Biden may be losing even Democrat support as classified documents scandal worsens

The one where a president can declassify using only the power of his imagination? That should be interesting to see the court cases.
The President can declassify any document at will. The courts have nothing to say about it.
Even though he appears to have gone to a great deal of effort to hide them and/or keep them out of the hands of the Federal Government?
Trump was not hiding any documents.
Agreed. Biden should be investigated as well.
Biden should be prosecuted.
Is there any scenario in which the two could be differentiated? You know, in terms of overall cooperation? Assessment of mens rea, intent? That sort of thing?
What about the documents that are missing from Trump's holdings? Should that be a mitigating factor?
What 'documents missing'??????!?
DeSantis is so lucky that Trump came along. Sure they are no longer friends but without Trump someone as devoid of human decency would never have stood a chance at being President. Now it's almost a requirement for the GOP ticket!
So you consider treason and discarding the Constitution 'human decency'. Gotit.
I'm going to forgive your ignorance due to the fact you don't watch the real news. Trump granted Devin Nunes the right to release anything on Russia gate. That means Trump declassified anything that deals with Russia gate.

Trump was in negotiation with the National Archive. He had already allowed the government to have full access to the documents and they recommended that he put a lock on the room. Trump complied.


I'm pretty sure that does not come into effect with the laws concerning the mishandling of classified documents. Biden has classified documents strewn across 5 locations. Trump had them in one location that was guarded by the Secret Service.



You are crazy
Again. You are crazy.

Trump never had classified documents.
I just don't hyperventilate over this stuff like you do. It's a pretty minor story. If you REALLY cared about classified docs, you would have been all over it when it happened w/ Trump, too. But you weren't.

Between this & Baldwin, what an amazing week for you.

You are hyperventilating now. You know it's not a minor story. Ask me how I know.
The President can declassify any document at will. The courts have nothing to say about it.

Trump was not hiding any documents.

Biden should be prosecuted.


What 'documents missing'??????!?

So you consider treason and discarding the Constitution 'human decency'. Gotit.

Wow. I honestly didn't realize someone could type a fractally wrong comment, but this is a gem.
The coup by Democrats was successful (so far).

Pressure is continuing to build on President Biden and his administration as some Senate Democrats are now saying they support a full investigation into his mishandling of the classified documents found at his home and former office disclosed earlier this month.

"The reports about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. These allegations should be investigated fully," Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Fox News Digital on Friday.

Fox also spoke with Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., who echoed Manchin's concern.

"This news raises serious questions and the appointment of an unbiased special prosecutor to investigate the matter is the right step," Kaine said.

Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel, former U.S. attorney Robert Hur, to investigate the now-president's mishandling of documents from his time as vice president....

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are the first father son duo to have two separate prosecutors investigating them while one serves as pResident. The Dems are starting to jump off Biden's sinking ship. Which will sink Joe Biden first Joe's Classified document mess or Joe's political corruption mess?

Much ado about nothing. A right wing Red Herring
Pressure is continuing to build on President Biden and his administration as some Senate Democrats are now saying they support a full investigation into his mishandling of the classified documents found at his home and former office disclosed earlier this month.

"The reports about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents are extremely irresponsible and disturbing. These allegations should be investigated fully," Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Fox News Digital on Friday.

Fox also spoke with Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., who echoed Manchin's concern.

"This news raises serious questions and the appointment of an unbiased special prosecutor to investigate the matter is the right step," Kaine said.

Last week, Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed a special counsel, former U.S. attorney Robert Hur, to investigate the now-president's mishandling of documents from his time as vice president....

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden are the first father son duo to have two separate prosecutors investigating them while one serves as pResident. The Dems are starting to jump off Biden's sinking ship. Which will sink Joe Biden first Joe's Classified document mess or Joe's political corruption mess?

It is already being investigated idiot

Is the Republican Party going to interfere in a ongoing DOJ investigation?