BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

It's possible. If any mistake was made, it was made using the story without confirming its veracity. I know the doctor said it, but was she telling the truth? Exaggerating? Fabricating?

Where is the girl and who is the rapist?

Maybe the rapist has not been found? And it's understandable that her identification would be hidden.
So what you're saying is that the rape and impregnation of a 10-year-old would not be reported by authorities?
It wouldn't be reported if it didn't happen that would be true...

It might be reported, but more likely it wouldn't be, Happens all the time.
Lest you trolls forget or ignore, consider the following details versus your gutter lies:

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he
became our president.

Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country so far:

• Biden signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that passed with 13
Republicans who voted with the Democrats in favor of the bill.

This package increases investment in roads and bridges, renovates ports and public transportation, expands broadband access and replaces every lead pipe in the United States, among other initiatives. This bill brings jobs, jobs and more jobs, and it begins to rebuild our long-neglected infrastructure.

• Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in March 2021 that included up to
$1,400 per person to financially struggling Americans, extended unemployment support
and provided billions of dollars to help schools, colleges and universities reopen.

• Biden put in place a $20 billion vaccination program to fight COVID. While 1% of the U.S.
population was vaccinated when Biden came into office, 74% of Americans – 249 million
Americans – have received at least one vaccine dose.

• Biden expanded access to affordable health care for five million Americans.

• Under Joe Biden, unemployment dropped to 3.9%; under Donald Trump, unemployment was 6.3%.

• 6,000,000 jobs have been created already.

• Jobless claims are the lowest since 1969.

• The United States under Joe Biden is no longer denying science, but is once again a respected global leader in world affairs. We are doing our part to champion the health of our planet.

Biden has earned the respect of our European allies and he is coordinating a measured
response to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive war on Ukraine while avoiding World War III. Best to you, Joe Biden! Thank you for your service.

Margaret S Beekman
Freehold Township"


It might be reported, but more likely it wouldn't be, Happens all the time.
This one was would have to be reported...Are you saying child abuse is not reported ...all the time? Every person involved is breaking the law by not reporting it.... isn't that correct?
Maybe the rapist has not been found? And it's understandable that her identification would be hidden.

Yet a crime is a crime. Understand about protecting the victim but the rapist has no such protection. Additionally, the DNA from the abortion is evidence of the rapist.

I see, so if it's required by law, it clearly happened.

Also, I doubt it's required by law. I think you are lying, per usual.
There is no evidence that this actually happened, btw....In Ohio, It would have to be reported.
There's NOTHING...
This one was would have to be reported...Are you saying child abuse is not reported ...all the time? Every person involved is breaking the law by not reporting it.... isn't that correct?

I doubt a Doctor is required by law to report it, in fact I suspect a doctor is prohibited from reporting it against the patients wishes.

Secondly... Required by law does not mean it happened.

A rapist is required by law not to rape.
I doubt a Doctor is required by law to report it, in fact I suspect a doctor is prohibited from reporting it against the patients wishes.

Secondly... Required by law does not mean it happened.

A rapist is required by law not to rape.
In this case I guess you can't report something that didn't happen...(But... You do realize that "story" this was about a minor who was supposedly raped and...correct?
It's against the law not to report it on Ohio.. are the laws different where you "practice"?)
Lest you trolls forget or ignore, consider the following details versus your gutter lies:

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he
became our president.

Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country so far:

• Biden signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that passed with 13
Republicans who voted with the Democrats in favor of the bill.

This package increases investment in roads and bridges, renovates ports and public transportation, expands broadband access and replaces every lead pipe in the United States, among other initiatives. This bill brings jobs, jobs and more jobs, and it begins to rebuild our long-neglected infrastructure.

• Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in March 2021 that included up to
$1,400 per person to financially struggling Americans, extended unemployment support
and provided billions of dollars to help schools, colleges and universities reopen.

• Biden put in place a $20 billion vaccination program to fight COVID. While 1% of the U.S.
population was vaccinated when Biden came into office, 74% of Americans – 249 million
Americans – have received at least one vaccine dose.

• Biden expanded access to affordable health care for five million Americans.

• Under Joe Biden, unemployment dropped to 3.9%; under Donald Trump, unemployment was 6.3%.

• 6,000,000 jobs have been created already.

• Jobless claims are the lowest since 1969.

• The United States under Joe Biden is no longer denying science, but is once again a respected global leader in world affairs. We are doing our part to champion the health of our planet.

Biden has earned the respect of our European allies and he is coordinating a measured
response to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive war on Ukraine while avoiding World War III. Best to you, Joe Biden! Thank you for your service.

Margaret S Beekman
Freehold Township"

So Biden's accomplishment is spending a lot of the people's money causing inflation to skyrocket and sending the US economy into a death spiral? Great job.

Trump gave Biden the vaccine and we have still seen more Covid related deaths under Biden than under Trump.

Unemployment? Trump had record low unemployment until the Democrats shut down the economy, Biden hasnt created a single new job, those are jobs that already existed prior to the artificial economic shut down and have come back after blue cities and states reopened you literal fucking retard.

Biden ended US energy independence and is now selling our Strategic Petroleum Reserves to India and China the two largest polluters on the planet. Ending the US status as a net energy exporter also had the side effect of funneling $billions into the Russian economy that was on the brink of collapse under Trump and what is allowed Russia the capacity to invade the Ukraine in the first place you dumb fuck. Our NATO "allies" are laughing at us as we funnel $billions that we don't have to the Ukraine they continue to fund the Russian war machineby purchasing their oil and gas.
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I doubt a Doctor is required by law to report it, in fact I suspect a doctor is prohibited from reporting it against the patients wishes.

Secondly... Required by law does not mean it happened.

A rapist is required by law not to rape.

You think a doctor is barred by law from reporting child rape? You're literally fucking retarded.
How do we know it wasn't reported?

Because the Ohio AG says there is no report you dumb fuck, this entire story came from one planned parenthood baby killing Doctor who wouldn't even give the name of the child abuse counselor who he says told him the story.
Because the Ohio AG says there is no report you dumb fuck, this entire story came from one planned parenthood baby killing Doctor who wouldn't even give the name of the child abuse counselor who he says told him the story.

How the fuck would they know which one, fucktard?
Yes, most rapes are not reported, and this one is not an exception. Victims have a choice.

There are many reasons this one might not be reported.

There is no choice when it comes to doctors or child abuse counselors reporting the rape of a child you retarded fucking faggot.