BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

I see, so if it's required by law, it clearly happened.

Also, I doubt it's required by law. I think you are lying, per usual.
You aren't a very good lawyer then
Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.

Ohio Revised Code/Title 21 Courts-Probate-Juvenile/Chapter 2151 Juvenile Court

Effective:May 30, 2022Latest Legislation:House Bill 4 - 134th General Assembly PDF:Download Authenticated PDF
(A)(1)(a) No person described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age, or a person under twenty-one years of age with a developmental disability or physical impairment, has suffered or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the child shall fail to immediately report that knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect to the entity or persons specified in this division. Except as otherwise provided in this division or section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, the person making the report shall make it to the public children services agency or a peace officer in the county in which the child resides or in which the abuse or neglect is occurring or has occurred. If the person making the report is a peace officer, the officer shall make it to the public children services agency in the county in which the child resides or in which the abuse or neglect is occurring or has occurred. In the circumstances described in section 5120.173 of the Revised Code, the person making the report shall make it to the entity specified in that section.

(b) Division (A)(1)(a) of this section applies to any person who is an attorney; health care professional; practitioner of a limited branch of medicine as specified in section 4731.15 of the Revised Code; licensed school psychologist; independent marriage and family therapist or marriage and family therapist; coroner; administrator or employee of a child day-care center; administrator or employee of a residential camp, child day camp, or private, nonprofit therapeutic wilderness camp; administrator or employee of a certified child care agency or other public or private children services agency; school teacher; school employee; school authority; peace officer; humane society agent; dog warden, deputy dog warden, or other person appointed to act as an animal control officer for a municipal corporation or township in accordance with state law, an ordinance, or a resolution; person, other than a cleric, rendering spiritual treatment through prayer in accordance with the tenets of a well-recognized religion; employee of a county department of job and family services who is a professional and who works with children and families; superintendent or regional administrator employed by the department of youth services; superintendent, board member, or employee of a county board of developmental disabilities; investigative agent contracted with by a county board of developmental disabilities; employee of the department of developmental disabilities; employee of a facility or home that provides respite care in accordance with section 5123.171 of the Revised Code; employee of an entity that provides homemaker services; employee of a qualified organization as defined in section 2151.90 of the Revised Code; a host family as defined in section 2151.90 of the Revised Code; foster caregiver; a person performing the duties of an assessor pursuant to Chapter 3107. or 5103. of the Revised Code; third party employed by a public children services agency to assist in providing child or family related services; court appointed special advocate; or guardian ad litem.
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How the fuck would they know which one, fucktard?

Because they claimed the child was exactly 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant when she tried to get the abortion so we know the approximate dates of when the rape would have been reported not to mention that there aren't a lot of cases of ten year old rape victims being reported by doctors, it wouldn't be hard to narrow it down.

Or are you saying that the supposed child abuse doctor didn't give their name to the planned parenthood doctor?
Because they claimed the child was exactly 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant when she tried to get the abortion so we know the approximate dates of when the rape would have been reported not to mention that there aren't a lot of cases of ten year old rape victims being reported by doctors, it wouldn't be hard to narrow it down.

Or are you saying that the supposed child abuse doctor didn't give their name to the planned parenthood doctor?

PP doesn't do abortions. Anyway the clinics are not required to report abortions. That'll change soon though.

I am sure there are multiple reports of sexual abuse/rape during that time frame. However it was not known she was pregnant. So...

Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.
Ohio Revised Code/Title 21 Courts-Probate-Juvenile/Chapter 2151 Juvenile Court

(A)(1)(a) No person described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age, or a person under twenty-one years of age with a developmental disability or physical impairment, has suffered or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the child shall fail to immediately report that knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect to the entity or persons specified in this division.
It says "Many states..." That implies not all.

All states require that persons named by statute (eg parents, physicians, teachers, etc) who suspect child abuse report the case to the particular social welfare agency charged with protecting children.

https://journalofethics.ama-assn.or...rsons,agency charged with protecting children

Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.
Ohio Revised Code/Title 21 Courts-Probate-Juvenile/Chapter 2151 Juvenile Court

(A)(1)(a) No person described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age, or a person under twenty-one years of age with a developmental disability or physical impairment, has suffered or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the child shall fail to immediately report that knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect to the entity or persons specified in this division.
I think pedo joe was fantasizing again. As the youtube vids prove, he has this thing for 10 year old girls.

It'e really quite stunning how stupid and dishonest ALL Democrats seem to be these days. And the media who have given up all credibility and real journalism are a massive disappointment.

Watched Jessie Waters last night interviewing the AG of Ohio. They have ZERO record of any charges of rape, any requests for an investigation and the dumb bitch abortionist who made the claim has disappeared from public view.

As I have always said, everything Democrats have accused Trump of being, they are.
Lest you trolls forget or ignore, consider the following details versus your gutter lies:

President Biden has many accomplishments in office

Thank goodness Joe Biden has been at the helm during this terribly difficult time since he
became our president.

Despite some bad press, he inherited a broken economy with the daily death toll from the global pandemic at an all-time high. Here are just a few examples of what he has done for our country so far:

• Biden signed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package that passed with 13
Republicans who voted with the Democrats in favor of the bill.

This package increases investment in roads and bridges, renovates ports and public transportation, expands broadband access and replaces every lead pipe in the United States, among other initiatives. This bill brings jobs, jobs and more jobs, and it begins to rebuild our long-neglected infrastructure.

• Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in March 2021 that included up to
$1,400 per person to financially struggling Americans, extended unemployment support
and provided billions of dollars to help schools, colleges and universities reopen.

• Biden put in place a $20 billion vaccination program to fight COVID. While 1% of the U.S.
population was vaccinated when Biden came into office, 74% of Americans – 249 million
Americans – have received at least one vaccine dose.

• Biden expanded access to affordable health care for five million Americans.

• Under Joe Biden, unemployment dropped to 3.9%; under Donald Trump, unemployment was 6.3%.

• 6,000,000 jobs have been created already.

• Jobless claims are the lowest since 1969.

• The United States under Joe Biden is no longer denying science, but is once again a respected global leader in world affairs. We are doing our part to champion the health of our planet.

Biden has earned the respect of our European allies and he is coordinating a measured
response to Vladimir Putin’s aggressive war on Ukraine while avoiding World War III. Best to you, Joe Biden! Thank you for your service.

Margaret S Beekman
Freehold Township"


Additionally, reported rapes are often kept confidential. Out of respect for the victim, and because they are open investigations.
Why do we have to report this to the police when the police was fucking there?

Ohio law enforcement says no such reports of a child rape have been reported or filed. The Ohio AG says that he is unaware of this crime and there are no reports about it.

In other words, it is a made up claim. Be less of a dumb, thread trolling moron.