BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

It clearly says "In-Clinic Abortion Procedures" I even put it in bold you illiterate cunt.

Yes in-clinic meaning it's a separate unit of the PP center. Guess what? *GASP!* Hospitals also have in-clinic serves, Rx and gift shops!!!! Oh my god the ENTIRE hospital is one big clinic and a gift shop! :rofl2:

Then what did you mean by "after over 6 weeks"? Please elaborate, we'll wait.

Sighs. YOU made the claim that the parents didn't report the rape for 6 weeks. So think about this... The doctor asks the parents if it has been reported and asks for proof and the parents goes, "Uh no". What do you think would happen?
That's it? Because you say so? Okay this matter is settled!

Because the Ohio AG and Ohio police say so dumbass. Those are the FACTS asshole. Why troll this thread with bullshit and then whine when you get called on it?

I get it. You feel compelled to defend Biden because you were moronic enough to vote for him. But facts are facts regardless of how hard you pound your tiny, insignificant little fists on the table.

Biden used a FAKE story in a press conference to bloviate about the Supreme Court in a desperate campaign effort to salvage what little is left of his presidency. That is unconscionable for a world leader to do. It's dishonest. Now do the world a favor and kill yourself. No one will care.
Because the Ohio AG and Ohio police say so dumbass. Those are the FACTS asshole. Why troll this thread with bullshit and then whine when you get called on it?

I get it. You feel compelled to defend Biden because you were moronic enough to vote for him. But facts are facts regardless of how hard you pound your tiny, insignificant little fists on the table.

Biden used a FAKE story in a press conference to bloviate about the Supreme Court in a desperate campaign effort to salvage what little is left of his presidency. That is unconscionable for a world leader to do. It's dishonest. Now do the world a favor and kill yourself. No one will care.

I do not defend Biden, dumbass. You should direct your incoherent rage at the doctor.
Yes in-clinic meaning it's a separate unit of the PP center. Guess what? *GASP!* Hospitals also have in-clinic serves, Rx and gift shops!!!! Oh my god the ENTIRE hospital is one big clinic and a gift shop! :rofl2:

So a separate unit of the planned parenthood clinic performs the abortions? You do understand it's still a unit of the PLANNED PARENTHOOD clinic you dumb cunt.

Planned Parenthood performs appx. 350,000 abortions annually which is roughly 40% of all abortions in the United States, what unit of the Planned Parenthood clinic they are performed in does nothing to change the fact that they are being performed by Planned Parenthood you fucking retard.

Sighs. YOU made the claim that the parents didn't report the rape for 6 weeks. So think about this... The doctor asks the parents if it has been reported and asks for proof and the parents goes, "Uh no". What do you think would happen?

I didn't say anything about the parents, if a pregnant 10 year old comes into an abortion clinic or to a Child Abuse Counselor then the Doctor is mandated by law to report the child rape to authorities. You make no sense whatsoever.
After all, the steaming pile of pig shit TDAK is the one that we're going to believe, right?

You sad, pathetic caricature of ignorance and stupidity, it isn't TDAK's story asswhipe, it's a media story.

You should kill yourself. You're nothing more than a repugnant, low IQ, race hustling moron on steroids. . No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up.