, like Truth Detector, Grokmaster, TDAK and the rest, fits the standard JPP RWNJ demographic of being an elderly, angry, bitter, impotent Euro-American male whining as time pushes him closer to death.

It's difficult to determine how people will react to stressful conditions. With people like ExLa, JPP members have a ringside seat to see who someone who claims they are tough and smart are really weak and stupid.

As for the story, I think it was stupid to use it without verification even though it was reported by a doctor. Indiana is looking into it:

If they are going to lie about it, at least make it credible.
Yes, most rapes are not reported, and this one is not an exception. Victims have a choice.

There are many reasons this one might not be reported.
So what you're saying is that the rape and impregnation of a 10-year-old would not be reported by authorities?
It wouldn't be reported if it didn't happen that would be true...
If they are going to lie about it, at least make it credible.
Biden didn't lie per se, but using a single-source story as a matter of fact is politically risky and, therefore, stupid.

If the doctor lied, then it will blow up in her face.
I know. If the doctor lied, why not make it more credible?

It's possible. Age of menstruation (menarche) has been decreasing in the modern world as nutrition and healthcare has increased. While 10 years old would be on the low side of the curve, as shown below, it's not beyond limits. Regardless, if it happened, it's a crime and the pedophile who raped her needs to be brought to justice.
The median age at menarche decreased from 1995 (12.1) to 2013–2017
(11.9). The cumulative probability of menarche at young ages was higher in
2013–2017 compared with 1995. Differences in age at menarche exist by Hispanic
origin and race, mother’s education, and living arrangement at age 14. A decreasing
linear trend in the probability of age at first sexual intercourse by age at menarche was

...Some explanations
for early onset of menarche include
genetics and body fat (via production of
leptin), while others may be related to
environmental factors that may impact
reproductive hormones, such as growing
up in a father-absent home, stepfather
presence, and family conflict (
It's possible. Age of menstruation (menarche) has been decreasing in the modern world as nutrition and healthcare has increased. While 10 years old would be on the low side of the curve, as shown below, it's not beyond limits. Regardless, if it happened, it's a crime and the pedophile who raped her needs to be brought to justice.

Which lends credibility to it IMHO.
Which lends credibility to it IMHO.

It's possible. If any mistake was made, it was made using the story without confirming its veracity. I know the doctor said it, but was she telling the truth? Exaggerating? Fabricating?

Where is the girl and who is the rapist?