Biden may be losing even Democrat support as classified documents scandal worsens

Pressure is continuing to build on President Biden and his administration as some Senate Democrats are now saying they support a full investigation into his mishandling of the classified documents found at his home and former office disclosed earlier this month.

"The reports about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. These allegations should be investigated fully," Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Fox News Digital on Friday.

Fox also spoke with Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., who echoed Manchin's concern.

"This news raises serious questions and the appointment of an unbiased special prosecutor to investigate the matter is the right step," Kaine said.

Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel, former U.S. attorney Robert Hur, to investigate the now-president's mishandling of documents from his time as vice president....

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are the first father son duo to have two separate prosecutors investigating them while one serves as pResident. The Dems are starting to jump off Biden's sinking ship. Which will sink Joe Biden first Joe's Classified document mess or Joe's political corruption mess?

Manchin and Kaine are showing some integrity.

The rest of the far left Democratic Socialists...not so much.
Biden's lawyers sifted through the documents before the J/D.

What did they remove that incriminated Joe and Cocaine Hunter?
The apology wasn't ironic.

Good catch. Thanks!

Probably. Or just being a prick. Not sure which it was.

High school junior, home schooled?

Work on that high school grammar, sonny.


Oh, I forgot, shove your apologies.
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They even found Classified documents from they time Slow Joe was a US Senator. What the hell? Those documents should only be viewed in a SCIF. Did he smuggle them out in his tighty whities? And where were they? Were they in Jill's pantie drawer and the lawyers didn't search the drawer. Were they mixed with Joe's kiddy porn and the lawyer didn't look? Were they under Biden's Corvette catching oil drips? Why were they missed when Biden's lawyer's assured us that they got all of the classified documents before the FBI search. And how many classified documents are checked out to Slow Joe but not returned to the national archive. And why didn't the National Archive demand Slow Joe return them. So much for Slow Joe's claim that he takes Classified documents seriously. How could he have been so irresponsible. And are they sure Hunter didn't sell some to the Chinese?
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They even found Classified documents from they time Slow Joe from the time when he was a US Senator. What the hell? Those documents should only be viewed in a SCIF. Did he smuggle them out in his tightly whities? And where were they? Were they in Jill's pantie drawer and the lawyers didn't search the drawer. Were they mixed with Joe's kiddy porn? Were they under Biden's Corvette catching oil drips? Why were they missed when Biden's lawyer's assured us that they got all of the classified documents before the FBI search. And how many classified documents are checked out to Slow Joe but not returned to the national archive. So much for Slow Joe's claim that he takes Classified documents seriously. How could he have been so irresponsible.


Biden is on video saying "how could he have been so irresponsible" and FOX has aired it dozens of times with no response from Slow Joe other than "there is no there there" or "I have no regrets."

He may regret the no regrets remark and there appears to be quite a bit of "there" there.
The slow drip of finding documents is harming Joe's position and helping the ex-thief in chief. It has always been shown that meeting a problem head-on is how to remove it from public discourse. This is getting ugly. It is not worse, in the sense that the documents were not being used for nefarious purposes like Trump's were. But the public is not liking the way this is going.