BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

Why is this guy spamming this thread with memes and same gifs over and over and over again?

Damocles, will you do something about this guy?
So the doctor fabricated it for the lulz, risking her career? :palm:

The shrill abortion advocate FABRICATED the story for partisan reasons dumbass. The evidence that there IS no ten your old rape victim is OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain. The evidence that the doctor also lied about Ohio's abortion laws is also easily verified.

Yet here you are, flapping your jaws without engaging that tiny brain like a dumbfuck with nothing more than your moronic opinions about shit.

Be less of a dumbass if that's even possible.
Yes in-clinic meaning it's a separate unit of the PP center. Guess what? *GASP!* Hospitals also have in-clinic serves, Rx and gift shops!!!! Oh my god the ENTIRE hospital is one big clinic and a gift shop! :rofl2:

Sighs. YOU made the claim that the parents didn't report the rape for 6 weeks. So think about this... The doctor asks the parents if it has been reported and asks for proof and the parents goes, "Uh no". What do you think would happen?

So a separate unit of the planned parenthood clinic performs the abortions? You do understand it's still a unit of the PLANNED PARENTHOOD clinic you dumb cunt.

Planned Parenthood performs appx. 350,000 abortions annually which is roughly 40% of all abortions in the United States, what unit of the Planned Parenthood clinic they are performed in does nothing to change the fact that they are being performed by Planned Parenthood you fucking retard.

One more time. Maybe this one will finally get a large rusty nail through your head. How can it be "Planned Parenthood" if they perform abortions? :rofl2:

I didn't say anything about the parents, if a pregnant 10 year old comes into an abortion clinic or to a Child Abuse Counselor then the Doctor is mandated by law to report the child rape to authorities. You make no sense whatsoever.

So they have to make the report TWICE?
The shrill abortion advocate FABRICATED the story for partisan reasons dumbass. The evidence that there IS no ten your old rape victim is OBVIOUS to anyone with half a brain. The evidence that the doctor also lied about Ohio's abortion laws is also easily verified.

Yet here you are, flapping your jaws without engaging that tiny brain like a dumbfuck with nothing more than your moronic opinions about shit.

Be less of a dumbass if that's even possible.

Proof that she's an "abortion advocate"?
Brandon's life is mostly fictional. He tells a story, folks find out it is a lie, the Democrats don't care, rinse and repeat.
To those who are screeching incoherently and having an explosive diarrhea, I am aware that it's a crazy story. I can agree with that.
Bullshit Blob and TDAK are nothing more or less than typical, average, devolved trumpanzees. There are 74+ million of them, and to this point, no meaningful government effort to fully eradicate them.
It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to see why America is swirling down history's toilet drain. To this point, the trip seems very much deserved.
Yes in-clinic meaning it's a separate unit of the PP center. Guess what? *GASP!* Hospitals also have in-clinic serves, Rx and gift shops!!!! Oh my god the ENTIRE hospital is one big clinic and a gift shop! :rofl2:

Sighs. YOU made the claim that the parents didn't report the rape for 6 weeks. So think about this... The doctor asks the parents if it has been reported and asks for proof and the parents goes, "Uh no". What do you think would happen?
Dumbass the abortion clinics are still part of Planned Parenthood. Planned parenthood has killed more black human beings than the KKK ever dreamed of.

PPFA is the largest single provider of reproductive health services, including abortion, in the U.S.[11] In their 2014 Annual Report, PPFA reported seeing over 2.5 million patients in over 4 million clinical visits and performing a total of nearly 9.5 million discrete services including 324,000 abortions.[14] Its combined annual revenue is US$1.3 billion, including approximately $530 million in government funding such as Medicaid reimbursements.[3][13] Throughout its history, PPFA and its member clinics have experienced support, controversy, protests,[15] and violent attacks.
Yes, you do, you lying shrill dumbass on steroids. You're doing it here right now. Re-read the topic dumbass. :palm:

You should stop making shit up like a dishonest lying sociopathic mental case. :palm:

Boy you are a dumbass. Biden was told a story and repeated it. If it turns out to be false, they would have apologized and charged the doctor for fabricating the store and fire her.

Stop being retarded.
The doctor is a "pro-abortion" activist? Link please.

She's an abortion doctor dumbass. She is active in promoting abortions. It's her business. That makes her an activist. She FABRICATED a story to support her radical views about abortions.

Now run along. It's apparent you have no facts and just want to troll the thread with your inane stupidity.
She's an abortion doctor dumbass. She is active in promoting abortions. It's her business. That makes her an activist. She FABRICATED a story to support her radical views about abortions.

Now run along. It's apparent you have no facts and just want to troll the thread with your inane stupidity.

So no proof she's an activist? That's what I thought.

Wow. This link below will have your computer download a pdf (OhioProtocolforSexualAssaultForesnicandMedicalExamination.pdf) which will inform you of the protocol and the fact that doctors are obligated to report even suspected child sexual assault, let alone one where the patient says they were raped.

Please stop pretending to be ignorant. This isn't a court of law and your stupid act just makes everyone dismissive of the intelligence of any lawyers. How can a person with an MS equivalent be that stupid? Well, they pretend that the other person needs to "prove" something in a conversation. This isn't court, and you aren't this stupid.